Odor leaking somewhere, help?


Well-Known Member
Woke up this morning to my girls later in flower stinking up my basement despite being in a closed tent. Brand new filter but I've added the noise reducer and rubber clamps. I was able to notice there is some air escaping at pretty much every junction point.

Any tips?



Well-Known Member
I exchange my carbon after 3 runs, just to be sure.
If you can find a filter that uses screws and is not riveted, you can save alot of money.
I bought carbon for 12 runs (4x exchanges) on amazon cost me as much as the filter.


Well-Known Member
Is this your first time using that setup (other than the new filter)?

Can't tell for sure, but it looks like you're pulling air out of the tent and pushing it out through the filter, i.e. the filter is the last thing in the chain.

If that's the case, I would see if you can switch it around so the air from the tent goes through the filter first (this would require having the filter inside the tent). Then you just have to make sure the outlet of the filter is well sealed, and if air leaks out after that point, it will already have been filtered for smell...


Well-Known Member
Is this your first time using that setup (other than the new filter)?

Can't tell for sure, but it looks like you're pulling air out of the tent and pushing it out through the filter, i.e. the filter is the last thing in the chain.

If that's the case, I would see if you can switch it around so the air from the tent goes through the filter first (this would require having the filter inside the tent). Then you just have to make sure the outlet of the filter is well sealed, and if air leaks out after that point, it will already have been filtered for smell...
I added the silencer and new clamps. Fan and filter are in the same position. It wasn't an issue before hand.


Well-Known Member
6-8" roll of plastic wrap on roller seals connections well. I've been unable to make AC infinity filters work well, a can66 should get you better then 2 years of continuous use.


Well-Known Member

The issue was twofold. I taped every connection with foil tape. There was a leak at the top where the ducting attached to the silencer.

After fixing that it no longer smelled like my tent was open, but there was still something. sticking my nose to the filter the top 1-2" seem to be no longer operable. If this hadn't been a brand new filter running for less than 6 weeks I would have rotated the flanges, but this one is going back to AC infinity because an 8" XL filter being at this stage at 6 weeks is definitely a defect.


Well-Known Member

The issue was twofold. I taped every connection with foil tape. There was a leak at the top where the ducting attached to the silencer.

After fixing that it no longer smelled like my tent was open, but there was still something. sticking my nose to the filter the top 1-2" seem to be no longer operable. If this hadn't been a brand new filter running for less than 6 weeks I would have rotated the flanges, but this one is going back to AC infinity because an 8" XL filter being at this stage at 6 weeks is definitely a defect.
Probably not filled up 100% with carbon.


Well-Known Member
My opinion, the lung room will ALWAYS have some odor to it. Always. There's just no real way to fully escape it, other than maybe having some sort of really expensive air ionizer in that room. Those carbon filters only "reduce" odors in the air it is filtering, but, since you're dumping your filtered air into the same lung room, you're not seeing any benefit to the filtration.

If you were to have that exhaust plumbed to another room, or outside, and THAT air was also passed thru that filter, you'll notice the "reduction" of smell in that exhausted air. The lung room itself is still gona stink a lil bit, and it'll happen every time you open the tent.


Well-Known Member
My opinion, the lung room will ALWAYS have some odor to it. Always. There's just no real way to fully escape it, other than maybe having some sort of really expensive air ionizer in that room. Those carbon filters only "reduce" odors in the air it is filtering, but, since you're dumping your filtered air into the same lung room, you're not seeing any benefit to the filtration.

If you were to have that exhaust plumbed to another room, or outside, and THAT air was also passed thru that filter, you'll notice the "reduction" of smell in that exhausted air. The lung room itself is still gona stink a lil bit, and it'll happen every time you open the tent.
Smell when I open the tent is expected, and usually dissipates within an hour or so of closing it back up. This was smelling like I opened the tent woth it closed for a while.

That being said I am finishing my 3rd run with this setup (although the filter was switched out about 6 weeks ago.) It is a new issue.


Well-Known Member
That carbon scrubber doesn't work, I ordered one thinking it was a good deal and its way too lightweight to be useful. Look into Phresh Filters if you want serious odor removal just know they weigh a lot so shipping wont be cheap if you don't have a shop nearby. I will say tho the phresh filters start having a mild paint drying smell when they go bad after a couple years.


Well-Known Member
6-8" roll of plastic wrap on roller seals connections well. I've been unable to make AC infinity filters work well, a can66 should get you better then 2 years of continuous use.
Cool where can I get a 6" one of those & how much are they?