Cloth vs plastic

Start in plastic solo cups, then switch to these:
Ye Olde #1 pot (1gal). What i like about these, and plastic pots specifically, is they are WAY easier to transplant out of, and the roots tend to ball-up and bind a bit quicker and better than in fabric pots.

I still prefer fabric for final/flowering, but the ol' trusty #1 pot is a great tool for your arsenal. My local hydro shop has em for like 70 cents each

*Edit: for autoflowers, skip this #1 pot. Go from solo cups (grow for 2-3 weeks) to final pot, or just sew seed in final pot.
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Yea makes sense right but nah it didn’t happen that way..
In my opinion, plastic pots are 10x simpler to transplant out of than fabric pots. I’ve experienced roots growing through the sides & bottom of fabric. Makes me just want to set the whole pot, inside another. Next time for shits & giggles I just might. With my luck, it will turn out fine lol
Start off in small pots like 4 inch square nursery or solo style cups. Then up pot to fabric bags. I screwed up and started in a tiny 6 pack tray, then up potted to 1 gallon square and then finally to 5 gallon bags. I'm lucky my ladies survived all that.