Another case for a subforum
Something to think about, the AeroGarden gods have obviously got a few things wrong. AeroGardenists need to work out what these are and ram it home to them where they are fucking up.
If you look at AeroGarden 3, its just the previous model, that someone photoshopped the dimensions, shrinking the width.
Theyre up to AeroGarden 6 now which is just the same old shit with a 24 hour light cycle and 6 pods...big deal.
Just a few that come to mind. Too shallow a tank, not enough lighting, wrong lighting hood design, inflexible lighting schedules, heat susceptable nute tank, light leaks into the nute tank, needs an EC meter, needs a pH meter, needs an air stone etc etc
By the time you have made all the adaptions to AeroGarden, you end up like mine, and overpriced black plastic box with 5 holes in the top and an airstone doing the work inside.
Now I know we are not here to help some corporation get its shit right, but people are still going to try and grow weed in the AeroGarden so you either have to put pressure on the Aerogods to make whatever changes in further updated models, or build one that is based on the same desktop, countertop idea that works to its potential.