Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

where are all the madmen with machine guns when you have such opportunities?
just think of all the good that could have come from everyone in that room being murdered on the spot.
go ahead, i'll wait :)
Every one was a con artist and religious grifter, they recognized a fellow souless bastard and he knew them as the same too, they were natural allies. Many of them have a fuzzy grasp on reality like Donald and can make it conform to their needs, which is for plenty of cash. They have always preyed on the weak minded, look at old Joe Smith the founder of the Mormons, a well documented psycho and fabulist. He came from an area in NY state called the "burnt over area", there was no fire, but years before preachers had convinced a lot of people there judgement day was near and they gave up or sold their farms cheap or gave the church all their money etc. The fucked over area we would call it today, Trump country!