Challenges, not problems that form blocking obstacles. We’re already reusing part of the ng pipelines, and 85% of our hydrogen network will be reused ng lines. A portion of it has been updated and extensively tested for 5 years already, concluded to be safe and reliable.
It is, for many. It’s however not a choice between solar/wind and hydrogen, we need both. As I posted earlier, half the rooftops in NL can provide all the electricity need, during the day, but electricity is only a portion of the total energy use. Specifically the industry in Europe needs much more and only a portion of major industries can change to electricity, CO2-free gases will still be needed. Green hydrogen replaces gray-hydrogen and ng and is used as a carrier for green energy from the other side of the planet. Between EU and Australia, it’s a trillions of dollars project of which parts are already operational, i.e. this isn’t an idea for the future.