Examples of GOP Leadership

Mitch is at least a competent asshole... More on the way perhaps? Even a battery factory for his district or some new onshoring industrial project! Mitch and Joe know how to play politics and the money has already been approved...

McConnell holds joint infrastructure event with Biden in Kentucky, infuriating MAGA Republicans

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So where was Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday when the House GOP clown caucus failed once again to get its act together to elect a speaker? In a move sure to infuriate Republican extremists, McConnell made a rare joint appearance with President Joe Biden in Covington, Kentucky, to tout a major project funded by the $1.2 trillion bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act signed into law in November 2021.

The event offered a sharp contrast to the chaos engulfing the House with the new narrow GOP majority unable to elect a speaker on its second day in control.

Biden began his remarks by thanking McConnell for providing the votes needed to get the infrastructure bill passed according to a transcript of the speeches.

"I wanted to start off the New Year at this historic project with the bi-partisan agreement because I believe it sends an important message to the entire country," Biden said. "We can work together. We can get things done. We can move the nation forward. If we drop our egos and focus on what is needed for the country."

In his remarks, McConnell said, “Even while we have big differences on other things .. this bridge, I think, symbolizes coming together ... If you look at the political alignment of everyone involved, it’s the government is working together to solve a major problem at a time when the country needs to see examples like this, of coming together and getting an outcome … I’m proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish.”

McConnell had fully expected to take over as Senate majority leader on Tuesday when the new Congress convened. But instead, Democrats ended up increasing their Senate majority by one seat in the midterms.

Unlike his spineless House counterpart Kevin McCarthy, McConnell may realize it's beneficial for party leaders to stand up to rather than appease extremist MAGA Republicans. He has blamed Trump for putting up poor quality candidates like Herschel Walker in Georgia and Mehmet Oz in Pennsylvania who lost potentially winnable races that left him as minority leader.


you would imagine that someone who runs their mouth for a living, literally, would at least try to learn what the fucking words they're saying mean...
and on the off chance they understand the meaning, then they need to look up some definitions...cause they had ample opportunity to identify insurrectionists on Jan 6th, and they didn't do so at that time. they could be identifying legislative terrorists...that is entirely within the realm of possibility, but that term applies to nearly all republicans, who have become quite used to holding the world economy hostage for their childish demands..
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wow, honey boeboe has been watching cspan...i wonder who explains the big words to her?
she's a fuckbag white trash piece of shit, doing what all white trash trailer park queens do, reveling in drama.
she has every word of that prepared, memorized, which is why she doesn't want to shut the fuck up and answer hammity's quesions...she has no answer, just memorized statements prepared by someone slightly more intelligent than she is....probably butthead the pedo...
If Donald walks his base out of the party they would be fucked, 76% still love the asshole and he will call on their support when he goes down. Congress people who don't support him with his legal problems will have trouble.

Trump's favorability is dropping among Republican voters

63,477 views Jan 5, 2023 #donaldtrump #gop #politics
Former President Trump's favorability is slipping among Republican voters, according to new Politico/Morning Consult polling. Sam Stein discusses.