Mixing a large quantity of soil


Well-Known Member
I have 12 yards of soil to mix this spring and I am starting to realize that getting everything is only half the battle, actually mixing it is taking a bit to wrap my head around. Last year I made a hard or maybe 1.25 yards, and I just mixed it up on a tarp, I was thinking I could get a really big tarp and do like 3 yards at a time. I don’t know how well a cement mixer would work or what kind would be best for that volume. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Mantis tiller and keep gravity in mind for things like slope, source, destination, density of components, mixing downhill if possible or not moving the material uphill too many times. Nearer to the top of a slope seems like a better place to mix than the other end for some reason. The lightest like coco could probably be layered closer to the bottom and heavier items like rock dust or limestone higher up so that gravity will help even out the mixture. If you shake something the heavier parts go to the bottom, so I would try to avoid having a pile where you keep trying to get the heavier parts of the bottom of the pile to the top. Less work to put the lighter density components down closer to first and add any stones gravel sand or whatever after that I believe since movement and gravity will mix those layers.
You could fashion a way to turn the barrel in place i bet like a composter. Maybe some old lawnmower wheels on a two by frame?