Apollo 13 f5s available. Mendel/Mota line. For trade

I'm interested. I have the following that might work for you....

Moon High Dagga made in my garden
Power Cheese x (NL5xSk1)
PC = UK Cheese x (UK Cheese x Power Plant)
Sativa leaning hybrid. The PC female had about 10 to 12 week outdoor flower. Very potent.

Jack's Kitchen made in my garden
Hell's Kitchen x (Cindy99 x Jack Herer)
HK = NYCD x Lemon Bruleé
Sativa leaning hybrid. HK female had about 12 to 14 week outdoor flower. Very potent.

Pure sativa from equatorial India in Tamil Nadu. This is a super duper long flowering pure sativa. It grows huge and lanky. Expect flower times exceeding 20+ weeks. Expect medium potency. I got the seeds used to make a seed increase run from a contact in Tamil Nadu. The seed increase was done as an open pollination with multiple males and females in a friend's garden. I have seen only 1 person growing this out since after the seed run, and it's just starting to stack at 16 weeks on 12/12. He's trying to make it go faster by changing to 11/13 timing. I have only seen it first hand when it was fully seeded. If you're feeling brave, you might try to tame this beast.

Let me know if any of those look interesting for you.