Examples of GOP Leadership

What do you see or watch for

- the current drivers for
- the indicators of

the center being restored?
there are so many little things that lead me to believe we live in a divided country, but that the right is and has been slowly failing for at least a decade.
the areas where racism is rampant are slowly contracting, (although they're still orders of magnitude too large) business, Big Business is taking a stance against politically incorrect behavior, blue states are becoming more financially and ideologically appealing to businesses, the military, teachers and doctors looking for work...red states will rely on dirty jobs that pay like shit, because that's already beginning to be all they have to offer. their educational systems which already revolve around sports, will suffer even more, and a degree from a red state school will be a joke in the real world.
they will have low tax revenue, with most of their base doing menial labor, and the few entrepreneurs either ditching them or demanding huge tax breaks not to, which will just suck them further down the drain.
we met a couple of couple for drinks and duck pin bowling at Flavortown the other day. two gay couple my wife is friends with.
one of them is interracial...no one said shit to them, no one looked at them funny, no one acted scandalized...in a bar and grill in one of the reddest states in the country. tell me that was possible even ten years ago... real people don't take polls, they don't take phone surveys, but they go out, and none of them seem to be hugely concerned with homosexuality or interracial marriage.
so is the center restored? not yet, but i think it's repairing itself, and will do so more quickly, the more republicans who get locked up and are forced to stop directly interfering with the process.
by the way, i kicked everyone's asses at duck pin bowling.
there are so many little things that lead me to believe we live in a divided country, but that the right is and has been slowly failing for at least a decade.
the areas where racism is rampant are slowly contracting, (although they're still orders of magnitude too large) business, Big Business is taking a stance against politically incorrect behavior, blue states are becoming more financially and ideologically appealing to businesses, the military, teachers and doctors looking for work...red states will rely on dirty jobs that pay like shit, because that's already beginning to be all they have to offer. their educational systems which already revolve around sports, will suffer even more, and a degree from a red state school will be a joke in the real world.
they will have low tax revenue, with most of their base doing menial labor, and the few entrepreneurs either ditching them or demanding huge tax breaks not to, which will just suck them further down the drain.
we met a couple of couple for drinks and duck pin bowling at Flavortown the other day. two gay couple my wife is friends with.
one of them is interracial...no one said shit to them, no one looked at them funny, no one acted scandalized...in a bar and grill in one of the reddest states in the country. tell me that was possible even ten years ago... real people don't take polls, they don't take phone surveys, but they go out, and none of them seem to be hugely concerned with homosexuality or interracial marriage.
so is the center restored? not yet, but i think it's repairing itself, and will do so more quickly, the more republicans who get locked up and are forced to stop directly interfering with the process.
by the way, i kicked everyone's asses at duck pin bowling.
I dunno. In the last decade we elected Cruz, DeSatanis, Gan and Kitara … and of course that man.
I see Ginni the Red Viking’s sock still on the high bench next to the Handmaid.
I see politics as dominated by dark money as the galaxy’s rotation is dominated by dark matter.
I see most of America equating documents/Biden with documents/both previous execs.
I see Roe gone and the culture war nowhere near the uhm drag limit.

So I don’t agree that the right is losing ground. I’ll need to see something big, like the FCC fining Fox a dollar a lie per viewer.

we elected Cruz, DeSatanis, Gan and Kitara … and of course that man.
no...THEY elected them...red neck morons, frightened children, and it took russian and chinese interference in our electoral process, and the most rampant gerrymandering since Elbridge Gerry caused the term to be invented for them to be able to do it.
All we have to do is keep undoing everything we can, that they try to do, and outlast them.
it would help a lot if democrats got more proactive about improving the way people, especially independent voters and teetering conservatives, perceive them.
many middle and lower class people instinctively mistrust those they perceive as leftists. it needs to be pointed out to them, in palatable ways, that liberals are responsible for solving some of their problems, and that the republicans are the ones causing problems to begin with, and almost never offering a solution to anything.
the scotus is the biggest problem at the moment, and something needs to be done about them. i would suggest a DEEP investigations into all of the "conservative" justices, and a public airing of ALL of their dirty laundry.
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no...THEY elected them...red neck morons, frightened children, and it took russian and chinese interference in our electoral process, and the most rampant gerrymandering since Elbridge Gerry caused the term to be invented for them to be able to do it.
All we have to do is keep undoing everything we can, that they try to do, and outlast them.
it would help a lot if democrats got more proactive about improving the way people, especially independent voters and teetering conservatives, perceive them.
many middle and lower class people instinctively mistrust those they perceive as leftists. it needs to be pointed out to them, in palatable ways, that liberals are responsible for solving some of their problems, and that the republicans are the ones causing problems to begin with, and almost never offering a solution to anything.
the scotus is the biggest problem at the moment, and something needs to be dome about them. i would suggest a DEEP investigations into all of the "conservative" justices, and a public airing of ALL of their dirty laundry.
I resist that THEY. In the immortal words of P. McCartney,
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.

I would be fascinated to know by what mechanism those deep investigations could be compelled. Because anything less than compelled will be shunted aside.
I don’t know. Going with the pendulum metaphor, it is quite far right, but I cannot figure the trend. The recent election was outcome-neutral imo: while Democrats did not lose as much ground as they might have, they didn’t gain any. And the Republican class in place has shed its moderates. That makes me wonder if we’re still gonna move right. Certainly the ramparts against necessary expansion/funding of government are heavily manned right now. Committee assignments are a diagnostic.

A decider for me will be judicial. Not only how the various high-profile documents etc. matters will be handled, but the actions and makeup of our appellate courts. The signals from there (to this unqualified observer) have been mixed.

Another will be media and corpora accountability. The alt-fact media and multinational corporate and banking tax evaders have been on the ascendant. For me to place any stock in the hope that the wave has crested, I’ll need to see a billionaire or two put into prison pour encourager les autres.
Don't forget that the past election showed gains in state offices for Democrats. Whether or not "Democrat" can be used as a proxy for "leftward" is debatable for some but it's not a sign of progress for the right.
I dunno. In the last decade we elected Cruz, DeSatanis, Gan and Kitara … and of course that man.
I see Ginni the Red Viking’s sock still on the high bench next to the Handmaid.
I see politics as dominated by dark money as the galaxy’s rotation is dominated by dark matter.
I see most of America equating documents/Biden with documents/both previous execs.
I see Roe gone and the culture war nowhere near the uhm drag limit.

So I don’t agree that the right is losing ground. I’ll need to see something big, like the FCC fining Fox a dollar a lie per viewer.

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Roger pointed out some very significant changes in our culture and society. The list you drew up shows a list of political issues.

Roger is talking climate and you are talking weather.
Don't forget that the past election showed gains in state offices for Democrats. Whether or not "Democrat" can be used as a proxy for "leftward" is debatable for some but it's not a sign of progress for the right.

Roger pointed out some very significant changes in our culture and society. The list you drew up shows a list of political issues.

Roger is talking climate and you are talking weather.
they're both important, and both bear on each other.
the political issues have to be changed, and a more open, accepting society will make it easier for that to happen.
not saying we're there yet, or that it will be easy sailing, but we ain't sunk, we aren't even bailing water yet.
Do you think "the pendulum" is still swinging to the right nationally? Maybe I'm suffering from recency bias but just looking at national trends in our elections, demographics and attitudes, I'm of the opinion that the pendulum has just departed the rightward apex and is now swinging leftward. Actions taken by the right seem to be the ones that are taken to reverse these trends.
IME the ‘“right”ward swing’ has passed its apex & is rapidly losing energy (voters) as the GOP crumbles. It began to slow before Obama won in ‘08. Sped up, paradoxically, during Caribou Barbie’s heyday, when GOP began to cut back the oxygen for their ‘troops’; the ‘18 midterms tho…is what really checked their momentum.

McCarthy is in up to his jawline - ALL HE CAN DO is double-down on the insanity…and the cognitive dissonance grows…and more and more people begin to fail their gullibility checks…and their voting base flows away like sad and angry water.

YES, the honkosphere got louder and hatier, YES, the blowhards are blowing harder than ever & the blown chunks are meatier than ever. There is no OFF to this. There is no REVERSE. There is no NEUTRAL. This is their last gasp maybe for this century: one last desperate whirl to grab the constitution away from its citizens - its MEMBERS - and strike a blow for aristocracy & class rule. It’s win or die for them. Heaven or hell. And they can’t stop…even as they fail again and again, spectacularly, publicly, virally…and maybe they’ll bring down others like them in other places: “it steam-engines when it’s steam-engine time!”

Worse than treason, worse than dishonor, at this stage losing AT ALL means losing *everything* for some of the most powerful families on the planet…but the “sleeping giant” Yamamoto warned against waking is waking up, and waking up grumpy….
I resist that THEY. In the immortal words of P. McCartney,
I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together.
We're only all together in the sense that the fate of the nation is the fate of us all. There are so many factions, so many special interest groups, so many people spread all the way across the political and social spectrum that i'm surprised we can ever agree on anything. But we do end up agreeing on enough to keep the country wheezing along, and the obstructionist, the saboteurs throwing their stinking shoes in the works, haven't broken the machine yet. There are less of them every year. The ones that remain are still dangerous, and still work hard to undermine democracy and subvert the constitution. It's up to the rest of us to stop them. I don't have a workable, quick acting solution, or i would be too busy implementing it to talk about it, but there are people a lot smarter than i am working towards the same goal.
IME the ‘“right”ward swing’ has passed its apex & is rapidly losing energy (voters) as the GOP crumbles. It began to slow before Obama won in ‘08. Sped up, paradoxically, during Caribou Barbie’s heyday, when GOP began to cut back the oxygen for their ‘troops’; the ‘18 midterms tho…is what really checked their momentum.

McCarthy is in up to his jawline - ALL HE CAN DO is double-down on the insanity…and the cognitive dissonance grows…and more and more people begin to fail their gullibility checks…and their voting base flows away like sad and angry water.

YES, the honkosphere got louder and hatier, YES, the blowhards are blowing harder than ever & the blown chunks are meatier than ever. There is no OFF to this. There is no REVERSE. There is no NEUTRAL. This is their last gasp maybe for this century: one last desperate whirl to grab the constitution away from its citizens - its MEMBERS - and strike a blow for aristocracy & class rule. It’s win or die for them. Heaven or hell. And they can’t stop…even as they fail again and again, spectacularly, publicly, virally…and maybe they’ll bring down others like them in other places: “it steam-engines when it’s steam-engine time!”

Worse than treason, worse than dishonor, at this stage losing AT ALL means losing *everything* for some of the most powerful families on the planet…but the “sleeping giant” Yamamoto warned against waking is waking up, and waking up grumpy….

It's trivializing Jan 6 but but what the heck. Trump and MAGA Jumped the Shark when they denied Jan 6 was anything but an attempted coup and attempt at overthrowing an election that they lost.


It's all been downhill for them ever since.

Or as you say, they "woke" a giant.
Don't forget that the past election showed gains in state offices for Democrats. Whether or not "Democrat" can be used as a proxy for "leftward" is debatable for some but it's not a sign of progress for the right.

Roger pointed out some very significant changes in our culture and society. The list you drew up shows a list of political issues.

Roger is talking climate and you are talking weather.
although I mentioned it in passing, I rate the culture war as more like climate. I’m not sure if I can claim the politics as the many tips of the cultural iceberg, but I am a sucker for picturesque metaphor.
It's trivializing Jan 6 but but what the heck. Trump and MAGA Jumped the Shark when they denied Jan 6 was anything but an attempted coup and attempt at overthrowing an election that they lost.

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It's all been downhill for them ever since.

Or as you say, they "woke" a giant.
I read comics when i was a kid, and still kind of keep up with whats going on with some of my old favorites.
There were many stories that were great, till they pulled something so outrageous out of their collective asses that even teenage fanbois had to say "WTF is this shit?". Exactly my knee jerk reaction the first time i heard them denying it, after watching it on live television moments before..."WTF is this shit? "
IME the ‘“right”ward swing’ has passed its apex & is rapidly losing energy (voters) as the GOP crumbles. It began to slow before Obama won in ‘08. Sped up, paradoxically, during Caribou Barbie’s heyday, when GOP began to cut back the oxygen for their ‘troops’; the ‘18 midterms tho…is what really checked their momentum.

McCarthy is in up to his jawline - ALL HE CAN DO is double-down on the insanity…and the cognitive dissonance grows…and more and more people begin to fail their gullibility checks…and their voting base flows away like sad and angry water.

YES, the honkosphere got louder and hatier, YES, the blowhards are blowing harder than ever & the blown chunks are meatier than ever. There is no OFF to this. There is no REVERSE. There is no NEUTRAL. This is their last gasp maybe for this century: one last desperate whirl to grab the constitution away from its citizens - its MEMBERS - and strike a blow for aristocracy & class rule. It’s win or die for them. Heaven or hell. And they can’t stop…even as they fail again and again, spectacularly, publicly, virally…and maybe they’ll bring down others like them in other places: “it steam-engines when it’s steam-engine time!”

Worse than treason, worse than dishonor, at this stage losing AT ALL means losing *everything* for some of the most powerful families on the planet…but the “sleeping giant” Yamamoto warned against waking is waking up, and waking up grumpy….
It's the way Hitler and Mussolini went down and it will be Vlad's fate too.
Better stick with Newsmax interviews, Gym. lol.

On "Meet the Press," Jim Jordan was presented with factual details that debunked his talking points. He acted as if he didn’t want to know the truth.

Read in MSNBC: https://apple.news/AiF_0PyD1SByUCJH1-BRFGw
That's why all the press, except for a very few selected outlets like Foxnews, are fake news, enemies of the people with nefarious motives. They can't speak to professional journalists who will challenge them with facts and call out lies, both sides are not the same, one side is lying and attempting to cover up the truth. All the while leading and supporting everything wrong with America and trying to destroy it and it's constitution to get off the hook for crimes.

Without Foxnews propaganda, they would have no voice at all in the news media on cable and would be forced to operate online like OAN and other rightwing outlets. They would be largely cut off from their older audience and might not even be allowed on YouTube. Their primary purpose is to empower the republican party as it's propaganda organ and to create and spread social division, sometimes over trivial matters, they create and promote the culture wars. It has become a safe space for liars, loonies, bigots and con artists, who dare not appear on normal news shows.


