
Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
They are the government now and the J6 fall out will be even worse for them than if they were in opposition. What will happen when Trump goes down in flames in a few weeks? When Santos is indicted for something, but he will be and replaced by a democrat. The fun has just begun and the damage they can do has been limited by the wiser heads who screwed them before they got to the start line. Mitch expects them to come apart at the seams when the indictments start dropping and he is keeping his distance and will try not to get any shit on himself or his senators.

I figure it will be fucking spectacular when Jack gets going on their asses, as I said, if Mark cuts a deal with Jack there will be a lot of very nervous people in the GOP, state and federal. Word of Mark cutting a deal with Jack will be more important than this speaker election of McCarthy to the house.
Hmmm...Suppose the republicans call for a vote of no confidence, and the democrats support it? Mccarthy is out.
Now, suppose santos is indicted, gaetz is indicted, greene is indicted, gosar, brooks, cawthorn, goemert, are all indicted.
This is going to be an interesting couple of years.
If those indictments go out, i wonder how many state level magats are going to be sweating bullets? How many fake electors, AGs, secretaries that all cooperated, are going to suddenly be a lot more nervous than they are now?
Implications that lead to more implications that lead to more arrests.
but this needs to go back to kev's house thread, we're getting way off topic


Well-Known Member
Hmmm...Suppose the republicans call for a vote of no confidence, and the democrats support it? Mccarthy is out.
Now, suppose santos is indicted, gaetz is indicted, greene is indicted, gosar, brooks, cawthorn, goemert, are all indicted.
This is going to be an interesting couple of years.
If those indictments go out, i wonder how many state level magats are going to be sweating bullets? How many fake electors, AGs, secretaries that all cooperated, are going to suddenly be a lot more nervous than they are now?
Implications that lead to more implications that lead to more arrests.
but this needs to go back to kev's house thread, we're getting way off topic
It does tie into what is happening in the house and will motivate much of what we see as the republicans start to sweat over J6 and perhaps start to go down for crimes. Crime could also play a roll in republican house politics because several of them are close to indictment or in the crosshairs and the margin is razor thin.


Well-Known Member
The reality of war for the Russians, killed by artillery would be my guess. Only fools attack in mud season and the Russians are paying the price in dead. The Ukrainians are just making small tactical gains for now counter attacking while the Russians continue to attack in the mud with infantry and no armor support and not much artillery any more either. For most Russian artillerymen these days, to shoot is to die, under M777 radar directed counter battery fire, not to mention drones swarming around above and correcting fire, if required.



Well-Known Member
There is no more an anti Ukraine war movement in the west, than their was a pro Nazi one in WW2! Lot's of people are demonstrating support for Ukraine in the face of imperialist aggression in the true sense. There is no peace at any price movement over Ukraine, just a few stooges, useful idiots and bots online. Vlad pulled out all the stops and his agents of influence and fascist allies revealed themselves even more. Their weak showing online is probably the result of most of their computer people and hackers leaving of the country to avoid getting drafted.



Well-Known Member
I won't argue with the experts, but time is not on Russia's side either. Putin can mass mobilize the population if he wants, but equipping, arming, training and feeding them are the main issues. Artillery and aircraft can deal with mass human wave attacks very effectively. I say destroy the vital rail bridges inside Russia leading into Ukraine, there are only a few lines still useable for them in the east and they can't operate very far from their railheads. Trap the new recruits in Russia and cutoff resupply to those in Ukraine already, put them out of their misery quickly.
