So I'm wondering.. I have a Cal and K deficiency because of overwatering and excess nitrogen.. what can I do about that??


Active Member
I probably should've said IF I have a Cal and K deficiency what exactly should I do. But I've just read add more of what your lacking to offset the excess of the other nutrient. Haven't done anything besides quit watering and try to assess the problem before it gets too bad


Active Member
The 2nd plant is actually doing better than she was doing. She's starting to uncurl and unclaw after going abojt 5 days without water but one pic it does have a darker watery looking spot I'm not sure what that is. The 1st plant is the one with the worse damage and as I said I haven't added any nutes. Just in compost, OF and HF with some perlite



Well-Known Member
The most common problem with new growers looks like its continued with this plant..

You are over watering, less is more..

Do not over compensate and make it worst..

Let them dry out some and water lightly when its time to feed feed lightly.

The #1 problem with new growers is they think you need to pound these plants with tons of water and nutrients, moderation is key.


Active Member
Appreciate it man. So just wait a while for it to dry out and it'll come out of nute lockout? I've just been reading so much different shit. I'm gonna get a tester at Lowes. I'm sure they're not the greatest but hopefully it'll be somewhat accurate


Well-Known Member
It wont just poof be healthy over night..

This is a fix step by step process..

First address the watering habits, this is very crutial.

You should not be flooding these pots or watering when they dont need it..

There are 2 ways you can do this.

By lifting pots and going based on dry weight to how much it weighs when its watered, this will tell you when to water..

You can also get a portable hygrometer and put it in the pot, watch the rh%, as it drops below 30% then water lightly..

When feeding, it's best to start with 1/2 the recommended doses.


Well-Known Member
Appreciate it man. So just wait a while for it to dry out and it'll come out of nute lockout? I've just been reading so much different shit. I'm gonna get a tester at Lowes. I'm sure they're not the greatest but hopefully it'll be somewhat accurate
Buying grow equipment at a home supply store? Hm.


Well-Known Member
Once you fix the watering habits, figure the feeding of the nutrients you are using, cut that by half, you will be fine..

You can go with a water then feed, schedule but I wouldnt over do anything while shes recovering, you could cause more harm then good.