Mixing a large quantity of soil

A large flat area like a parking lot and a tiller will knock this out in a few hours max. Last year I shoveled, wheelbarrowed, and raked out 5 yards of mulch by myself, in about 6 hours. This will definitely suck, but its not impossible.
Also how are the ingredients coming to you? Are you getting peat in those huge 1 or 2 yard sacks that require a crane to lift? Or like, 100 3-cft bags of promix?
The soil will go in large containers 50 gallon and up. I am picking the amendments up at a regional bulk supplier. The peat moss I will pick up in a dump trailer at the source.
This doesn’t work great unless your fashion a “lid” and you can invert the bucket. Otherwise it does absolutky nothing. It’s made for liquid after all. But once a kid is on you go back and forth almost flipping the bucket to get a mix.
yeah. i sholuld have added that its a bit more hands on then just switching it on. apollogies for that. but great fun getting the controle of it by turning the handle and watching the soil mix properly, untill your happy with the mix. i kinda assumed thatt ,that was implied to get a decent mix or it just settles to the bottom (dry amendments that is)
What size/model mixer do you use, and how long does it take you?

It does not take me long to mix up a batch...I bought this a few years ago to do some concrete mixing projects and build a block retaining wall for a pool...then I started using it to mix the soil.

It does not take me long to mix up a batch...I bought this a few years ago to do some concrete mixing projects and build a block retaining wall for a pool...then I started using it to mix the soil.
Do you put your aggregate in the mixer with your peat/coco, compost and amendments or do you mix the rock in later?
Do you put your aggregate in the mixer with your peat/coco, compost and amendments or do you mix the rock in later?
I throw everything in at once...I just try to make each batch as uniform as possible...it works really well...I also have a Bobcat 963G that I used to use to mix...I have horses...I bed them on straw not wood chips mostly and it makes great compost...years ago when I bought the mixer I made a place that has four compartments made out of concrete block and steel to compost in...I can drive the skid steer into each compartment and scoop it into the next as it breaks down...I can use that to mix as well, as I used to...but mostly it is so I can have people come get the compost rather than haul it away.
Is that like 2500gallon of soil? If so I'd either get that mixer or hire someone for a couple days to give you a hand. I just finished mixing up 100gal by hand using a dinner bowl for my upcoming grow and although it was a pretty big job, I would still do it the same way again, but not for 2500gal faaark that.
Is that like 2500gallon of soil? If so I'd either get that mixer or hire someone for a couple days to give you a hand. I just finished mixing up 100gal by hand using a dinner bowl for my upcoming grow and although it was a pretty big job, I would still do it the same way again, but not for 2500gal faaark that.
I do have 2 people to help, and we have reeled it back in to 1250 gallons. I am going to get the mixer though. I’ll let you know how it goes.