Examples of GOP Leadership

Looks like that senate majority will come in useful with the judiciary committee investigating the SCOTUS. Meanwhile I think the GOP house will descend into chaos as Trump goes down and his allies in congress become worried that they too will be ensnared in J6. Alito and Thomas need to answer questions under oath and be investigated by the senate judiciary committee, Thomas clearly broke federal law right on the fucking bench! Reform and oversight are required on the SCOTUS.

The fact that clockwork orange appointed 3 sitting members on SCOTUS is nauseating I'm into a court that's in balance,3 left leaning judges,3 right leaning judges,and 3 pragmatists in the middle. Currently way out of balance,and your right Thomas creeps me out more and more as the years pass. This lifetime appointment BS has to go,!5 yrs. or 75yo and see ya IMHO.
The fact that clockwork orange appointed 3 sitting members on SCOTUS is nauseating I'm into a court that's in balance,3 left leaning judges,3 right leaning judges,and 3 pragmatists in the middle. Currently way out of balance,and your right Thomas creeps me out more and more as the years pass. This lifetime appointment BS has to go,!5 yrs. or 75yo and see ya IMHO.
Judges shouldn't lean but follow the law constitution while adapting to the times. The US constitution is frozen in time for historical and social reasons, the mechanism of amendment is difficult, and it is difficult for America to evolve socially or even legally. In America you have a rough copy of the Imperial British government of the 18th century, the brits evolved, America did not, the written constitution prevented it. The president became the King with his powers at the time and more added later, the house replaced the house of commons, and the appointed senate (back then) took the place of the Lords.

Thus, the constitution must be a living document that the courts must change in order for society to adapt, if it is a dead document as the originalist and federalist claim and the intentions of the founders are paramount, then it cannot adapt. So much social change in America happens in the courts and they have been compromised by fascist and religious lunatics who only loosely follow the constitution when it comes to women's basic human rights for instance, much less their constitutional ones. Why their interpretations of the 2nd differ so wildly from the text and intent of the constitutional mistake. So, courts have to be politicized in America because grid lock prevents social change too and minority rules by blocking change in the house senate and even presidency, the house through gerrymandering and the senate represents geography, not people, the electoral college can elect a president with a minority of the popular vote, the filibuster can also impede change.
Judges shouldn't lean but follow the law constitution while adapting to the times. The US constitution is frozen in time for historical and social reasons, the mechanism of amendment is difficult, and it is difficult for America to evolve socially or even legally. In America you have a rough copy of the Imperial British government of the 18th century, the brits evolved, America did not, the written constitution prevented it. The president became the King with his powers at the time and more added later, the house replaced the house of commons, and the appointed senate (back then) took the place of the Lords.

Thus, the constitution must be a living document that the courts must change in order for society to adapt, if it is a dead document as the originalist and federalist claim and the intentions of the founders are paramount, then it cannot adapt. So much social change in America happens in the courts and they have been compromised by fascist and religious lunatics who only loosely follow the constitution when it comes to women's basic human rights for instance, much less their constitutional ones. Why their interpretations of the 2nd differ so wildly from the text and intent of the constitutional mistake. So, courts have to be politicized in America because grid lock prevents social change too and minority rules by blocking change in the house senate and even presidency, the house through gerrymandering and the senate represents geography, not people, the electoral college can elect a president with a minority of the popular vote, the filibuster can also impede change.
yeah, lots of people "should" do lots of things, but they don't.
the reason they have 9 justices was to avoid exactly the situation we're in right now. it worked out fine till trump and the republicans actively gamed the system, and convinced judges...people who should be above reproach, to lie through their fucking teeth. what do you suppose they promised them to get them to do this? you think the position itself was worth it? the republicans have a plan, and those "justices" are part and parcel of that plan...they threw the carefully balanced court out of balance for a reason, and we're starting to see that reason. it may end up with 3 of them hanging from the scales of the statue of justice, while we search for three replacements who aren't fucking perjurous scum.

Michael Cohen: Trump’ Core Supporters Are “Maggots That Just Refuse To Step Away”

19,593 views Dec 11, 2022
Despite his many ongoing legal troubles, and views, Donald Trump remains at the top of the Republican Party. His former personal attorney Michael Cohen says that that is because his “core supporters” are “maggots that just refuse to step away,” labeling Trump a “racist, sexist, misogynistic, zenophobic, homophobic, Islamaphobic, anti-semite.” He says his former boss is likely to use the documents he’s not supposed to have as leverage in hopes of avoiding other prosecutions, “like a mob boss.” Oh and his oven is also broken.

Mary Trump: GOP Isn’t Denouncing Trump Because ‘They Created This Monster’

4,214 views Dec 11, 2022
Former President Donald Trump is facing a myriad of legal issues on the horizon all while planning a presidential campaign for 2024. Psychologist and host of “The Mary Trump Show,” Mary Trump joins Ali Velshi to shed light on what’s going through the former president’s head and why so many past supporters of his are detaching themselves from the Trump brand. “There's always a transactional calculation being made. And a lot of people are making the calculation that it just isn't worth it for them anymore,” she said. However, Republicans turning their backs on him ahead of the next election could be trouble Mary Trump warns. “If they do go up against him in the primary, for example, he will burn it all down.”
The fact that clockwork orange appointed 3 sitting members on SCOTUS is nauseating I'm into a court that's in balance,3 left leaning judges,3 right leaning judges,and 3 pragmatists in the middle. Currently way out of balance,and your right Thomas creeps me out more and more as the years pass. This lifetime appointment BS has to go,!5 yrs. or 75yo and see ya IMHO.

Think about it. The majority of the right on the court are socially....deformed. they are folks that you or I would seek to avoid in any social setting. Oh we might entertain them and their behavior or opinions once or twice for a goof but that's about the extent of it.

For instance, when have you EVER heard mention of public hairs in a business environment? How many women do you surround yourself with who are members of Christian cults? We currently are basing our American culture around edicts imposed on us emanating from a pair of sexual deviants and a religious handmaiden.

Oh, and alito is just spooky weird.
Judges shouldn't lean but follow the law constitution while adapting to the times. The US constitution is frozen in time for historical and social reasons, the mechanism of amendment is difficult, and it is difficult for America to evolve socially or even legally. In America you have a rough copy of the Imperial British government of the 18th century, the brits evolved, America did not, the written constitution prevented it. The president became the King with his powers at the time and more added later, the house replaced the house of commons, and the appointed senate (back then) took the place of the Lords.

Thus, the constitution must be a living document that the courts must change in order for society to adapt, if it is a dead document as the originalist and federalist claim and the intentions of the founders are paramount, then it cannot adapt. So much social change in America happens in the courts and they have been compromised by fascist and religious lunatics who only loosely follow the constitution when it comes to women's basic human rights for instance, much less their constitutional ones. Why their interpretations of the 2nd differ so wildly from the text and intent of the constitutional mistake. So, courts have to be politicized in America because grid lock prevents social change too and minority rules by blocking change in the house senate and even presidency, the house through gerrymandering and the senate represents geography, not people, the electoral college can elect a president with a minority of the popular vote, the filibuster can also impede change.
That's a great interpretation, only thing I can say that differs is that the US senate is as a working body way more powerful and involved in the "process" than England's House of Lords,which has devolved into a ceremonial,figurehead type of status and is not really the upper house when it comes to appropriations and drafting legislation.
the stupidity just keeps on rolling...ineffective bullshit showboating...placing shit on tribal AND federal land with no permission...i think an investigation for all kinds of shit is warranted here...wasting public funds on stupidity, tresspassing, and just being a fucknagle bastard....
Tell them it is illegal and give them 90 days to remove them, then indict and purp walk them, even the governor. Haul them to DC for federal trial and try and hold them in custody or fine them daily until they comply and remove it from federal land. That is how showboats should be dealt with if they are willingly and knowingly breaking federal law for partisan political purposes and abusing the power of their offices to do extra-legal shit like this. Indict them personally and let the Judge sort it out while costing them a fortune fighting it out in court at least, make it hurt.
That's a great interpretation, only thing I can say that differs is that the US senate is as a working body way more powerful and involved in the "process" than England's House of Lords,which has devolved into a ceremonial,figurehead type of status and is not really the upper house when it comes to appropriations and drafting legislation.
That's the point, the British system adapted to democratic change while the American copy did not. The larger point is, because of constitutional and political gridlock caused in part by minority rule, the courts have taken on a larger role than they usually do in a liberal democracy. Constitutional ambiguity and social expectations at the time, left many holes and gaps, the way it was framed as a shotgun wedding between the north and the south with the division of powers between states and the federal government is also problematic. Many things are open to interpretation and that is where the SOCTUS comes into play, the US constitution is showing its age. A professional SCOTUS is required in this situation not ideology or religion driven valueless clowns and political hacks. This is neither a just court, nor a professional one driven by professional values and motives, some are clearly corrupt or unfit for the bench and they are mostly in the majority.
Think about it. The majority of the right on the court are socially....deformed. they are folks that you or I would seek to avoid in any social setting. Oh we might entertain them and their behavior or opinions once or twice for a goof but that's about the extent of it.

For instance, when have you EVER heard mention of public hairs in a business environment? How many women do you surround yourself with who are members of Christian cults? We currently are basing our American culture around edicts imposed on us emanating from a pair of sexual deviants and a religious handmaiden.

Oh, and alito is just spooky weird.
TERM LIMITS,I don't want Thomas shaping our culture now,let alone as a 80yo on the path to going senile,the fact that we have some justices so out of touch with the views of the majority of Americans is made much more depressing knowing they are on the bench for life.