Pandemic 2020

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There are a few valid points...But trump seems to have an ability to neutralize almost anything good he does within days of doing it.
trump is a practiced negotiator in a business setting. He got the country a good deal from the pharma companies.
I am, however, fairly sure that in the situation they were in, they didn't have much choice but to negotiate, or much incentive to struggle.
Any pharma company trying to hardball those negotiations would have been making themselves socio-economic lepers.
And, as soon as he got "warpspeed" into place, he started trying to push stupid cures, qanon theories, he started to call the reputation and honesty of the CDC and Dr. Fauci into question, and undermine their efforts to save lives. He inspired a whole segment of congress and more than a few senators to join the parade of lies, and a host of biting flies like steve bannon, joe rogan, alex jones, nick fuentes joined in, amplifying the cloud of lies...
so yeah, give him credit. ALL the credit he's due...
Stella Immanuel the demon sperm doctor was a real high point.
As a Canadian, I will never forget that DJT was the President that attempted to stop medical supplies at the border during a pandemic, ignoring contracts that were previously in place. The fact that Canada still allowed the 2000 nurses and other health care providers to cross the border in Michigan alone, where the COVID death toll in that one state was the same as Canada's(literally the entire country at that time), to see Canada's largest trading partner, ally, neighbour, try to block medical supplies was.... eye opening. It certainly changed my view on the relationship between the two countries. I truly believe that will be the biggest damage done by DJT, destroying relationships with ally's that had taken 100 years to build. The fact that DJT was willing to repeatedly fuck over US's largest trading partner with tariffs using national security as the excuse, and use Canada as a pawn with China - I have no reservations about slamming on DJT, he is everything I detest in a human.

DJT owns all the horrible shit, far too much to name, but he was the President and those vaccines did get produced in record time in large part due to OWS. When you're the boss, you own all the horrible shit you and all the people below you do, BUT you also get credit when some stuff goes right - regardless that it would have gone better under literally anyone else.
As a Canadian, I will never forget that DJT was the President that attempted to stop medical supplies at the border during a pandemic, ignoring contracts that were previously in place. The fact that Canada still allowed the 2000 nurses and other health care providers to cross the border in Michigan alone, where the COVID death toll in that one state was the same as Canada's(literally the entire country at that time), to see Canada's largest trading partner, ally, neighbour, try to block medical supplies was.... eye opening. It certainly changed my view on the relationship between the two countries. I truly believe that will be the biggest damage done by DJT, destroying relationships with ally's that had taken 100 years to build. The fact that DJT was willing to repeatedly fuck over US's largest trading partner with tariffs using national security as the excuse, and use Canada as a pawn with China - I have no reservations about slamming on DJT, he is everything I detest in a human.

DJT owns all the horrible shit, far too much to name, but he was the President and those vaccines did get produced in record time in large part due to OWS. When you're the boss, you own all the horrible shit you and all the people below you do, BUT you also get credit when some stuff goes right - regardless that it would have gone better under literally anyone else.
I still believe that whatever went right was in spite of him. The damning datum is how he gutted the CDC. Epidemic response is what they do. Had he left management intact and stayed out of the way while CDC implemented known, rehearsed, effective procedures, the history of Covid in US would have been very different. Instead, we have ongoing demonization of Fauci for speaking truth to ego.

To pursue a metaphor, you don’t praise a car that has bad reliability, a dangerous suspension and a propensity to randomly burst into flame
for having really good wheel bearings. It’s unacceptable no matter how you slice it.
I still believe that whatever went right was in spite of him. The damning datum is how he gutted the CDC. Epidemic response is what they do. Had he left management intact and stayed out of the way while CDC implemented known, rehearsed, effective procedures, the history of Covid in US would have been very different. Instead, we have ongoing demonization of Fauci for speaking truth to ego.

To pursue a metaphor, you don’t praise a car that has bad reliability, a dangerous suspension and a propensity to randomly burst into flame
for having really good wheel bearings. It’s unacceptable no matter how you slice it.
To continue your metaphor, slightly different meaning for bearings, but bear with me - there will be some people that will put grease into those bearings if they believe they are actually really good wheel bearings, but will refuse to if they believe those wheel bearings are woke or libtarded. Grease is good for bearings, so lets point out that they are really good wheel bearings, look past the flames and other stuff, for now.

Totally butchered metaphor, but trust it conveys my thoughts.
To continue your metaphor, slightly different meaning for bearings, but bear with me - there will be some people that will put grease into those bearings if they believe they are actually really good wheel bearings, but will refuse to if they believe those wheel bearings are woke or libtarded. Grease is good for bearings, so lets point out that they are really good wheel bearings, look past the flames and other stuff, for now.

Totally butchered metaphor, but trust it conveys my thoughts.
Yeah...But the thing is...Those greasy, antilibtard, unwoke people are fucking stupid.
They support stupid things, and Do stupid things, and Vote for stupid things, and Say stupid things...
They voted trump into office, they refused to impeach him, in the face of clear evidence of his guilt, TWICE.
They give him millions of dollars to campaign with, that ends up paying for his legal bills, and who the hell knows what?
Who does those kind of things? Those greasy guys...the stupid ones.
As a Canadian, I will never forget that DJT was the President that attempted to stop medical supplies at the border during a pandemic, ignoring contracts that were previously in place. The fact that Canada still allowed the 2000 nurses and other health care providers to cross the border in Michigan alone, where the COVID death toll in that one state was the same as Canada's(literally the entire country at that time), to see Canada's largest trading partner, ally, neighbour, try to block medical supplies was.... eye opening. It certainly changed my view on the relationship between the two countries. I truly believe that will be the biggest damage done by DJT, destroying relationships with ally's that had taken 100 years to build. The fact that DJT was willing to repeatedly fuck over US's largest trading partner with tariffs using national security as the excuse, and use Canada as a pawn with China - I have no reservations about slamming on DJT, he is everything I detest in a human.

DJT owns all the horrible shit, far too much to name, but he was the President and those vaccines did get produced in record time in large part due to OWS. When you're the boss, you own all the horrible shit you and all the people below you do, BUT you also get credit when some stuff goes right - regardless that it would have gone better under literally anyone else.
Sorry, my friend up north,but we're still bros,4 years of that FKnut can't break the USA/Canadian bond,the longest most peaceful border in the world. I as an American couldn't fathom ANYBODY I'd want as a neighbor other than Canadians.
i don't know, Belgium might be nice, chocolate and waffles?...hell, bring Taiwan over, there's plenty of room in Canadia...
I've actually played out scenarios in my mind at what a peaceful resolution of the China/Taiwan situation could entail,and one of them is a 5 yr. plan which relocates Taiwanese people and their industry somewhere either hosted or their own sovereignty in exchange for the vacated land and those who want to re-unite to diffuse a war which whoever gets the shit end of the stick is going to go nuke.
i don't know, Belgium might be nice, chocolate and waffles?...hell, bring Taiwan over, there's plenty of room in Canadia...

I've actually played out scenarios in my mind at what a peaceful resolution of the China/Taiwan situation could entail,and one of them is a 5 yr. plan which relocates Taiwanese people and their industry somewhere either hosted or their own sovereignty in exchange for the vacated land and those who want to re-unite to diffuse a war which whoever gets the shit end of the stick is going to go nuke.
if you care to look back for it, i suggested a similar relocation plan at one point, and the assholes in this thread had the nerve to offer valid points why it wouldn't work...i don't care to reread it myself, but it exists somewhere in this thread, or the war thread...i don't recall which :?
As a Canadian, I will never forget that DJT was the President that attempted to stop medical supplies at the border during a pandemic, ignoring contracts that were previously in place. The fact that Canada still allowed the 2000 nurses and other health care providers to cross the border in Michigan alone, where the COVID death toll in that one state was the same as Canada's(literally the entire country at that time), to see Canada's largest trading partner, ally, neighbour, try to block medical supplies was.... eye opening. It certainly changed my view on the relationship between the two countries. I truly believe that will be the biggest damage done by DJT, destroying relationships with ally's that had taken 100 years to build. The fact that DJT was willing to repeatedly fuck over US's largest trading partner with tariffs using national security as the excuse, and use Canada as a pawn with China - I have no reservations about slamming on DJT, he is everything I detest in a human.

DJT owns all the horrible shit, far too much to name, but he was the President and those vaccines did get produced in record time in large part due to OWS. When you're the boss, you own all the horrible shit you and all the people below you do, BUT you also get credit when some stuff goes right - regardless that it would have gone better under literally anyone else.
DJT fucked over America and Americans far more than Canadians! He withheld supplies from US states FFS. Over a million dead and he used as a biolgical weapon when it looked like democrats were mostly dying. After vaccines came out, disinformation with the change in governments lead to so many republicans dying of covid the republican leadership started to panic!

So Canada got off easy with Trump, even though Justin humiliated him with photos of his wife and daughter fawning over him in all the national magazines, tariffs on aluminum and steel were the least of our worries with that lunatic. It's why Justin has a bond with Zelenskiy, he was was mentoring him in Trump survival for years!
They sold and will sell a lot of that stuff... The fun for Donald has just begun and it will get worse pretty fast I expect. When he is indicted over the secret documents it will get really interesting as he squirms and squeals. I particularly look forward to his TV trial in Georgia, federal trials are not televised, but trials in Georgia are and it should be a dandy!
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