ImissATARI's first grow ALL CFL


Well-Known Member
yeah, you should try watering it by the feel of the soil..
stick your finger in about an inch & whatnot..
if it's moist let it be until it dries out..
& also, if you want to be completely sure..
check the weight of your pot & if it's light/fairly light, water them..

if the leaves are still droopy after the transplant..
stick them into a humidity dome for about 2 days..
they should perk up, my first plant did..

you have time released soil huh?
transplanting would be a good deal..
although, watering does release nutes..
that's why, with the seedling..
i water about an inch worth of bottled water..
i water her right along the stem area..
so i give her enough & not enough.. if you know what i mean..

when she grows up i'll stick to watering her thoroughly..
anyway, hope she gets cured man :D

you should post those two pictures in the "marijuana plant problems"
& see what the other members have to say about it ;)


Well-Known Member
not time realeased, I have a worm farm and I used straight worm castings. In hindsight (always being 20/20) i should of got some decent potting soil and used that or just mixed it 50/50.

Ill go water the little girlies and see what we got....


Well-Known Member
i'm using miracle gro..
the soil that A LOT of people frown upon..
i haven't came across any problems..

i don't know what to say..
she was looking really healthy your last post..
i wonder myself, what could have gone wrong..


Well-Known Member
i'm using miracle gro..
the soil that A LOT of people frown upon..
i haven't came across any problems..

i don't know what to say..
she was looking really healthy your last post..
i wonder myself, what could have gone wrong..
well to tell you the truth it may have been an angle, it always has seemed to have a bit of droop to it but seems to be growing alright.

Looked in a few other forums with similar problems and some had droopy leaves the first or second node then it did just fine.

Thanks for the tip on adding a post to the plant problems, i did so: so we can see what others think:

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
i'm using miracle gro..
the soil that A LOT of people frown upon..
i haven't came across any problems..

i don't know what to say..
she was looking really healthy your last post..
i wonder myself, what could have gone wrong..
it's not so much that miracle gro won't work as much as it is other things work much better.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i've read on miracle gro grows..
so, i kind of know what to expect..
also, my first grow was all miracle gro..
& it came out just fine, except for the fact that it was male.. :(

i kind of know the what to's & what not to's for miracle gro..
like a lot have said, miracle gro just isn't for noobs.. lol

i'm sure you will get some decent answers though ImissATARI..
the marijuana help threads are a good source for plant help..
good luck :D


Well-Known Member
Day 15:

well a little update.

As always for me, things didn't go according to plan.

I had a side job to do so while I was at Home depot i stopped and picked up some scotts potting soil (anyone know how this is?)

It said its good for two 8'' pots, which is about what I have.

When I got home, I transplanted only to find the soil is about 4 inches from the top - not exactly what I had planned. Since I have a very structured schedule with the kids and all, I don't know when I will be able to pick some more up so I transplanted them today. Boy, I couldn't believe in only 14 days how much roots it had already!

So I'm hoping that when it gets a bit taller I can put an extra 2 inches of more soil around the base? Anyone have an opinion on that?

I really really wanted fox farm but the closest place to get it is 45 min away and we just got like 8 inches of snow today so I decided to make an executive decision (maybe when i put more soil in there I can use fox farm)?

Well the ole lady will be here soon so no pics yet, but shes gotta work tommorow so I should be able to do it then.

**I also checked the seeds (really good bagseed) I'm germin, its like DAY 4 and still only cracked, this is the longest its taken me to do this so I opened up the paper towel a little bit to give it some room (it seemed pretty tight in there) and put it in my dresser to give it a little additional heat.


Well-Known Member
i heard scotts potting soil is way better than miracle gro..
but, they are somewhat alike in some sort of way..

those roots do go a long ways :)
i'm in a 4-5" deep pot & i know i have to transplant..
i have a 10" deep pot that i got from my neighbor..
so HOPEFULLY that will be deep enough..
because my growbox height is only 23"
i just hope the plant will fit a long with the pots height..
since the light has to hang down about 3-4" :(

back to the soil/potting issue you have..
some/most people will say transplant them again..
but, i think it will be fine if you throw some new soil on the tops..
it would be best to mix & transplant again though..
just so the roots below will get the new soil..
i don't know though..

i can't wait to see an update though..
i haven't seen your plant in some days..
i'm sure that they have grown up great :)

nice, you're planting some more seeds? :o
i can't wait to see those sprouts..
how long do you plan on vegging for anyway?

good luck man..
& post those pictures up :D

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
If you use Scott's I would suggest picking up a bag of perlite too. That stuff can get pretty heavy, and the perlite would help a lot with aeration and drainage.


Well-Known Member
Day 15:

Well the ole lady will be here soon so no pics yet, but shes gotta work tommorow so I should be able to do it then.

Hey how's it goin? I got a CFL grow goin too and it sounds like we are about at the same time frame- I started mine on the 17th of November- links in my Sig.......

Anyways, If you do go and get another bag of Scotts you can just put that 2 extra inches into the pot...... The extra soil around the stem will encourage it to grow more roots.........

They are lookin good so far...I'm gunna keep up with u as well........


Well-Known Member
i had a lot of roots circled around the bottom of the cup, I would of done it sooner i think if i realized


Well-Known Member
Still real droopy:

I left the dresser open (still no fan)

It may be because the soil is holdin too much water, and even though i only water every 3 days, I might have to go for 4 days for now.

PS: Obviously i figured out how to take better pics of the plants :)



Well-Known Member
Okay, so im an idiot. Tips to other first time growers, have your materials before you start! You wouldn't move someone into a house before the drywall was up, the furnace or ac working, without windows would you?

I am flying by the seat of my pants and was def overzealous in starting this grow.

On that note, I have been using my tap water (very hard, salty water) and cannot imagine that has been helping. We have drinking water in the fridge and I have no idea why I haven't filled a cup up and let it get to room temp of that before I water it rather then taking water from the tap.

So- it seems it may be a mixture of things that is causing the curling

-stagnant air (no fan)
-shitty tap water (thats hard and seemingly salty)

other then that they are still growing and looking green so I'm hoping with some further steps they may be okay.

I need a Fan ASAP. I will also let it dry more then I have been because I believe the vermiculate I have been using is much to dense and holds the water longer then I expected.

To Mr. Pacific's advice I will also get some perilite to help drainage. When I get additional potting soil I will mix it in with the additional soil I use as well as working on putting it in to the soil in the areas where the roots have not spread yet (should be fairly easy as I just transplanted).

Well lets hope for the best!


Well-Known Member
find a goodwill near you..
they sell fans & lamps..
fans are about 5-8 bucks. for those little ones
& lamps are under 10 bucks, standing ones to clip ons..

all real cheap..