Same type of people/men who scream in my inboxes and say how they’re gunna kill me rape me etc
how I need to be curb stomped
just another day at Riu
glad I won’t be raising my son like my majority of the men I deal with here
I was a single dad myself and raised pretty decent but I think the people your son may hang around with or end up working with has even more influence on these negative incel type attitudes than a parents teachings sometimes. Keep an eye on his friends as he grows up and encourage him to see the bad ones for what they are without forbidding their company. That just seems to make it forbidden fruit and if in the teen years and hitting that rebellious stage, as all will at some point, he'll hang with them just to rebel. Not always but seems to be the way most will go at least a bit.
Sometimes I'm a little embarrassed to be a WASP but it's not my fault dammit!
I just make sure I don't act like one.
My son's are part native tho only #1 ever got his native status as his mom didn't want to get it for them due to the Battle of the Pines protests back in Quebec when they were little. She was afraid that the white man was going to round up all the natives and put them in prison or something.
We were common-law as I'm still legally married to a Cree lady I met in my early 20s. Just never got a divorce but haven't seen or heard of her in 40 years or more. Miss her brother tho as we got along a lot better than I did with his sister. Was the boozing on both sides more than anything.