Can this guerrilla grow fruit tree work for cannabis

The one thing about spots like that , and I've done many , is getting in and out without being seen . I always had a partner for drop off and pick up . One person sees you and whips out a cellphone and it could get complicated .

Get in with a roll of fence, a shovel , plants and fertilizer . Come out empty handed . Shovels are cheap , fencing is advised . If it's a good spot you have a shovel and fence there for the next season .

Have an excuse for being in there ready to use when you come out empty handed . A place like that you could say you're looking for edible mushrooms . Up here those places are state property so it would likely be a trooper asking questions .
Maybe take a camera and be birdwatching. Kind of like it and do it some times. Next question, cant germinate and grow seedlings outside this year, wife ain’t having it. So I am going to clear out a small kitchen cabinet I have, modify it, hang a lamp and get em going. Below is where I am doing it and I am removing the drawers and replacing with the fronts of them reattached. So, any recommendations on a small light to get them going before heading to the woods?6A5093F6-21DA-4248-B4D4-49E76EC4A064.jpeg
Will this work for a guerrilla cannabis grow in terms of getting in the ground fast and getting out? I have no desire to linger for security reasons. I have about a 3-mile drive on the highway to get to a point where several exits converge and make some choice areas. I try to find all areas facing south at the bottom of small hills for runoff to go to them.
So what do you think, I found this video of this guy who's out planting fruit trees in the wild right off a path that is used for trail walking. Well, I'm not about to gorilla grow anywhere like he's doing in location and path proximity, I did take note of things like plants or trees being green, even year-round here. I think he really is into planting where water will run down a hill with good sunlight etcetera.

The part I am asking about shows him using a cordless drill with a 3 inch auger bit on there that you used to plant bulbs and stuff in gardens. My plan is to adopt what he's doing to be able to get in and get out fast in an area where the soil is great which I have plenty of in this area. I am going to use either peat cups or find some biodegradable nursery starter bags and when I get to three node plants, or about 9” – 12”, and that may be a bit big, hit the trail and go put out four or five in each location in the manner that he's talking about, nowhere near the beaten track, and see if I can adapt this method to a gorilla cannabis grow. Here's a video
View attachment 5255031View attachment 5255032View attachment 5255033 and it's about 9 minutes long but I would never ask any of you all to view that. Just perhaps check out the beginning and even though it's right next to a trail I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about the method of getting it in the ground fast. Be cool guys and gals especially you rock and female growers, you show us dudes what you can do!
Here is a highway site in mind.
Some folks use a post hole cutter thing when they planting serious numbers vs a auger on a good plot it speeds it up check out paniks vids on youtube like gorrilas in the mist etc he is the breeder for realgorillaseeds and a guerrilla grower too they used to trip up dressed like the council clear brush etc and plant out big fields its worth a look for a laugh at very least

The one thing about spots like that , and I've done many , is getting in and out without being seen . I always had a partner for drop off and pick up . One person sees you and whips out a cellphone and it could get complicated .

Get in with a roll of fence, a shovel , plants and fertilizer . Come out empty handed . Shovels are cheap , fencing is advised . If it's a good spot you have a shovel and fence there for the next season .

Have an excuse for being in there ready to use when you come out empty handed . A place like that you could say you're looking for edible mushrooms . Up here those places are state property so it would likely be a trooper asking questions .

Only thing that worries me is the fence part. Where I got to go is not easy to traverse, trying to get a roll of fencing or even any tomato cages is concerning to me. What do you think about bamboo steaks instead? I think I mentioned that somewhere earlier.

And, sorry if anybody on here gets tired of my questions and comments, apparently over on a neighboring site they got tired of my replies saying that I continue to ask the same question over and over. Hell man I was just replying to other peoples comments so really truly I hope I don’t get on anybody’s nerves here. In college I was known as the guy who asked all the questions.
Only thing that worries me is the fence part. Where I got to go is not easy to traverse, trying to get a roll of fencing or even any tomato cages is concerning to me. What do you think about bamboo steaks instead? I think I mentioned that somewhere earlier.

And, sorry if anybody on here gets tired of my questions and comments, apparently over on a neighboring site they got tired of my replies saying that I continue to ask the same question over and over. Hell man I was just replying to other peoples comments so really truly I hope I don’t get on anybody’s nerves here. In college I was known as the guy who asked all the questions.
You may be fine as you have fewer deer and no groundhogs in that sand.Do not use blood meal or bone meal as it will encourage animals to dig up your plants.Ammend the soil with peat and poop and put a bit of balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 around the hole.GL
Only thing that worries me is the fence part. Where I got to go is not easy to traverse, trying to get a roll of fencing or even any tomato cages is concerning to me. What do you think about bamboo steaks instead? I think I mentioned that somewhere earlier.

And, sorry if anybody on here gets tired of my questions and comments, apparently over on a neighboring site they got tired of my replies saying that I continue to ask the same question over and over. Hell man I was just replying to other peoples comments so really truly I hope I don’t get on anybody’s nerves here. In college I was known as the guy who asked all the questions.

Fence is to keep critters out , bamboo stakes won't do that . Fence is worth it if you can get it in there . It will last for several years, just take it down and hide it in the fall .

We used the green wire , sometimes wrapped with chicken wire . Nothing is 100% but it helps . Cut branches work to stake the fence down .

We kept it pretty simple but did lots of different spots . Average a dozen unsexed seedlings in each . Used our own mix of blood bone and greensand mostly , Espoma Garden Tone in a pinch .

Another thing that loves seedlings is slugs . They can wipe you out the first night . A ring of slug pellets around the spot helps .
Copper wire on the floor for snails they hate it.piss around the plant or better get your dog to piss or get his hair and scater it for rabbits and deer. Get some of those drip plugs they do 1L/24h dig a hole around your plant put a bucket or just plastik for water to collect there dont forget to cover with planks or something soo you dont break your foot when you fall in. And allways pick your trash,cant tell you how many times a drone sees a blue trashbag in the wild and finds the plant
You may be fine as you have fewer deer and no groundhogs in that sand.Do not use blood meal or bone meal as it will encourage animals to dig up your plants.Ammend the soil with peat and poop and put a bit of balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10 around the hole.GL
Thanks, bone meal was in my recipe.
Fence is to keep critters out , bamboo stakes won't do that . Fence is worth it if you can get it in there . It will last for several years, just take it down and hide it in the fall .

We used the green wire , sometimes wrapped with chicken wire . Nothing is 100% but it helps . Cut branches work to stake the fence down .

We kept it pretty simple but did lots of different spots . Average a dozen unsexed seedlings in each . Used our own mix of blood bone and greensand mostly , Espoma Garden Tone in a pinch .

Another thing that loves seedlings is slugs . They can wipe you out the first night . A ring of slug pellets around the spot helps .
Or copper ring
Did I mention predator urine? Coyote urine will draw coyotes but repel most other animals. Can get at most outdoor stores. Bobcat, or big cat urine will do it as well.
Fence is to keep critters out , bamboo stakes won't do that . Fence is worth it if you can get it in there . It will last for several years, just take it down and hide it in the fall .

We used the green wire , sometimes wrapped with chicken wire . Nothing is 100% but it helps . Cut branches work to stake the fence down .

We kept it pretty simple but did lots of different spots . Average a dozen unsexed seedlings in each . Used our own mix of blood bone and greensand mostly , Espoma Garden Tone in a pinch .

Another thing that loves seedlings is slugs . They can wipe you out the first night . A ring of slug pellets around the spot helps .

I gotcha man I thought you were talking about using that for trellising. So here’s my question I’m worried about trying to come in with a 4 foot tall roll of chicken wire. But they have 2 foot tall rolls. What do you think of that? Is that tall enough? Yo, everyone let me know when I’m getting on your nerves and I’ll shut up but I sure do appreciate you.
Two foot will work, build a cap for it out of same material. Dig 6” in ground as well so rabbits and moles wil be deterred. The plant will grow thru the wire top . Keeps deer from plucking the seedling.
Do you see the nicely trimmed grass? Someone did that. That someone could see your tree as they roll by on the mower.

You'll want the tree on the sunny side so there it is spotlighted by the Sun. I say pass on that area.
Two foot will work, build a cap for it out of same material. Dig 6” in ground as well so rabbits and moles wil be deterred. The plant will grow thru the wire top . Keeps deer from plucking the seedling.

Do you see the nicely trimmed grass? Someone did that. That someone could see your tree as they roll by on the mower.

You'll want the tree on the sunny side so there it is spotlighted by the Sun. I say pass on that area.
those places are off the interstate and a trim by people driving tractors. That ”island” happens to be very deep, and dense on the edges with a nice wet area at the bottom of the hill towards the middle.Thoughts? I keep wondering about road side and deep in If I can talk my wife into helping me and drop me off. She’s pretty sketchy on this shit.
I think Interstates and state parks are a bad idea. But that's just me.

If you go too deep into the dense island your trees will be shaded. It's a no win. The summer chain gang is going to be along cleaning up trash sometime in August. What can you do? That's just how I see the future.

You have the right idea gorilla growing. What's your back-up spot? Got any RR tracks?
Those highway spots definitely need a drop off , I've done many . One spot we could actually drive into an overgrown trail and access water company land that was posted with all kinds of threats of arrest and prosecution .

We used coon trails through the briars to avoid making a trail , belly crawling in . One time a hurricane took a huge tree down and we had to use a different trail . Halfway in we found what could only be a grave , a raised spot about 3' x 7' that someone had purposely lined with basalt rock to keep critters from digging . We had previously found evidence of homeless living out there in the past .

Couldn't report it because we had no excuse to be there . Still bugs me a bit 30 years later . I doubt I could even find it now . Never know what you're gonna find out there .
Dam Unga finding a grave would stick with me to.
Selecting locations in plain site takes some effort. I did an urban grow in the 80s within 100 yds of a police station. No more gorilla for me last year was to hard. I have some good spots that will be open.
Dam Unga finding a grave would stick with me to.
Selecting locations in plain site takes some effort. I did an urban grow in the 80s within 100 yds of a police station. No more gorilla for me last year was to hard. I have some good spots that will be open.

Ha ! Never tried one that close to a PD but in high school we walked right past the front door of our police department on the way to school . We pretty much every day smoked a bowl on the way and would toss the seeds into a flower bed by the door . One time they got about two feet tall before they noticed . :mrgreen:
I think Interstates and state parks are a bad idea. But that's just me.

If you go too deep into the dense island your trees will be shaded. It's a no win. The summer chain gang is going to be along cleaning up trash sometime in August. What can you do? That's just how I see the future.

You have the right idea gorilla growing. What's your back-up spot? Got any RR tracks?
Those were not even really a consideration, but I liked the slope. I have primaries already and secondary.