

Well-Known Member
"New people" go to the polls with the idea of "Russian dream"
he New People party is launching an active political campaign for the 2023 elections in 40 regions of Russia. This was stated today by the leader of the New People Alexei Nechaev at a conference dedicated to the third anniversary of the party. He called the embodiment of the "Russian dream" the main mission of the party this election season.

“2023 is the time of the New People. We are reaching out to all levels of government and are seriously strengthening our presence in the regions. This is the largest number of campaigns in the three years of the party's existence: 18 legislative assemblies, 11 city dumas and more than 200 municipal campaigns,” Nechaev said. All our candidates are people of action. Some came from other parties. Instead of unfulfilled promises, they chose real work and active patriotism.”

During Nechaev's speech at the conference, the inscription was placed on the screens: "Russian dream: interest, freedom, prosperity." It is with this idea that New people go to the polls.

“We like to say that we need a state ideology, that the people do not know what they want. This is wrong. People have long known what they want. We call it the Russian Dream. The main thing that people in Russia dream about is self-realization. When a person does something of his own, what he believes in is the best energy of interest. Secondly, they want prosperity to raise children. Don't work for pennies. Live in your own home. People also want freedom, so that the authorities respect them, take them into account,” the leader of the New People is sure.

According to Alexei Nechaev, in Russia only 2% of people earn more than 160 thousand rubles - such Russians are classified as rich by sociologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The task of the party is to make this standard of living the norm. “There must be no poor in Russia,” he says.

Also at the conference, Nechaev announced five basic principles of the work of the New People, describing, in fact, the portrait of a party candidate and deputy: the absence of populism, a course towards meaningful criticism, a focus on the regional agenda and real problems of people, as well as the rejection of prohibitive initiatives and denunciations.

“Our way is to open up new opportunities for development and remove restrictions, and not punish alternative opinions. A free and successful person will not grow up in fear. There are enough bans in Russia even without us,” the politician says.

After the conference, Nechaev told reporters that New People planned to nominate a candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

“We are not a party of one person, so the decision depends not only on me. It is necessary to participate in the elections, there is no doubt about that. We have a market agenda: the development of entrepreneurship, the creation of conditions for young people. It needs to be promoted. It is important that the supporters of this agenda have someone to support. But first we need to go through the autumn elections and analyze the results,” Nechaev said.

Elections to legislative assemblies, city dumas and municipalities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be held on the Single Voting Day on September 10.

in Russia only 2% of people earn more than 160 thousand rubles - such Russians are classified as rich by sociologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

160 thousand rubles = 2,891.59 Canadian Dollar - Hey Ma, I am a 2%'er in Russia.


Ursus marijanus
"New people" go to the polls with the idea of "Russian dream"
he New People party is launching an active political campaign for the 2023 elections in 40 regions of Russia. This was stated today by the leader of the New People Alexei Nechaev at a conference dedicated to the third anniversary of the party. He called the embodiment of the "Russian dream" the main mission of the party this election season.

“2023 is the time of the New People. We are reaching out to all levels of government and are seriously strengthening our presence in the regions. This is the largest number of campaigns in the three years of the party's existence: 18 legislative assemblies, 11 city dumas and more than 200 municipal campaigns,” Nechaev said. All our candidates are people of action. Some came from other parties. Instead of unfulfilled promises, they chose real work and active patriotism.”

During Nechaev's speech at the conference, the inscription was placed on the screens: "Russian dream: interest, freedom, prosperity." It is with this idea that New people go to the polls.

“We like to say that we need a state ideology, that the people do not know what they want. This is wrong. People have long known what they want. We call it the Russian Dream. The main thing that people in Russia dream about is self-realization. When a person does something of his own, what he believes in is the best energy of interest. Secondly, they want prosperity to raise children. Don't work for pennies. Live in your own home. People also want freedom, so that the authorities respect them, take them into account,” the leader of the New People is sure.

According to Alexei Nechaev, in Russia only 2% of people earn more than 160 thousand rubles - such Russians are classified as rich by sociologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The task of the party is to make this standard of living the norm. “There must be no poor in Russia,” he says.

Also at the conference, Nechaev announced five basic principles of the work of the New People, describing, in fact, the portrait of a party candidate and deputy: the absence of populism, a course towards meaningful criticism, a focus on the regional agenda and real problems of people, as well as the rejection of prohibitive initiatives and denunciations.

“Our way is to open up new opportunities for development and remove restrictions, and not punish alternative opinions. A free and successful person will not grow up in fear. There are enough bans in Russia even without us,” the politician says.

After the conference, Nechaev told reporters that New People planned to nominate a candidate in the 2024 presidential election.

“We are not a party of one person, so the decision depends not only on me. It is necessary to participate in the elections, there is no doubt about that. We have a market agenda: the development of entrepreneurship, the creation of conditions for young people. It needs to be promoted. It is important that the supporters of this agenda have someone to support. But first we need to go through the autumn elections and analyze the results,” Nechaev said.

Elections to legislative assemblies, city dumas and municipalities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation will be held on the Single Voting Day on September 10.

in Russia only 2% of people earn more than 160 thousand rubles - such Russians are classified as rich by sociologists of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

160 thousand rubles = 2,891.59 Canadian Dollar - Hey Ma, I am a 2%'er in Russia.


Well-Known Member
I have difficulty imagining that “solid intelligence” scenario. Got a realistic one?
How solid is any intelligence? However, Joe or the Ukrainians do seem to have a source inside Putin's circle of decision and have busted them publicly on a few occasions. We will see, but the Pentagon has been learning a lot of lessons lately and reevaluating Russia's capabilities and technology is always evolving, things like starlink could make it happen, or some other disruptive technology. An alternative to MAD would be nice, if someone should go mad.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
True enough, but part of my point is that they invest heavy effort daily in holding still & just not thinking about things that challenge their sense of stability. Normal people trapped in a 360x360x360 pressure machine…not so much stupid as in shock, out of spoons, & no safe choices.

Either way, the numerical value of “they” will continue to erode
i live in the palm of the red left hand...There are still A LOT of people who haven't even begun to accept that trump isn't the second coming...for fucks sake, there are TWO "trump" magat stores in Pigeon Forge, and they don't seem like they're about to go out of business any time soon.
No one seems to be scraping their "fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him" stickers off of their giant diesel pickups that compensate for their shrimp dicks.
Yeah, it will fall apart, but it will fall apart slowly, and quietly...


Well-Known Member
i live in the palm of the red left hand...There are still A LOT of people who haven't even begun to accept that trump isn't the second coming...for fucks sake, there are TWO "trump" magat stores in Pigeon Forge, and they don't seem like they're about to go out of business any time soon.
No one seems to be scraping their "fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him" stickers off of their giant diesel pickups that compensate for their shrimp dicks.
Yeah, it will fall apart, but it will fall apart slowly, and quietly...
Dude. You must have dreams about Trump.


Well-Known Member
i live in the palm of the red left hand...There are still A LOT of people who haven't even begun to accept that trump isn't the second coming...for fucks sake, there are TWO "trump" magat stores in Pigeon Forge, and they don't seem like they're about to go out of business any time soon.
No one seems to be scraping their "fuck Biden and fuck you for voting for him" stickers off of their giant diesel pickups that compensate for their shrimp dicks.
Yeah, it will fall apart, but it will fall apart slowly, and quietly...
Most still have confederates in the attic... You don't need to convince them all, just enough to win elections and about 2 million new white voters replace the old ones every election cycle. Immigration is gonna be an issue for the GOP and America is desperate for more of it, as is Canada and we recently opened the doors even more. The problem the republicans have is blond-haired blue-eyed Europeans don't want to come to America anymore and Europe has to import people now too. Those on offer are brown, black or Muslin, not even that many Asians want to come any more as conditions in their home countries rapidly improve. So, the GOP will be anti-immigration, legal or otherwise, new citizens versed in civics and with a positive attitude towards America won't vote for people that hate them and say so publicly.


Well-Known Member
Dude. You must have dreams about Trump.
I'm keeping an eye on his downfall and he will take lots of others with him when he goes, I figure a couple of thousand at least when you include the idiots who sacked the capitol. For a moron he sure was good at screwing lawyers and probably will put more of them in jail than anybody in American history! Donald is entertaining to say the least and his demise should be even more so, looks like Georgia will be up first with the TV trial of the century, get popcorn.

I don't often indulge in schadenfreude, but when I do, it's because they are dangerous assholes who should be in a cage. :lol:


Well-Known Member
A useful idiot at best, someone who seems to ignore the facts in favor of ideals. How will appeasing Putin help the Ukrainians again? How many of them are you willing to sell into slavery? How much of another county's land do you want to give away? What about the crimes against humanity and war crimes? Roger here seems to be ignoring a lot, giving Putin a free pass like a republican gave one to Trump. China has recent historical claims on Russian territory in the east, every bit as valid as Russia's "historical" clams in Ukraine and Crimea. It was the USSR that broke up, not Russia, though they thought of it as their empire.

Maybe Zelensky should invite Pink Floyd to that beach party in Crimea after the war to play a victory concert? :lol:



Well-Known Member
the Earth is an oblate spheroid, last time i heard...where's the end of an oblate spheroid at?
These days we are remote and mostly rural, but at the turn of the 20th century and while coal was king on the high seas, we were near the center of the transatlantic trade system with radio, telegraph and ship refueling centers, along with coal mining and steel making. Western union had their primary trans-Atlantic telegraph office to Europe in my hometown for decades and Marconi sent the first wireless signal from here.

Cape Breton used to be the center of the world and now it is more at the edges.



Well-Known Member
The landing gear is not required for a suicide drone, it can be launched from the back of a half-ton driving down a road or a catapult.

Ukraine War: Kyiv uses drones to strike inside Russia

467,025 views Mar 1, 2023 #skynews #ukrainwar #drones
There has been a steady increase in Ukraine using UJ-22 armed drones to attack targets deep inside Russia.

The latest drone was shot down only about 500 miles southeast of Moscow, just meters away from a Gazprom gas distribution centre.

The attack even though tactically insignificant, was described by retired Air Vice-Marshal Sean Bell as "strategically very important as it takes the fight in Russia".


Ursus marijanus
The landing gear is not required for a suicide drone, it can be launched from the back of a half-ton driving down a road or a catapult.

Ukraine War: Kyiv uses drones to strike inside Russia

467,025 views Mar 1, 2023 #skynews #ukrainwar #drones
There has been a steady increase in Ukraine using UJ-22 armed drones to attack targets deep inside Russia.

The latest drone was shot down only about 500 miles southeast of Moscow, just meters away from a Gazprom gas distribution centre.

The attack even though tactically insignificant, was described by retired Air Vice-Marshal Sean Bell as "strategically very important as it takes the fight in Russia".
lol Kyiv is 460 miles southeast of Moscow

f’n Murdochs