That seems to be the problem...They don't want peace, and don't seem to be having a lot of trouble breathing.
Their leadership doesn't give a shit how many die if they end up with what they want.
Those outside of the situation can see that they're already in an untenable position, they don't have enough men to take the country, they don't have enough men to occupy if they did by some miracle take Ukraine, and wouldn't if they stripped the rest of russia bare of defenses, something they dare not do.
They have already lost, the very best they could possibly do is restore the status quo previous to their invasion...which isn't going to happen.
and yet, they still insist that they're winning, that they will not only be victorious in Ukraine, but that Poland and Moldova will be the next to fall.
A comfortable majority of russians support both putin and his murder spree. there will be no domestic pressure to end the war, only disappointment that their children won't be returning home with all the things they stole before they were killed by the Ukrainians.