Examples of GOP Leadership

Looks like that senate majority will come in useful with the judiciary committee investigating the SCOTUS. Meanwhile I think the GOP house will descend into chaos as Trump goes down and his allies in congress become worried that they too will be ensnared in J6. Alito and Thomas need to answer questions under oath and be investigated by the senate judiciary committee, Thomas clearly broke federal law right on the fucking bench! Reform and oversight are required on the SCOTUS.

They even throw their own families under the bus for power, and we've seen it time again. If they don't give a fuck about their own family, what makes you think they give a fuck about you? Character counts and self-consistency is its hallmark, what does her sibling think about her stance, are they on speaking terms? How about family gatherings?

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They even throw their own families under the bus for power, and we've seen it time again. If they don't give a fuck about their own family, what makes you think they give a fuck about you? Character counts and self-consistency is its hallmark, what does her sibling think about her stance, are they on speaking terms? How about family gatherings?

he seems like a nice kid, and she seems like a nearly hysterical karen...bet family christmas will be great....
they don't have the backbone to stand up to trump...2024 will be 2022 on steroids, the republican party cannot win with trump, and they cannot find the courage to get rid of him.
the minute that man appears in criminal court, his brand loses influence. If ‘24 is a replay, it will be because that is how party leadership is choosing to play it.
GOP numbers at California Capitol at their lowest levels in a century

SACRAMENTO — It's a Republican Party disappearing act inside the California State Capitol.
The newly certified election results show Republicans lost more seats and are down to their lowest levels in a century.
they don't have the backbone to stand up to trump...2024 will be 2022 on steroids, the republican party cannot win with trump, and they cannot find the courage to get rid of him.
They are waiting for Jack to solve their problem for them and then they will attack him when Donald is safely put away and muzzled. They are praying it won't take long and a long drawn-out trial with Donald running around loose unmuzzled would be a disaster for them. He will demand loyalty and he will need it, or he will walk the magats out of the republican party into his own, just before going to prison forever. He will demand MTG, Gaetz and Gym Jordan lead the charge up the DC courthouse steps at the head of a J6 style riot. He has been desperately sucking up to every radical, Nazi, racist and qnon nut job he can find, trying like Napolean, to raise a new army of violent assholes who will do his will.

Never Kevin’ Republicans Threaten To Tank McCarthy’s Bid For Speaker

619,176 views Dec 9, 2022
Chris Hayes: Two things remain unclear. First, we don't know if McCarthy actually has enough support from his fellow Republicans to become Speaker of the House. And second, we have no idea what his or any other Republican's actual, tangible governing agenda would look like.
Trickledown economics is just a euphemism for getting pissed on by the rich with corrupt politicians holding their dicks. The only way they can sweeten the bitter taste is with the honey of racism and bigotry these days, tax cuts for the rich are fine as long as it triggers the libs. They don't mind being pissed on at all, enjoy the taste and figure it's just natural, as long as someone they figure should be under them gets pissed on even more.

With current supply chain and inflation issues, redistributing wealth would lead to shortages, inflation and worse employee shortages. The mountains of perfectly good shit I see being tossed out every spring cleanup would grow tremendously. There are issues with doing good things too and sometimes the road to Hell...

There are smart ways to redistribute wealth though, free education for those who want to do the work and who are smart enough, free healthcare, drugs and other benefits, increased pensions for the disabled and elderly, baby bonuses, subsidized day care, infrastructure, scientific research, the list is long and beats trying to create a dynasty based on their "superior genes". The tax code used to encourage meaningful philanthropy with foundations to avoid taxes on inheritance, they had the option to give it to something of their choice or the government would do it for them.
