Not wise to post photo?


Well-Known Member
Just don't fuck with the Feds or their wives, and you'll be all good.

Currently, cannabis is classified as a Schedule 1 drug, along with heroin and LSD, a category reserved for narcotics with a high potential for abuse and no medical value.



Well-Known Member
...And fentanyl, what they say is deadliest drug ever.

At any rate, this has already been discussed:
Carfentanyl is something like 100x stronger than even fentanyl and has been showing up more often too. Basically elephant tranquilizer.



Staff member
I do remember you posted a picture of yourself many years ago.....hope you have deleted it.

Your avatar is a close enough resemblance....I forget the name of the member that created it for you, but you have been using it for a lot of years now.

Thanks sunni for all the years you have supported this forum, I don't know how you put up with all the BS.
im sure you could findsome old photos of me back in the day on here, i thought imay have deleted them but who knows, people have screenshotted shit etc.

Was it xKuroiTaimax? I remember her as unique and artistic
nope it was a photo i found on the internet and i had @Sativied put riu onto it


Well-Known Member
im sure you could findsome old photos of me back in the day on here, i thought imay have deleted them but who knows, people have screenshotted shit etc.

nope it was a photo i found on the internet and i had @Sativied put riu onto it
Sunni, you can delete them? Someone here told me once you post something it stays for as long as the site is up?


Well-Known Member
yes as an admin i delete posts that are against the tos, will i wipe out an entire account with 30k posts and a 10 year history no.

theres a large difference between the two
I'm actually 12 and joined here when I was in my mom's womb. Can you delete my account.

yeah just incase anyones interested we are looking for mods :lol:
Actually forget about the womb stuff. I'd like to submit my application for supreme mod commander.


Well-Known Member
im sure you could findsome old photos of me back in the day on here, i thought imay have deleted them but who knows, people have screenshotted shit etc.

nope it was a photo i found on the internet and i had @Sativied put riu onto it
I recently found an old 'Post a Picture of yourself' thread from years ago. Most of the pics, yours included have broken links now.