lmao...you sure are a sassy one pirate, if your pic wasnt up id say u were a red head. Thats not a bad thing by any means. As for the subject at hand...98% of convictions are because people admit to the charge. People give up there rights all the time. If a cop pulls me over I just roll my window down about 4" and dont say anything. He asks me how fast I was going I just look at him and dont say anything. Pretty much I dont say anything unless he asks me a direct question I need to answer. Questions like Where are you going, what are you doing, how are you doing, blah blah are fishing questions. They are reading your body language and looking for tells, if your nervous, high, drunk, w/e. The reason they ask you how fast your going is cuz if you say 70 and the speed limit is 65 or w/e you just admited to speeding and now he has all the evidence he needs, theres no way you can fight it. Cops will say all kinds of stuff to try and goose you...same for when and if they take you to the station to question you. Ive been taken in for questioning twice and both times I didnt say nothing...I just said I want a lawyer and nothing else...they TRIED and TRIED to get me to talk but I never would...botht imes they let me go after a few hours. If you are not under arrest you dont have to say a damn thing to an officer. Anything you say WILL be used against you if they can. A police officers main job is to convict people. That is there main goal, they dont give a damn about you. They will say and do anything and everything they can to get you to give evidence against your self. Same thing goes if they show up at your house...just go out and close the door...NEVER leave the door open...thats inviting them to look and find something to give them cause to go in your house. Cops can search your car alot easier then they can your house....its real hard for a cop to search your house...they absolutly have to have a warrent unless they feel someone is dying or being hurt or if they see drugs or something of that sort laying around (why you keep your door closed) Basicly shut up and dont say anything to a cop if you dont have to...ive went through about 80% of my traffic stops w/o saying a word to the cop except "Am I under arrest" a couple times in which case they said no. Ive been stopped once before walking down the street and the cop tried to question me about where I was going and I asked "am I under arrest?" he said no and I just turned around and left...nothing he can do. You are in no way compelled to talk to him if you are not under arrest.. Its also alot harder for cops to abuse your rights now...like pirate said they have microphones they carry around recording what they do so they cant violate your rights because that recording is required in court. As long as you understand your rights you will be fine unless your just an idiot and make it ez for them by leaving shit in plain site for them to see. Just be smart. I was lucky because a good friend of mine in Alaskas dad was a cop and he taught me how to deal with cops. If your ever arrested DONT SAY SHIT...just wait till you get your lawyer...You not saying anything CAN NOT HURT YOU but anything you say CAN hurt you. Also, if you are ever a witness to a major crime, Murder, rape, robbery, ext....dont give a witness testimony...you in no way will be pursused just cuz you dont wanna give witness testimony. But I know 2 people who were locked up (1 for 3 years on a Armed robbery Charge and one for 10 years on a manslaughter charge) cuz they gave a witness testimony cuz they were inocent so they thought why not? It can only help...well it turned out they said one thing and a "witness" said another and one thing led to another and they were both found guilty and they were both inocent...the one for manslaughter was later indited but the other is SOL. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO TALK TO THE COPS and contrary to what people believe NOT TALKING TO COPS DOES NOT MAKE YOU GUILTY OR A SUSPECT they will say it does, but again they will say ANYTHING to get you to talk. Sry bout the long ass post but I was lucky to learn my shit from an actual cop.
What pirate said is good advice...im not sure on the weed keychain and stuff...so I cant comment on that but I do know the rest of her post was good....stop dogging her and Pirate stop getting so defensive lol. Arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics if you win your still retarded

You talk about being classy and mature and all that and im sure you are...so show it

Just let em talk. You dont need to defend your self for no damn body. You made a good post to help bring awarness to people...and ALOT of people need it...prolly 99 out of 100 dont know there rights and it trully is sad....Millions of our forefathers died to give us these rights and most dont even care about em...
Pce yall