i don't have any problems with most existing weapons, i own two hand guns, a carbine, and a shotgun. i am NOT anti gun...i'm anti stupid bullshit.
background checks should include criminal records, mental health records, and a check for any recent police reports. if you can pass that, then you should be able to buy a gun. that won't stop all psychos, but it can't possibly hurt.
there are teflon coated bullets designed to penetrate police and military grade armor. there is no fucking reason what so ever for any civilian to EVER need that. there is no reason for any civilian to need body armor, except for all the other civilians who own guns...a really viscous circle. i need this because they have that, then they'll need this other, until we all have fucking howitzer on trailers behind our diesel pickups....
and it's not about balls, it's about doing the right thing the right way.
people have those things because they're legal at the moment. if and when they become illegal, decent law abiding citizens shouldn't have any trouble giving them up. if they do have trouble giving them up...they are then criminals, who they bought the weapons to protect themselves from to begin with...argue against the inevitable as much as you want.
the simple facts are the numbers scare people, but close to half of all weapons are owned by a very small percentage of wealthy white rural males...they won't revolt, they have way too much to lose. the only people who might revolt are white trash white supremacist militia members who should never have been allowed to own a fucking sling shot to begin with. no fucking loss if they all give them up out of their cold dead fingers.
there'll be no civil war, just some separate incidents with idiots who can't adapt.