Solo cup grow off?


Well-Known Member
Traditionally we'd set up a separate registration thread , give two weeks for all participants to register then everyone pop a bean, maybe a couple to ensure success.
Choose one. Mark the cup . And that's the start.

Other rules need sorting out before then.

Never seen one with clones but I'd say if we include them it should be a separate category.

All roots stay in the cup.

Does the cup type matter if its the same fluid ounce??

Just tossing some thoughts In.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member



Well-Known Member
Time frame? Whatever is popped before uhhhh 3rd week of January? Includes those with seedlings and those who haven't popped any yet...

Drop That Sound

Well-Known Member
Well , germed a seed last night , pissed on it and POOF !

My urine is god-tier …
Winner Winner Chicken Dinner bitches

View attachment 5247289

Hey no cheating! That's an 18 oz solo cup! I know because I was just at the store a few hours ago to buy some for the contest, but I didn't because the square looking solo brand.. and all the other off brand red party cups were all 18oz too.. I'm too honest, and will have to check another store for the round 16 oz ones.

No wonder it grew so fast!


Well-Known Member
Hey no cheating! That's an 18 oz solo cup! I know because I was just at the store a few hours ago to buy some for the contest, but I didn't because the square looking solo brand.. and all the other off brand red party cups were all 18oz too.. I'm too honest, and will have to check another store for the round 16 oz ones.

No wonder it grew so fast!


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
So is anyone actually doing this lol I'm starting two one is an auto I chucked some pollen at and the other is a blue nina photo. These are the two cups im using date username and strain just trying to have a little fun nothing too serious
The new thread for the grow off is here:
