Pandemic 2020

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no fucking sympathy.
i got over feeling sorry for antivaxxers a couple of years ago.
I understand what you mean, it becomes quite draining and frustrating to the point that it needs to be turned off. But as long as the nurses and doctors are still fighting with this deadly virus every day, I will push back on the false narrative that this virus is no worse than the flu or a cold.
I understand what you mean, it becomes quite draining and frustrating to the point that it needs to be turned off. But as long as the nurses and doctors are still fighting with this deadly virus every day, I will push back on the false narrative that this virus is no worse than the flu or a cold.
The medical staff, the elderly, the children, the immune compromised...Antivaxx magats don't give a shit about anyone, they make themselves hard to give a shit about. At this point, i just count them as another enemy of sanity out of the fight.
That is quite the source, but I'm a little disappointed it doesn't discuss 5G technology. Crazy you think that this is a legit place to read about any serious information.
I already know Angelia Desselle's story, and how the mainstream media incorrectly cast her out as a fake. That article was just the first that popped up, which would help to explain a fuller picture. I've seen her medical records, and also her VAERS report (Forbes said that they couldn't find one for her, which is how they "debunked" her claim). This is a case of the mainstream media spewing misinformation, by labeling a true story as misinformation.
I have had four shots so far with no issues, well, there is the loss of erections but it is not like I have been using the little guy the last while.
Good for you. Adverse events by nature should be rare. However that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be a consideration. Just like it's rare to die from covid. We need to consider all factors.
no fucking sympathy.
i got over feeling sorry for antivaxxers a couple of years ago.
I have plenty of sympathy. It's too bad that covid hit Chris The Crippler and others so hard. But guess what? He had a pre-existing condition with his heart. He also didn't die, and is doing great now.
Three words….”Plenty of fish” ;). Catch and release only!!!
I was on it about 15 years ago, what started me into the wacky world of forums. We had a nutty bunch in our city that made almost any comment sexual in nature, could not wait to get home to see what people posted. Had tears running down my face, laughing. You had to be quick posting as another person would cough up something hilarious and take the conversation in whichever direction. We had more posts per day than any other city. It all got blown up by a newer female member, can not remember the details but the mods basically shut us down. Only bothered to meet two women, both just fizzled. Almost forgot a third, she already found someone but decided to meet with me for interest sake. Met at a coffee shop, found out it was not open to the public yet, the people there put a pot on for us and we had the place to ourselves. Told family stories, same type of upbringing, moulded in the same way, was an interesting hour or two.
I already know Angelia Desselle's story, and how the mainstream media incorrectly cast her out as a fake. That article was just the first that popped up, which would help to explain a fuller picture. I've seen her medical records, and also her VAERS report (Forbes said that they couldn't find one for her, which is how they "debunked" her claim). This is a case of the mainstream media spewing misinformation, by labeling a true story as misinformation.
The fact that the algorithm decided that a website full of conspiracy theory's is what you wanted to find, speaks for itself.
it’s called Brandolini’s Law or the Bullshit Asymmetry Principle.

Thanks for the link, I am going to make a point of following some of the recommendations it discusses.
you're calling it true with no evidence except a story ....
Not true. Here's some evidence, a VAERS report, and a couple of doctor's notes:

Screenshot 2023-01-29 3.45.57 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-01-29 3.46.46 PM.png

Screenshot 2023-01-29 3.48.25 PM.png

You can look up the VAERS report yourself on the CDC website. This alone debunks Forbes' "fact checking" (Wired claimed that they couldn't find a VAERS report).
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Here's what Wired used on Jan 23rd 2021 to "debunk" Desselle's story:

Screenshot 2023-01-29 3.59.42 PM.png

Note this portion of the article:

Screenshot 2023-01-29 3.59.18 PM.png

It's so weird that they didn't find the VAERS report, which shows on the CDC website to have been submitted on Jan 20, 2021 (3 days before the article came out), but I'm able to see it on the CDC website right here:

You'd think that two years later, knowing that they were clearly wrong, that they would issue a retraction.
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