Let it grow, first time around, bag seeds


Well-Known Member
that has to be a super problem chart. i can now correctly identify my biggest predator. the fungus gnat. this guy has lived with my house plants plenty. i had tried the pepper spary with accurate but odd results. today i found 2 of the gnats in the veg box. who would of knew, sand on top of the soil to smother the larva... BINGO no more gnat, ever.
plus it also confirms i have tendty to over water veggers. just a tid bit though.

excellent addition!


Well-Known Member
so i took some pics!

but now i cant get them off my micro sd card... shit.

everything is the same. thinking about starting the new seeds...


Well-Known Member
alright, did it!

i will follow up with descriptions..



Well-Known Member
notice the color difference in the pic..

the first is veg seedling
veg area in total
flower box in total
on the right the lst girl/it
and now the sexy, i've done a male plant
the first and only geniea plant
the clones
the flower seedling
lst girl
individual shot of veggie slim leaf (i think same seeds as LST girl)
individual shot of veggie natural bush (similar to genia plant)
veg clone.

this has got to best the best camera i have seen in 3 years...


Well-Known Member
Dude those budding plants just look down right great. Man I am so freaking jealous! haha! I can't wait to get to that stage. All your work in these pics is great, seriously...wow. Picture perfect.

We should start a 400w htg club. lol


Well-Known Member
Dude those budding plants just look down right great. Man I am so freaking jealous! haha! I can't wait to get to that stage. All your work in these pics is great, seriously...wow. Picture perfect.

We should start a 400w htg club. lol

thanks maryman-

not a bad purchase at all....


Active Member
hey flowerpimp i just got a bunch of cfls and was wondering how happy you are with yours. do they seem to do the job?ive never used them b4.btw just a couple of suggestions for you dont know if ya know but shinny foil like what your using either eats light or it can burn your plant from reflecting light.flat whit mylar or paint is a whole lot better.also i dont know if you found a fertalizer you like i only read a few pages form here but peters brand works its not the best but it works.just suggestions i dont want to affend you at all.if anything i would like for you to hop over to my current grow since you have had exsperience with cfls.it would be good to get some feed back.have a goood grow....


Well-Known Member
like your cfl room
it has its problems but it makes great use out of a spare freezer... its really all i need at the moment.
It's a shame more of your clones didn't make it...darn.
yep, i'm sure if i paid a bit more attention to them, we could have done better. i think theres something to learn there though.. all the clones i took with buds, never resumed veg, not saying they wont. but its surely more a process.
good setup man. how far is the flowering girls? looks beautiful
the biggest one started flower on 10-21
the other larger two started sometime just b4 11-13
and the small clones started 11-23 even the seedling
hey flowerpimp i just got a bunch of cfls and was wondering how happy you are with yours. do they seem to do the job?ive never used them b4.btw just a couple of suggestions for you dont know if ya know but shinny foil like what your using either eats light or it can burn your plant from reflecting light.flat whit mylar or paint is a whole lot better.also i dont know if you found a fertalizer you like i only read a few pages form here but peters brand works its not the best but it works.just suggestions i dont want to affend you at all.if anything i would like for you to hop over to my current grow since you have had exsperience with cfls.it would be good to get some feed back.have a goood grow....
the cfls are a tough battle. i would recommend them to some one who had tight restrictions like super small space or just wanted a small project. they do there thing, but i have found that for my needs the hps was the best purchase. its a bit hot for a closet but it would still work with the right mods. the cfls can be tricky to move around and just as pricey. but as you can see that is what i'm still vegging with, but i know they would grow quicker and fuller with a hps or mh.
that shiny stuff is mylar. i havent found heat spots yet. i think it works super well, i may shift to white when this roll runs out...
and for the fertizler i fell in love with foxfarms. i will be picking up there advance nutes soon. i really like that mostly organic.
no offense taken, theres allways room for a second look! i could always use help wiht the next part.. harvest and cureing...
put up your link and we can check it out!!

so, i'm guessing pictures do all the justice? what no one likes a good story anymore??? j/j..

and yeah, im pretty happy. i have some advance winter button ups to make as the temps drop even further.

going to look at radioshack 2morrow 4 a 30x + scope..



Well-Known Member
i know the pics are far and few between but scroll some of these pages and you can find all that my cfl journey has undergone.


Active Member
did you ever find out why the leaves got droopy like that im having the same problem.(any solution)

btw if my grow ends up half as good as yours i will be all smiles.keep growin.and thanks for helpin a felow grower out


Well-Known Member
droopy leaves are most likely from over watered or not enough dry time in between watering. 4 some reason i love to overwater during veg. just a bit though, nothing i cant fix with a little more practice...

good luck!


Well-Known Member
Oh, and...I love a good story. Haven't you seen my journal? j/k

People just LOVE bud porn. If only more of us would do more READING and RESEARCHING and less staring. If we don't read or research but instead stare at bud porn all day...we never learn how to grow effectively (and then never making our own pro bud porn...it will just be amateur bud porn haha!). Learn from everyone else's experience and mistakes...that's what I say. I suppose you can learn from trial and error all on your own, but why not have the help of all our RIU mentors! For example, it was you who taught me not to clone after a plant goes into flower (I did actually see a YouTube vid on this though).

:: comes down off soap box ::


Well-Known Member
feel free to take the soap box anytime..

you know there are people that say you can do it. i really didn't give my clones a fair chance either. remember no hormones for ever, just water. but i will say for easy cloning never take after flower time unless you get the branches that have no flower spots! even if the clones wiht flowers had taken root they still look funny with there flowers in vegg. its like they don't know what the hell there doing...

thats not a bad looking piece at all. i like radio shack cuz i haven't been shopping for a while. haha, although i think being december i might find myself in a store or two soon.. but i may pick up a few of these, as once i get that camera i will be taking pics through them. i was reading how to do it, sounds easy enough.

on a side note- i may be thinking of giving a good drink to my guinea plant and then keeping to water. with my looking piece i can see all the trichomes but they look clear. i was reading that as long as there fully developed, your good with a narcotic high bud, which would be great!

i'm going to start a thread on this and find out what the fuck is up! yeah! (feeling good as its saturday)