Why Are My Babies Stretching?


Well-Known Member
anyone have a clue as to why these seedlings have such long stems? They popped the surface 4 days ago. Can I transplant them and bury the long stem? Thats a picture of my seedlin/clone space. Its illuminated with a 4 tube t5 fixture but Im only using 1 bulb. Farther side is for growing clones and seeds while rooting clones are furthur away from the light.



Well-Known Member
yeah, with the fluoro you need to get the lights 2-3" away..
you got to have them really close.. i'm using CFL's & i have them 2-3" away..

click the link in my sig or HERE
she has no stretching whatsoever..


Well-Known Member
I dont get it?...That t5 is putting out 5000 lumens which should be plenty for new seedlings not to stretch even at 5-6 inches away. Should I put another bulb in there?

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
You can transplant with the stem down in the soil. No problem! But keep the plants as close to the light as possible without burning them as soon as they sprout.


Well-Known Member
well for one there very very far away from them...

my mate has a 250w cfl inch's from his plant with no prob's

not being funny but with over 1000posts its sumthing i would have thought u wuld know xD if i was going to grow personally i would read up alot an know my shit coz alot seem to post asking how to harvist ect...

which means theyv'e grown that whole plant with there knolege which is not a lot more than likely there are loads off posts about this sort of problem maybe it would be easyer to look threw a few next time save u some time xD


Well-Known Member
I hadthe same problem with my fluros somebody recommended that I raise the pot so the leaves are 1 inch away from the fluros & it worked so advise you to do the same.


Well-Known Member
well for one there very very far away from them...

my mate has a 250w cfl inch's from his plant with no prob's

not being funny but with over 1000posts its sumthing i would have thought u wuld know xD if i was going to grow personally i would read up alot an know my shit coz alot seem to post asking how to harvist ect...

which means theyv'e grown that whole plant with there knolege which is not a lot more than likely there are loads off posts about this sort of problem maybe it would be easyer to look threw a few next time save u some time xD
Ive grown out a few plants from seed using this same method and never any stretching like this.

And I'll tell you what I was told by a senior member when I joined this forum: Never judge a persons growing ability by the number of posts they have.It would be like me judging your intelligence by the seemingly unlettered response you gave.:-? But thanks for your input....


Well-Known Member
I dont get it?...That t5 is putting out 5000 lumens which should be plenty for new seedlings not to stretch even at 5-6 inches away. Should I put another bulb in there?
yea, they put out great lumens..
but knowing how to use the lumens would benefit your plant..
the further away, the less lumens it's putting out towards your plant..
& if you had them closer.. well you get the idea..

trust it though..
when we say get them closer to the light..
we seriously are helping you with the stretching..
& who knows.. maybe that deformity will go away?

transplant & bury the stem..
as soon as you possibly can..

anyway, good luck man :D


Active Member
hey anhedonia, i have that same exact problem. thanks for posting. i think you beat me by seconds. this is weird. mine look just like that. i sprayed them with jumpstart from AN. it seemed to help with growth on top and hopefully with the roots. the stems got a little thicker. my guess is that i left them in the paper towels while germing for too long. but i dont know. i have some exp. but i deffinatly dont know everything, so i hope someone can answer this for us. one thing that i have learned about this plant is, no matter what happens she just wants to grow so "problems" like this are not too big to worry about, i hope. thats why shes so beautiful and helpful.


Well-Known Member
Well I understand that lumens can decrease significantly by how close they are tol the plants. Ive never had seedlings grow stems ike that using the t5.