OG Biowar Root Pack, Microbe life Plus - C, Mammoth P, and Recharge.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! I hope you're all doing very well and having a wonderful day.

I am looking to utilize all of the products listed in the title. I was wondering if anyone has personal experience utilizing them.

Personally I am trying to figure out which products i should brew in a tea or even which can be brewed in a tea with positive benefit. Also which have to be mixed independently, or if one will negate another ect. I know some of them overlap in the microbes, but ultimately I am trying to figure out how to best put them to use.

Any thoughts on which I can use together, or how I should use them. Also, If you have used these products, which products worked best for you.

Also, just an example: Brew Recharge and Microbe life Plus - C together under aeration for 24 hours and just mix OGBiowar and Mammoth P seperately with de-chlorinated/ PH balanced water and apply.

Thank you for all of your input. All good vibes :)
I know this is an old post but I can tell you my experience and if anyone notices it may help them out. I noticed better thicker dencer wider roots using OG biowar than recharge but it's much more of a hassle to use and recharge still works really well. Recharges super easy to use and also contains fulvica and humics, kelp and molasses. I found I like to recharge best after doing it a 16-24 hour brew. Honestly you can't go wrong either way I'd recommend biowar if you don't mind spending the time brewing and also sifting out the talc but if you want easy I would recommend recharge. I would not run either in your reservoir as it gunks things up and if you let it sit too long it will turn to negative bacteria
I know this is an old post but I can tell you my experience and if anyone notices it may help them out. I noticed better thicker dencer wider roots using OG biowar than recharge but it's much more of a hassle to use and recharge still works really well. Recharges super easy to use and also contains fulvica and humics, kelp and molasses. I found I like to recharge best after doing it a 16-24 hour brew. Honestly you can't go wrong either way I'd recommend biowar if you don't mind spending the time brewing and also sifting out the talc but if you want easy I would recommend recharge. I would not run either in your reservoir as it gunks things up and if you let it sit too long it will turn to negative bacteria
Whiter roots* not wider