Examples of GOP Leadership


They keep saying "this sets a dangerous precedent"...How so?
Every president since Nixon has willingly released them, and faced the mandatory audit without once trying to worm out of it...And i imagine any president going forward will do so as well, unless they have as much to hide as trump.
I've never paid much attention to mo brooks, has he always been a Truman Capote level drama queen? "Nothing short of evil."...Again, how
A public servant, whose eight immediate predecessors set both a precedent and an example, to instill trust in the office, bucked a tradition, one of the few good traditions in existence. The President AND the Vice President are ALWAYS audited, every year, but trump acted to gut the IRS for his personal benefit...fought all the way to the fucking supreme court to hide his tax records, only to have them tell him that the law isn't behind him...
And now that's "evil"...
i think perhaps a person in mo brooks' position sending this kind of message might be what is evil. trying to stir the pot, keep things bubbling, set the stage for "mutually assured destruction."...just out and out setting the stage for preordained retribution...for doing the right thing, that should have been done to begin with. just imagine how outraged they would be if we ever asked for something THE LAST EIGHT FUCKING PRESIDENTS DID NOT DO BECAUSE ITS JUST THE RIGHT FUCKING THING TO DO...
Bombastic rhetoric. Evil is just a dog whistle for debase.
this isn't about a particular gop asshole, this is about what they encourage their followers to do...
i wonder just how hard it would be for the FBI to track this picture down to it's originator, and demand an apology to both Biden and that child's family, publicly? because they both deserve it, and who ever made it deserves that kind of public humiliation.
figures it would pop up on a fuckbag like stew peters' show
this isn't about a particular gop asshole, this is about what they encourage their followers to do...
i wonder just how hard it would be for the FBI to track this picture down to it's originator, and demand an apology to both Biden and that child's family, publicly? because they both deserve it, and who ever made it deserves that kind of public humiliation.
figures it would pop up on a fuckbag like stew peters' show
There really should be some kind of law against manufacturing child porn and distributing it.

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That would be great, Donald running from his cell as an independent, syphoning off the magat vote from the GOP in 2024 with his stable of lunatic con artist candidates for congress with him top of the independent ticket against Desantis and Joe. The republicans would be trying to get him disqualified from holding office and would be at war with the magats and qtards, it would be a real mess for them. Only the RINO's won't make the pilgrimage to the big house for an audience with the orange king! :lol: Of course Donald could also win the GOP nomination from his prison cell too and they would all be forced to back the party's nominee, in the middle of the J6 trials...

That would be great, Donald running from his cell as an independent, syphoning off the magat vote from the GOP in 2024 with his stable of lunatic con artist candidates for congress with him top of the independent ticket against Desantis and Joe. The republicans would be trying to get him disqualified from holding office and would be at war with the magats and qtards, it would be a real mess for them. Only the RINO's won't make the pilgrimage to the big house for an audience with the orange king! :lol: Of course Donald could also win the GOP nomination from his prison cell too and they would all be forced to back the party's nominee, in the middle of the J6 trials...

that's not a threat, it's the opposite...that's EXACTLY what i want the stupid fucks to do...
isolate themselves, identify themselves, NEUTER themselves...things are done in congress and the senate by vote.
does trump and whoever would be in his fucked up party think ANYONE would ever vote with them, unless it was just the obvious thing to vote for anyway? they'll be useless, no one will trust them, they'll get NO committees, NO leadership roles, NOTHING...the two established parties will shit on them every chance they get...the only fun will be watching the gop and the trumptard party realizing they have to support each other, or they'll BOTH fail EVERY vote... :lol:
BWHAHAHAHA fucking loser.

  • The audio was also barely audible during the first half of Trump's remarks.
Former President Donald Trump invited journalists to a surprise slot of "media availability" at his Mar-a-Lago residence in Florida on New Year's Eve.

But in a likely blow to Trump's ego, not a single cable news network covered it, according to Raw Story.
that's not a threat, it's the opposite...that's EXACTLY what i want the stupid fucks to do...isolate themselves, identify themselves, NEUTER themselves...things are done in congress and the senate by vote.

does trump and whoever would be in his fucked up party think ANYONE would ever vote with them, unless it was just the obvious thing to vote for anyway?

they'll be useless, no one will trust them, they'll get NO committees, NO leadership roles, NOTHING...the two established parties will shit on them every chance they get...the only fun will be watching the gop and the trumptard party realizing they have to support each other, or they'll BOTH fail EVERY vote... :lol:
House+Senate = Congress

Count me in on his third-party shitty-excuse ‘campaign’, I absolutely want to SEE that shit in motion!

OF COURSE they believe it’ll work if they do it…they’ve been huffing each others’ farts FAR too long to think clearly, tho: what it would accomplish would be to split “the conservative base” into pieces too small to win - and real hostility between the shards.


That’s what happened to the Whigs, BTW: they deteriorated to the point where they could not even field a single national candidate for any office…and that was the end of them. The rest went to various spots, but a good few went to the new Republican Party when it formed.

Post-post script: that all seems inevitable to me, I’ve been tracking it for a while…but it just occurred to me that this will mean a general political and social realignment in the country. The Dems have been overstuffed with renegade Reds since Shrub, it is and has been a brake on forward motion on most fronts, just as McConnell’s dog-in-manger routine has been & continues to be a brake on forward motion…and just as the incoming agents of chaos will be as much of a brake and a distraction as they can possibly make themselves become.

Life requires motion - the alternative is to slide backward, out of control - or rot/rust in place. We’ve had 500 years’ worth of that sort of gutless choice as a nation, and it’s only helped those who needed no help; if we’re going to have a more livable society, an actual civil society, we need to adapt to what we know *now*, not to what we thought then.

it’ll likely take 100 years or more to complete the upgrades…and billionaires should not be invited to bid or bet - and ‘one dollar, one vote’ must never become the operating principle behind our decision-making, either nationally or locally. Yes, money has been slowly corrupting our legislative priorities and products since ‘reconstruction’…but ‘one dollar, one vote’ is a pretty popular point of view with those who’ve been bankrolling all of this (all those individual patsy ‘donors’ didn’t pay to set up Citizens United, or fund the ‘Federalist’(sic) Society, Americans for Prosperity, the Heritage Foundation, or bus participants to the Jan6 hoedown) and so it must be kept watch for.

EEP! Doing that thing again….
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i'm having trouble with the trumpanese shorthand...Mitch stupid $'s!.....?is that just his idea of comicstrip swearing, or is he upset that mcconnell passed a budget bill instead of playing with the economic health of the nation for petty revenge against imagined sleights?
or did he just have ANOTHER stroke, and is actually trying to articulate something about mcconnell's money being possessive and stupid?
does it really matter either way?...Loser says....that^