More or less plants in the same amount space for yield


Well-Known Member
So I've been conditioned by my state laws to grow a certain amount of plants due to plant count. In the past I would try to grow bigger plants in bigger pots. Obviously with yield it is strain dependent. I also enjoyed not having to water much instead of crop steering with smaller pots and many plants. My go to was always growing in 7 gallon pots. I know yield is directly connected to environment and the amount of light the plants are getting.

With all things being equal would I yield more by growing more plants in smaller pots and less plants in bigger pots? Now for my situation I wouldn't be going to commercial route like growing in rockwool or one gallon pots. Would I see better results, in terms of more yield, going from 18 plants in 7 gallon pots to lets say 24 or 30 plants in 5 gallon pots?

Any advice or insight is greatly appreciated.
I think with more plants you will just reduce veg time.should be equal in the end if you cover the whole box with both.
Or maybe the sog where every top is main top.there you will maybe get more
OK I have 4X4 Tent. Have 5 plants in 5 gallon Fiber Pots and my Tent is full.

I was told I could have more don't worry about the 5 but to me I'm scared of having problems with air circulation but I was told it is fine.
In my opinion, its got to do with veg time. So more plants = less veg = more flowering cycles per a year = more yield over a period of time

If you are asking just for one run then as long as you are getting the same area of light canopied then your yields should be similar. I would lean towards still getting a higher yield with more plants. If you think about it, 10 plants producing 10grams is easier to achieve skill wise than getting 2 plants to produce 50grams. You do minimize the impact of mistakes as well so yeah more plants does seem to have more benefits but is slightly riskier.

Risk is mitigated by how many people know you grow. So if you do increase the risk decrease the chatter and exposure. Simple.
I find it hilarious hearing all you north Americans talk about plant numbers and i say this cos in my experience it mostly is you guys idk why cos you rarely hear this from europeans on the forums in places its legal you talk about sticking to plant numbers now but you never cared about plant numbers before legalisation why start now lol

And op as others already said id say more plants just means less veg time also with yield i agree skill and genetics matter too i mean possibly single cola short plants in a sea of green style could yield more faster vs other grow styles but then again maybe not try a few runs different ways and find what suits you best is my advice
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What they all said.
If you want faster growth and bigger yields go DWC even faster/more is aeroponics.
Depends whos doing it lol you can get pretty damn good yields in organic soil using raised beds and stuff too and theres scrog etc and you might be a lil faster with hydro tho i will give you that one
Vegging time. I have two Autos because I messed with them so much I'm looking at 14 weeks to finish but they are looking good and they didn't die on me. LOL
more plants more work, im a fan of closet grows or big boy runs 50+ oz a yield, non of which require more than 5 plants. one plant can yield a lot, enough to financialy benefit but its always running. thats also a good way to start small and simply upsize when ready and confident to pack a big tent with ibs. anything else to me just promted morework and costs than fun.
I find it hilarious hearing all you north Americans talk about plant numbers and i say this cos in my experience it mostly is you guys idk why cos you rarely hear this from europeans on the forums in places its legal you talk about sticking to plant numbers now but you never cared about plant numbers before legalisation why start now lol
Because, I'm no longer a criminal...? Because I'm allowed to grow 39+4 plants without ANY legal issues...? Because I don't have to look at my cams every 5mins wondering if the cops are on their way to boot down my door....?
Before, if I were to get busted, it wouldn't really matter if I had 5 or 50 plants, I'm still going to jail so why goto jail for 5plants.... Better make it worth the risk...
Dont adhere to the rules and your insurance can deny a claim, god forbid something ever happened to your home.....
It's legal, and worth basically nothing anymore so what's the point of going over your limits? Where ya gona get rid of it that's worth while..... No where, unless you do even more work and process it into concentrate and even then it's not worth much. Get maybe 10-15 bucks a gram for bho.... Barley covers my time and the taine.
You 'overseas' guys are living in the past man. Get with the times.
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Because, I'm no longer a criminal...? Because I'm allowed to grow 39+4 plants without ANY legal issues...? Because I don't have to look at my cams every 5mins wondering if the cops are on their way to boot down my door....?
Before, if I were to get busted, it wouldn't really matter if I had 5 or 50 plants, I'm still going to jail so why goto jail for 5plants.... Better make it worth the risk...
Dont adhere to the rules and your insurance can deny a claim, god forbid something ever happened to your home.....
It's legal, and worth basically nothing anymore so what's the point of going over your limits? Where ya gona get rid of it that's worth while..... No where, unless you do even more work and process it into concentrate and even then it's not worth much. Get maybe 10-15 bucks a gram for bho.... Barley covers my time and the taine.
You 'overseas' guys are living in the past man. Get with the times.
You were never a criminal if the laws not right but ok bro whatever think how u like sounds like your in it for the money anyway
You were never a criminal if the laws not right but ok bro whatever think how u like sounds like your in it for the money anyway
How is a person "in it for the money" when they are growing within their plant count? Most people who follow the laws wouldn't have grown when it was illegal. As JJ said, if you can't sell it then what's the point? I would break the plant count for some mothers, but I can see why the average law abiding citizen wouldn't want to risk it.

That said, I miss the outlaw element. The culture has changed, and while I'm glad people are no longer getting locked up, I don't feel like I have much in common with the the average modern "stoner" who has had a card most or all of their adult life.