Reuse Soil?


Well-Known Member
Hey I'm just asking.

OK I'm using Happy Frog and no problem getting it.

We're all for saving a dollar.

Can a person reuse their soil after a grow? What would a person want to add?

I was thinking if I did this just mix with Fresh Soil.
Hey I'm just asking.

OK I'm using Happy Frog and no problem getting it.

We're all for saving a dollar.

Can a person reuse their soil after a grow? What would a person want to add?

I was thinking if I did this just mix with Fresh Soil.
Yes u can look into no till organics folks use the same soil for decades with no issues long as its treated and amended right
You can reuse soil. I do it all the time. But should you? It depends. With all of the issues that you seem to be having it's probably best that you start with fresh soil for your grows until you get to a point that you're proficient in getting a plant from seed to harvest. In the meantime, don't discard your soil. Store the used soil for now until your ready to move on past just the basics.
Yes, 100% you can reuse soil. And, you should unless there is something wrong with the soil.

If you suspect that there may be something wrong or amiss you can send a sample of your soil in to get tested.
You can reuse soil. I do it all the time. But should you? It depends. With all of the issues that you seem to be having it's probably best that you start with fresh soil for your grows until you get to a point that you're proficient in getting a plant from seed to harvest. In the meantime, don't discard your soil. Store the used soil for now until your ready to move on past just the basics.
Agree 100$. I reuse mine at maybe 25-30% with new and the worm bin gets the rootball's, and used soil sitting around also gets run through the worm bin.
I personally take my indoor stuff and dump it into the outdoor garden beds.

I use mine as a mulch too. However this year we are going to use it for our potted fruit and veg. I am going to add some Fish, Blood and Bone. I am considering it for my weed too. This year the price of premixed soil has gone from £18 a grow to £40. Plus with the huge electric price increases, savings are going to have to happen somewhere.
I reuse my ocean forest. What I like to do is yank out big sections of roots, and large woody particles that I neglected to remove before. I flush it with plain water (mainly to rinse out any salt buildup. Once it dries, I mix in worm castings 1:1 + add dolomite lime. I’m ready to plant.
Right after the seedling stage, I start feeding. The soil is usually exhausted of nutrients, so it’s needed.
Happy frog has a high percentage of sphagnum moss, which will start to break down after a few uses, making it very acidic. A couple re-uses are OK, but after that, compost bin. I re-use my FFOF a few times before it goes in the compost bin, but I get FFOF at a great price.
Agree 100$. I reuse mine at maybe 25-30% with new and the worm bin gets the rootball's, and used soil sitting around also gets run through the worm bin.
This. Exactly this.

I have 4 or 5 totes, about 50 litres or 12 gallons each. After each harvest, I fill each to about 20% with the soil from my outdoor pots after harvest, and chuck in 100 or so earthworms. While I wait for next outdoor season, I throw in raw food scraps, banana peels, ground coffee, crushed egg shells, homemade garden compost, fresh foraged kelp, spent brewer's grain, horse shit, rabbit shit, chicken shit, black soldier fly frass, etc.

Basically anything organic that I can forage, or bum for free. I try to vary it a bit between tote containers, more shit in one, more kelp in another. And cardboard often as a top layer in all, pre-soaked for a day or two in 'stinky water' - dechlorinated water drum that I occasionally throw in a handful of manure, compost or leftover fertiliser teas.

No formal worm farm 'sticking to the rules', no separation or harvesting of castings.

The earthworms are happy, and reproduce, and recondition my soils between grows, supercharging it with microbes and macro and micro nutrients.

Two months before my next grow season, I mix all the containers into one heap so that they balance out, and add aeration amendments, and fill my pots.

I like to have the grow medium settled, so that the soil web has a chance to establish itself long before my plants go in.

Happy frog has a high percentage of sphagnum moss, which will start to break down after a few uses, making it very acidic.
Potash can help with the acidity, or activated charcoal ... but the charcoal needs to be 'innoculated' with nitrogen ... and even better if infused with microbes as well.

I typically add lime and water in Epsom throughout.
Lime would do much the same as potash to lower acidity ... but yes ... I add Epsom Salts as well.
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