Packing blunts

It's been Jobs' biz model since the '84 Mac. "You're our
valued customer, are ya? Well, goody, and fuck you."
I can say this.... I've have Windows a long time ago... constantly got viruses. I've had this Mac since 2015, and it's never froze up on me, or got a virus. They have a very good firewall for apps that may potentially fuck up your comp.... and I appreciate that.
Oddly enough... Bill Gates and his cronies created Windows..... they got in some financial trouble, and created a virus. Then they "invent" a download to prevent viruses at a price. Financial crisis averted.
You shot vids of Cal W.? Nah, that was the before times.
I remember when Johnny Carson used to have him on, etc.

After a month of cure, it's very smooth. Hints of berry for sure. Both have a very good nose, and will stink up your house after burping a few 1 gallon containers. Future Island is a goofy head high, good for conversation. DankBerry is a good body stone.. good for watching Adult Swim..
BTW, i realize you're not in the biz now, but if you were would it be legal to ship out of state?
Our dispo here sorely needs some decent product.
Damn. I used to empty and pack a Garcia Vega 20 years ago.

Thank you for this. I will be doing it again tomorrow for nostalgia sake.
Well, it was xerox created windows and which was how Gates beat Jobs in
the winders patent infringement lawsuit, back ...when was that, 90s sometime?
Ancient history.
You shot vids of Cal W.? Nah, that was the before times.
I remember when Johnny Carson used to have him on, etc.

BTW, i realize you're not in the biz now, but if you were would it be legal to ship out of state?
Our dispo here sorely needs some decent product.
I wish.... too risky.
It really sucks when out of State Dispos' need good product, and will pay a great price, but here on my turf, they aint paying nothing.... even if you got fire.
It really sucks when out of State Dispos' need good product, and will pay a great price, but here on my turf, they aint paying nothing.
Ahh, i asked the budtender at my store and he said you can't even bring it across the border from one legal state to the other. Illegal.
I've been using the dispo gag and puke no-high stuff for 5 years now, and really super disappointed in 99% of it. Pitiful, ain't it? :(
Ahh, i asked the budtender at my store and he said you can't even bring it across the border from one legal state to the other. Illegal.
True... until they lift it Federally. Everybody that's tried my stock had said that it's the best weed they've ever had. Wished I could share that outside of my home State. Its true Craft weed.. and people around here just want $50 zips... trash. I can make trash all day long, but its not worth it.
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Since I joined RIU i've learned a lot here. I read years ago about the extinction of
the older, high quality stuff we had back in the pre-1980s, and how it's being
made extinct by hybrids and clones. My store has a zillion different names of
stuff. And of course it's so dried out, and de-triched by the time it's retailed that
it's no-high, and chokes you out. I mean sure, we smoked the old Mex dirt weed,
and the paraquat-soaked stuff back in the 70s. But there was also some damn
good stuff, red eye stuff back in those days too. And even the skunk of the '80s
was damn good too. I really thot legalization would bring super high quality, but
it's the opposite, really a bummah.
Since I joined RIU i've learned a lot here. I read years ago about the extinction of
the older, high quality stuff we had back in the pre-1980s, and how it's being
made extinct by hybrids and clones. My store has a zillion different names of
stuff. And of course it's so dried out, and de-triched by the time it's retailed that
it's no-high, and chokes you out. I mean sure, we smoked the old Mex dirt weed,
and the paraquat-soaked stuff back in the 70s. But there was also some damn
good stuff, red eye stuff back in those days too. And even the skunk of the '80s
was damn good too. I really thot legalization would bring super high quality, but
it's the opposite, really a bummah.
I feel ya man.... we've always tried to make a quality product. We are very strict on sanitation, dry conditions, cure conditions... its like a fine wine. We never rushed anything. When it was ready after the cure, it was ready. Most just dried and sold. We never did that. We did a 10-14 day dry, and a minimum of 3 weeks cure before we let anything on the market. We priced every strain on the lab results, and personal testing. If it didn't light us up, we lowered the price, but if it was super fire, we'd raise it. The longer it cured, the better the nose got, and that would drive the price up even more. This last grind earlier today was a prime example of our craft. Its super terpy, sticky and will knock you on your ass. Today's grind was a month cure.... super smooth and flavorful.... and it's really worth the time to get that quality product.
0-14 day dry, and a minimum of 3 weeks cure before we let anything on the market. We priced every strain on the lab results, and personal testing.
You'd think that the stores could somehow set up some kind of premium deal or something
for higher quality, sourced product. But corporatization, guvment and the rest all get in the way
of it happening. I'm paying oh, latest prices today were like 25 and 35 an 8th. Hell, I'd easily
double that for good quality that would soothe your mind instead of choking your brains out.

I saw pix you posted last month of your grow room, too impressive to be real man. You are
one fastidious person. Thing is from what I see in RIU, you ain't the only one. And shoot man,
Fadedawg, and others here, amazing group here, just amazing. And while I never really grew
(oh i kinda tried once or twice) i'm fully aware of what it takes, not to mention the past criminal
issues (for which I paid a price at one time).
You'd think that the stores could somehow set up some kind of premium deal or something
for higher quality, sourced product. But corporatization, guvment and the rest all get in the way
of it happening. I'm paying oh, latest prices today were like 25 and 35 an 8th. Hell, I'd easily
double that for good quality that would soothe your mind instead of choking your brains out.

I saw pix you posted last month of your grow room, too impressive to be real man. You are
one fastidious person. Thing is from what I see in RIU, you ain't the only one. And shoot man,
Fadedawg, and others here, amazing group here, just amazing. And while I never really grew
(oh i kinda tried once or twice) i'm fully aware of what it takes, not to mention the past criminal
issues (for which I paid a price at one time).
Thank you.. I appreciate that, and yeah ... there are many growers on here worthy of your Dispo. Too bad the Intrastate deal is holding up getting good quality to those who need it.
I can say this.... I've have Windows a long time ago... constantly got viruses. I've had this Mac since 2015, and it's never froze up on me, or got a virus. They have a very good firewall for apps that may potentially fuck up your comp.... and I appreciate that.

Apple doesn't have viruses/malware because of the underlying open source software that it is built on, BSD. Opensource software they do not contribute to. They way Apple operates completely removes your freedoms.

Oddly enough... Bill Gates and his cronies created Windows..... they got in some financial trouble, and created a virus. Then they "invent" a download to prevent viruses at a price. Financial crisis averted.

If that is the case then why have Microsoft never marketed a commercially available virus scanner? They give it away for free.
I've never heard that wine is carcinogenic. It's pretty healthy besides the alcohol content.

Wine contains alcohol.

"Alcohol use is one of the most important preventable risk factors for cancer, along with tobacco use and excess body weight. Alcohol use accounts for about 6% of all cancers and 4% of all cancer deaths in the United States. Yet many people don’t know about the link between alcohol use and cancer."

Apple doesn't have viruses/malware because of the underlying open source software that it is built on, BSD. Opensource software they do not contribute to. They way Apple operates completely removes your freedoms.

If that is the case then why have Microsoft never marketed a commercially available virus scanner? They give it away for free.

That's a common misconception. The reason that you don't hear more about Apple and Viruses/malware is because they have such a small market share in the computing world compared to Microsoft. Nefarious operators target Microsoft because it's 76% of the market share.

"Another thing to note is that the M1 Chip that Apple started using in Macs in November 2020 is considered more secure than Intel processors. However, malware has already been found on the M1 Mac, dubbed Silver Sparrow we have more information below."

That's a common misconception. The reason that you don't hear more about Apple and Viruses/malware is because they have such a small market share in the computing world compared to Microsoft. Nefarious operators target Microsoft because it's 76% of the market share.

No it is because of how a UNIX based OS, in this case BSD, handles software packages. OSX has something like a 15% market share, that is something like 150,000,000 computers. On a non-enterprise Windows system the end user is encouraged to run as administrator and the way that Windows handles packages, you can randomly install anything you like from any source or more importantly a malicious piece of software can also. You can't do that on a UNIX based OS, so they don't bother.

I am running a custom Debian based OS, Linux Mint Vanessa with a Xanmod RT Kernel. If I install a program using the OS' default package manager it will have to come from a digitally signed repository or PPA, so a virus isn't coming from there. If I decide to install an app via Flatpak or AppImage, it will run in a sandboxed environment so it cannot affect the underlying OS, unless I physically tell it to. The only way a virus could get into my system is if I compiled the program from the source code or manually installed it via a *.DEB file. The same is true on OSX.

I haven't heard a confirmed study or case yet.

Myself and my Oncologist would disagree with you. I got smoking related cancer from smoking weed. It is a fact that burning any organic matter will produce tar and other carcinogens, if you then inhale them you stand a higher chance of developing cancer. You don't need a specific study into smoking weed as the results of regularly inhaling smoke from burning organic matter is well documented.
No it is because of how a UNIX based OS, in this case BSD, handles software packages. OSX has something like a 15% market share, that is something like 150,000,000 computers. On a non-enterprise Windows system the end user is encouraged to run as administrator and the way that Windows handles packages, you can randomly install anything you like from any source or more importantly a malicious piece of software can also. You can't do that on a UNIX based OS, so they don't bother.

I am running a custom Debian based OS, Linux Mint Vanessa with a Xanmod RT Kernel. If I install a program using the OS' default package manager it will have to come from a digitally signed repository or PPA, so a virus isn't coming from there. If I decide to install an app via Flatpak or AppImage, it will run in a sandboxed environment so it cannot affect the underlying OS, unless I physically tell it to. The only way a virus could get into my system is if I compiled the program from the source code or manually installed it via a *.DEB file. The same is true on OSX.

Myself and my Oncologist would disagree with you. I got smoking related cancer from smoking weed. It is a fact that burning any organic matter will produce tar and other carcinogens, if you then inhale them you stand a higher chance of developing cancer. You don't need a specific study into smoking weed as the results of regularly inhaling smoke from burning organic matter is well documented.

I understand completely the technology behind the different OS's. They are all vulnerable to exploitation. Linux has a small market share in the consumer market. It's not as if it can't be targeted. The consumer user base is just so much smaller than that of Microsoft. Bad actors are going to target the largest consumer platform which is Microsoft.

I've been in IT for decades having obtained my MCSE in Windows Server NT and Cisco CCNA decades ago. I've also used Linux for most of that time as well. Viruses and malware exist for virtually all computer platforms. Linux users are typically more computer savvy than a good portion of Windows users and don't open random files or follow suspicious links like many of the barely computer literate users on the Windows platform.

Most of the botnets that have caused problems over the years were spread across linux platforms.

Linux-Targeted Malware Increases by 35% in 2021: XorDDoS, Mirai and Mozi Most Prevalent