
Magna Carta was the #1 consumer credit instrument of the crusader era.

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Semi-next-level, seeing as how Magna Carta was a set of limitations imposed on a monarch *by his supporters in conquest* to prevent him from screwing THEM. Any ‘trickle-down’ effects to the commons has been stripped of nutrients & fed on a glacial timeline. Hereditary nobility…can’t think of much more useless, besides the vacuous certainty of “quality” held in common by them.

Evolution of the British Common Law, OTOH, has gone hand-in-hand with the numerous civil wars & popular uprisings that’ve afflicted Britain (and the US) more-or-less the whole time.

Kevin Phillips’ The Cousins War views Anglo American history from he viewpoint of the civil wars…and he makes a case for the US revolution & the Slaver rebellion as sister conflicts to the fights in England (following the Puritain & Cavalier migrations), carried to the NewWorld, because ‘why not?’ Well worth reading, I thought.

ZB: Phillips has little name-recognition now, but he’s the ‘author’ of Nixon’s infamous southern strategy & was influential in Reagan’s first term…but has since been taking apart the Bush family dynasty (‘American Dynasty’?), the role of evangelical religion & the power of financial institutions to Earl national policy (among others). He was thrown under the bus long before MAGA went looking for scapegoats
Bagginski says the magats think trump held their best interests at heart. Which is true, and they always will.
I agree with your sentiment…but I *don’t* think “they always will” (‘stopped-clock’ exception noted).

We’ve all heard about the bit about “a woman scorned”…but have you thought about the angry redneck forced to confront the reality of having been DUPED AGAIN AND AGAIN - USED & thrown away by people he/she/it actually TRUSTED? There’s a special kind of vengeance carried by those folks…they have long memories…and pride themselves on their ability to carry grudges…remembering the face of EVERY ONE WHO LIED TO THEIR FACE & made them into FOOLS.

We’ve all seen (experienced) the concentrated nastiness& venom common to folks bitter about their lots in life; they will not be kind to the liars who led them astray when they give up pretending to sleep & go looking for accountability

This is illustrated in Senator/ Jim Webb's Born Fighting: How the Scots-Irish Shaped America:
They ain't called The Fighting Irish for nuthin'. (NOT that there's anything wrong with that).--disclaimer for all of our Scots Irish friends. :)
On behalf of the tribe, I thank you.
TO POSTERS HERE: You guys are terrific. Enlightened and "woke" as you are Keep on being awake (woke). I can barely keep up with you all. Thanks. :)
Don’t sell yourself short - you seem to be doing a fine job of keeping up: your praise of my efforts is most welcome & appreciated. Thank you.
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Semi-next-level, seeing as how Magna Carta was a set of limitations imposed on a monarch *by his supporters in conquest* to prevent him from screwing THEM. Any ‘trickle-down’ effects to the commons has been stripped of nutrients & fed on a glacial timeline. Hereditary nobility…can’t think of much more useless, besides the vacuous certainty of “quality” held in common by them.

Evolution of the British Common Law, OTOH, has gone hand-in-hand with the numerous civil wars & popular uprisings that’ve afflicted Britain (and the US) more-or-less the whole time.

Kevin Phillips’ The Cousins War views Anglo American history from he viewpoint of the civil wars…and he makes a case for the US revolution & the Slaver rebellion as sister conflicts to the fights in England (following the Puritain & Cavalier migrations), carried to the NewWorld, because ‘why not?’ Well worth reading, I thought.

ZB: Phillips has little name-recognition now, but he’s the ‘author’ of Nixon’s infamous southern strategy & was influential in Reagan’s first term…but has since been taking apart the Bush family dynasty (‘American Dynasty’?), the role of evangelical religion & the power of financial institutions to Earl national policy (among others). He was thrown under the bus long before MAGA went looking for scapegoats
thanks! one to get my library to find somewhere in the state.
Russia has had 8 years to move out all the native pro Ukraine citizens of Crimea and made it a national policy to move pro russians into occupied Crimea. Seizing land and displacing it's occupants and replacing it with your own for 8 years is no indication of ownership. So it's ok If i kick my neighbors out of their home next door and move my friends in and then we ask the occupants if they want to move out or just claim ownership themselves? Russia won't stop with Ukraine.
I'm pro Ukraine,I'm just trying to look at this from all angles,objectively Crimea has a complex history that does involve Russian influence,it was Soviet troops who defeated the Germans there and blood was invested,Russia ceded it when Ukraine was in the Soviet Union but always had access for it's navy and never anticipated losing it completely,mix in it's strategic local and they are prob. contemplating usung nukes if they lose it. That's all I'm saying is serious scenarios loom from their point of view,hell I think they built the longest bridge in the world to it,so they're all in that's my point,I don't agree w/any of Russia's disgusting brutality or their unprovoked invasion.If your talking about Russia not stopping w/Ukraine, they are right now spent and exposed conventionally,their top units (airborne and Spetznaz) are decimated(mostly in Hostemal airport battle),their airforce can't carry Nato's jock,their logistic support is a joke,their command structure sucks,and combined arms ops. are still science fiction to them. Some Nato generals fear that their conventional ineptitude makes them more trigger happy in the nuclear domain ,so who can they take on in the near future,if they have a decade to rebuild and raise new trained units and impart a western command and combined arms strategy(a tall order w/all the sanctions) maybe that's possible.
Once the Russian army has been sucked into Ukraine completely and destroyed or captured the focus will be on Belarus, all those Belarusian fighters in Ukraine will be going home, organized, trained, armed to the teeth and backed by Ukraine and Poland. The Ukrainians are playing by international rules and will not invade but could come to the aid of a new government there for instance and there will be coups of military units too. The answer to both Ukraine and Belarus is to destroy the Russian rail bridges inside their borders leading into both places, when they are ready.

The complete destruction of the Russian army is the best chance Belarus has for freedom and the best long term security Ukraine and Europe can have. We don't want peace at this point, that ship has sailed, we want the complete and utter destruction of the Russian military machine and to destroy their ability to project power onto their smaller neighbors. As a bonus we might get rid of Vlad too, once destroyed, they won't be able to rebuild their army in a decade and even then, it will be a shadow of its former self. After this Europe can deal with Russia on its own, nobody is afraid of the big bad bear anymore. The next Trump that wants to break up NATO might find it easy to do, but the Russians could regret it, America too when it comes to confronting China. Having 50 liberal democratic allies who share your fundamental values should give a fellow a warm feeling inside and make adversaries nervous. America only controls about 25% of the global economy these days, so allies and the international system of law are important to other countries who live by the rule of law too.
The fact that the US has all these allies in confronting China is not only comforting it also gives the US a rightious feeling in dealing w/a ever increasingly despotic CCP that only regards International law when it suits them and is bullying it's way around the globe in territorial disputes,fishing and natural resources,and scamming poor African and Pacific isles nations w/bogus loans under the Belt/Road scheme. It's subversive,secretive initial Covid response and heavy handed fixing of the subsequent WHO Covid inquery are also indicative of the CCP's evil nature.
The fact that the US has all these allies in confronting China is not only comforting it also gives the US a rightious feeling in dealing w/a ever increasingly despotic CCP that only regards International law when it suits them and is bullying it's way around the globe in territorial disputes,fishing and natural resources,and scamming poor African and Pacific isles nations w/bogus loans under the Belt/Road scheme. It's subversive,secretive initial Covid response and heavy handed fixing of the subsequent WHO Covid inquery are also indicative of the CCP's evil nature.
Fortunately, they are more pragmatic than the Russians and won't bite the hand that feeds them with most of their trade. There appear to be other opportunities opening up in central Asia and in the future remains of the eastern Russian federation. To go to Taiwan or the south China sea would be a disaster for them, better they follow the path of least resistance in central Asia using soft economic power. Why own the country with all its problems when you can own and profit from the mines and businesses in the country using cheaper local labor. They can vastly improve the lives of the people living in those places by building infrastructure and supplying consumer goods.
…but have you thought about the angry redneck forced to confront the reality of having been DUPED AGAIN AND AGAIN - USED & thrown away by people he/she/it actually TRUSTED? There’s a special kind of vengeance carried by those folks…they have long memories…and pride themselves on their ability to carry grudges…remembering the face of EVERY ONE WHO LIED TO THEIR FACE & made them into FOOLS.
they're also usually not very intelligent, so it takes a lot to even make them realize they should be pissed. Then you have to consider the embarassment factor...they'll continue to lie to each other long after they come to personal realizations that they have continued to be the fucking morons they have always been. What you suggest will eventually happen, but at least double the time line you're allowing for it....it takes a while to penetrate that much stupidity and arrogance.
Fortunately, they are more pragmatic than the Russians and won't bite the hand that feeds them with most of their trade. There appear to be other opportunities opening up in central Asia and in the future remains of the eastern Russian federation. To go to Taiwan or the south China sea would be a disaster for them, better they follow the path of least resistance in central Asia using soft economic power. Why own the country with all its problems when you can own and profit from the mines and businesses in the country using cheaper local labor. They can vastly improve the lives of the people living in those places by building infrastructure and supplying consumer goods.
Hope all that comes to fruition,Taiwan encounter is very dangerous initially and escalotory for all (war gaming shows very high cost),and US/China relations are are darker by the day,would like to see Chinese energy/strategy diverted elsewhere,hopefully Xi hasn't boxed himself in w/Taiwan like Putin did w/Ukraine.
I'm pro Ukraine,I'm just trying to look at this from all angles,objectively Crimea has a complex history that does involve Russian influence,it was Soviet troops who defeated the Germans there and blood was invested,Russia ceded it when Ukraine was in the Soviet Union but always had access for it's navy and never anticipated losing it completely,mix in it's strategic local and they are prob. contemplating usung nukes if they lose it. That's all I'm saying is serious scenarios loom from their point of view,hell I think they built the longest bridge in the world to it,so they're all in that's my point,I don't agree w/any of Russia's disgusting brutality or their unprovoked invasion.If your talking about Russia not stopping w/Ukraine, they are right now spent and exposed conventionally,their top units (airborne and Spetznaz) are decimated(mostly in Hostemal airport battle),their airforce can't carry Nato's jock,their logistic support is a joke,their command structure sucks,and combined arms ops. are still science fiction to them. Some Nato generals fear that their conventional ineptitude makes them more trigger happy in the nuclear domain ,so who can they take on in the near future,if they have a decade to rebuild and raise new trained units and impart a western command and combined arms strategy(a tall order w/all the sanctions) maybe that's possible.
WHY do they need it? they have unrestricted access to the black sea already, and can sail to the sea of azov pretty easily...They want it because they feel it adds legitimacy to their ridiculous claims. They want it because they took it before, and still consider it theirs, along with every other territory they ever squatted to shit in...There are three possible outcomes...russia wins, and the entirity of Europe goes on a major defensive campaign, building up weapons and recruiting men, until russia tries some more shit, and then it will be a full scale European land war.
Ukraine wins, fully ejects the russians from ALL Ukrainian territory, sanctions continue until all the children they kidnapped, all the adults they're planning on making into slave labor are returned, and FULL reparations are made by the russians to the Ukrainians.
Or third...Weasel politicians try to convince Zelensky to give Crimea and donestsk to the russians as appeasement...i hope he has them ejected from Ukraine, with a cannon...That would be THE worst possible outcome. Even worse than russia winning...If russia wins the war fighting, thats better than russia winning the war through being appeased by cowards.
Hope all that comes to fruition,Taiwan encounter is very dangerous initially and escalotory for all (war gaming shows very high cost),and US/China relations are are darker by the day,would like to see Chinese energy/strategy diverted elsewhere,hopefully Xi hasn't boxed himself in w/Taiwan like Putin did w/Ukraine.
Most of the globe's advanced microprocessors are made in Taiwan and they are a critical part of the global technological economy, every industrialized country has a vital national interest there, not just America. It would mean instant war for China to invade Taiwan and more than with America, a lot more, Vietnam would probably be an ally for instance along with Japan, Korea and all those Asian tigers in the region. We are onshoring chip production, but it takes tens of billions of dollars and years to build an advanced chip fab, including training people to run it.

If Russia won a quick victory in Ukraine and was menacing Europe, then China might have made a move on Taiwan, but the invasion of Ukraine turned out to be a disaster for Russia. Most importantly they have seen how quickly strong liberal democratic alliances can form and how dangerous 50 or more allies can be in war and trade. They are also seeing the power of western weapons and realize the Ukrainians are fighting with one hand tied behind their backs and still beating the Russians. Even more important is the military system, culture and command, NCOs make our armies work and lack of the master tradesmen of war shows. If the Chinese are not big on NCOs, they could be thinking twice, since they copied the Russian military system, but could have made some changes.
I don't see a black/white resolution here,I hate to admit it but Russia does have legit claims concerning Crimea,they DID cede it to Ukraine during Soviet times,but it was a dog and pony show,Russia still used its access to the Black Sea and it's pop. is primarily Russian and pro Russia. You could say it's "Indian Giving" but no way Russia cedes this territory if it knows the Soviet Union is breaking up. Factor in it's strategic importance as losing it basically land locks Russia from the B. Sea and their is a good chance of it's loss prompting nuke use. The amount of loose nuke talk concerning nuking the US in Russian media off the charts and careless and alarming at the same time. It's not fair but nuclear states receive dif. treatment. Look at N. Korea,would we put up w/the BS they cause if they didn't have nukes or for that matter I guarantee Nato would be giving Ukraine air cover at the very least if the Russian's weren't a nuclear state. There are no easy answers in this and the West is very careful in what we provide in weaponry for this exact reason. For instance F-16's, Don't you think Joe has nightmares of US provided fighters flying supersonic at tree top level to bomb Moscow for the symbolic statement it would provide the Ukranians,once they have that capability you never know and then you never know how a country w/over 1700 deployed strategic nukes reacts to having their capitol hit by a capability provided by uncle Sam. It's a word wide shit sandwhich w/so many uneasy questions,hell I'm hearing that Putin;s replacement will in all likelyhood be WORSE if that can be comprehended.I don't even know who could negotiate a end game to this tangled mess.Who can deal w/ Russia,who can rebuild Ukraine,how can the war crimes be prosecuted,what kind of status does Ukraine have post war NATO/EU,what kind of hair trigger border situations will exist post war,and on and on the questions go.I just have a hard time seeing the Russians not getting crazy responding to a total defeat there is a good chance they will react w/a we don't win no one wins response. Putin surely wishes he never launched this in retrospect but he's in too deep and pride/survival have him in a corner were he can't back down. Ukraine doesn't have the manpower or Western backing to rout the Russians either,and the Chinese are starting to sniff around,it's all forboding as a MF.

Good post. Not sure I agree with the part about Crimea but aside from that, just as Putin’s in too deep he can’t back down, I don’t see US and EU backing down either as long as there are Ukranians willing to fight against Russians in Ukraine. When I listen to politicians from all over Europe it’s clear they act on a decision they made: Russia can’t be allowed to win. Our otherwise robotic steady PM recently went out of character stressing to a reporter "but they won't stop at Ukraine" with a face that implied "don't you get it??". But at the same time, Russia can’t be attacked either and they are hoping a decisive win in Ukraine will somehow make Russia stop and go lick their wounds. Putin and his propaganda machine are already trying to convince the public the west is out to destroy Russia, that they face an existential threat.

The economic sanctions are not working. Sure they do damage but don’t change Putin’s mind. People in the west heavily underestimated how content Russians can be with being miserable. Despite the many deaths and wounded on Russia’s side, they can simply grow new Russians. People on this side of europe however, don't deal as well with inflation, cold and empty shelves. Shit's still getting more pricey by the week. Inflation in France and Spain continues to rise and will be worse this year than it was last year. This in combination with still ongoing disinformation means golden times for populists.

China cannot for the foreseeable future attack Taiwan without severely damaging their own economy AND lifestyle. Can’t conquer Taiwain and simply restart the chip factories. But what happens when you introduce western liberties and prosperous lifestyles… you lose control of the people, they‘ll want power, the‘ll want democracy. We in the west assume China is not willing to give up what we love most about the west. Just as the west pretended MacDonalds leaving Russia was a win for us.

90 seconds to midnight isn't a joke. Real chance almost everyone north of the equator will die soon, and most of the rest soon after. But then do you realize what happens when that starts to sink in.
they're also usually not very intelligent, so it takes a lot to even make them realize they should be pissed. Then you have to consider the embarassment factor...they'll continue to lie to each other long after they come to personal realizations that they have continued to be the fucking morons they have always been. What you suggest will eventually happen, but at least double the time line you're allowing for it....it takes a while to penetrate that much stupidity and arrogance.
True enough, but part of my point is that they invest heavy effort daily in holding still & just not thinking about things that challenge their sense of stability. Normal people trapped in a 360x360x360 pressure machine…not so much stupid as in shock, out of spoons, & no safe choices.

Either way, the numerical value of “they” will continue to erode
Good post. Not sure I agree with the part about Crimea but aside from that, just as Putin’s in too deep he can’t back down, I don’t see US and EU backing down either as long as there are Ukranians willing to fight against Russians in Ukraine. When I listen to politicians from all over Europe it’s clear they act on a decision they made: Russia can’t be allowed to win. Our otherwise robotic steady PM recently went out of character stressing to a reporter "but they won't stop at Ukraine" with a face that implied "don't you get it??". But at the same time, Russia can’t be attacked either and they are hoping a decisive win in Ukraine will somehow make Russia stop and go lick their wounds. Putin and his propaganda machine are already trying to convince the public the west is out to destroy Russia, that they face an existential threat.

The economic sanctions are not working. Sure they do damage but don’t change Putin’s mind. People in the west heavily underestimated how content Russians can be with being miserable. Despite the many deaths and wounded on Russia’s side, they can simply grow new Russians. People on this side of europe however, don't deal as well with inflation, cold and empty shelves. Shit's still getting more pricey by the week. Inflation in France and Spain continues to rise and will be worse this year than it was last year. This in combination with still ongoing disinformation means golden times for populists.

China cannot for the foreseeable future attack Taiwan without severely damaging their own economy AND lifestyle. Can’t conquer Taiwain and simply restart the chip factories. But what happens when you introduce western liberties and prosperous lifestyles… you lose control of the people, they‘ll want power, the‘ll want democracy. We in the west assume China is not willing to give up what we love most about the west. Just as the west pretended MacDonalds leaving Russia was a win for us.

90 seconds to midnight isn't a joke. Real chance almost everyone north of the equator will die soon, and most of the rest soon after. But then do you realize what happens when that starts to sink in.
If the Russians want to continue the war it won't soon be in Ukraine, but on their borders and in their backyard. Sanctions are working, but it takes time and China can help or hurt that. There is enormous damage being done to Russian society and economy while their military power is destroyed. It's a matter of countries who live by the rule of law enforcing international law and the system of peace and prosperity that benefitted China the most for the past 40 years. They will be driven from Ukraine and eventually Crimea and can continue the war from inside their borders, if they can. However, I feel Vlad will have other fires to put out soon enough in Georgia and Belarus among other places. We don't want peace with Russia at this point, we want them out of Ukraine and their military and economy destroyed as much as possible, and their ability to project power onto weaker neighbors eliminated or diminished.
Good post. Not sure I agree with the part about Crimea but aside from that, just as Putin’s in too deep he can’t back down, I don’t see US and EU backing down either as long as there are Ukranians willing to fight against Russians in Ukraine. When I listen to politicians from all over Europe it’s clear they act on a decision they made: Russia can’t be allowed to win. Our otherwise robotic steady PM recently went out of character stressing to a reporter "but they won't stop at Ukraine" with a face that implied "don't you get it??". But at the same time, Russia can’t be attacked either and they are hoping a decisive win in Ukraine will somehow make Russia stop and go lick their wounds. Putin and his propaganda machine are already trying to convince the public the west is out to destroy Russia, that they face an existential threat.

The economic sanctions are not working. Sure they do damage but don’t change Putin’s mind. People in the west heavily underestimated how content Russians can be with being miserable. Despite the many deaths and wounded on Russia’s side, they can simply grow new Russians. People on this side of europe however, don't deal as well with inflation, cold and empty shelves. Shit's still getting more pricey by the week. Inflation in France and Spain continues to rise and will be worse this year than it was last year. This in combination with still ongoing disinformation means golden times for populists.

China cannot for the foreseeable future attack Taiwan without severely damaging their own economy AND lifestyle. Can’t conquer Taiwain and simply restart the chip factories. But what happens when you introduce western liberties and prosperous lifestyles… you lose control of the people, they‘ll want power, the‘ll want democracy. We in the west assume China is not willing to give up what we love most about the west. Just as the west pretended MacDonalds leaving Russia was a win for us.

90 seconds to midnight isn't a joke. Real chance almost everyone north of the equator will die soon, and most of the rest soon after. But then do you realize what happens when that starts to sink in.
I might have a minority opinion regarding this, but’s let’s run the extreme scenario. A nuclear exchange will redraw the map as it hasn’t been since Alexander died. But it won’t be a civilization-ending event. The climatic impact would probably be on the order of the Mount Tambora eruption two centuries ago.

A maximum strategic nuclear exchange, targeting cities as well as military sites, would use perhaps a thousand warheads with a combined yield of 300 megatons, about even with what has already been released in the era of atmospheric testing. Call the weapons-related casualties a billion, and the famine deaths across the years immediately following another two.
humanity and civilization would survive.
Most farmland would be weakly or not contaminated.

Don’t get me wrong: it would be cataclysmic. I don’t expect to survive a strategic nuclear war. And after a decade of hell, English might well be the new Latin, the language of academics, while China becomes the one to write the histories going forward.

That imo is the wurst-käse scenario.

I might have a minority opinion regarding this, but’s let’s run the extreme scenario. A nuclear exchange will redraw the map as it hasn’t been since Alexander died. But it won’t be a civilization-ending event. The climatic impact would probably be on the order of the Mount Tambora eruption two centuries ago.

A maximum strategic nuclear exchange, targeting cities as well as military sites, would use perhaps a thousand warheads with a combined yield of 300 megatons, about even with what has already been released in the era of atmospheric testing. Call the weapons-related casualties a billion, and the famine deaths across the years immediately following another two.
humanity and civilization would survive.
Most farmland would be weakly or not contaminated.

Don’t get me wrong: it would be cataclysmic. I don’t expect to survive a strategic nuclear war. And after a decade of hell, English might well be the new Latin, the language of academics, while China becomes the one to write the histories going forward.

That imo is the wurst-käse scenario.

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It is an experiment that we should avoid if at all possible or attempt to minimize at the worst with missile defenses, if feasible with new tech. Even setting up a first strike on their nuclear capabilities with precision stealth conventional weapons for the most part. If Joe thought for a minute that Russia was gonna launch on America, he would vaporize the fucker first and he has good intelligence, any responsible president would, except Trump, then we'd be glowing in the dark.
It is an experiment that we should avoid if at all possible or attempt to minimize at the worst with missile defenses, if feasible with new tech. Even setting up a first strike on their nuclear capabilities with precision stealth conventional weapons for the most part. If Joe thought for a minute that Russia was gonna launch on America, he would vaporize the fucker first and he has good intelligence, any responsible president would, except Trump, then we'd be glowing in the dark.
No US first strike. That way lies madness and millennia of shame. A response is different.

If Moscow tries a tactical nuke or two, I think an immediate and serious conventional response would occur. Our air weapons are good enough to bring a world of hurt without needing to drop down to that level. Nato planes will take ownership of the air west of the Urals, preventing any militarily-motivated use of any more nukes.

Any nuclear use is the end of Russia. Moscow will become the capital of a state no larger than Poland.
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No US first strike. That way lies madness and millennia of shame. A response is different.

If Moscow tries a tactical nuke or two, I think an immediate and serious conventional response would occur. Our air weapons are good enough to bring a world of hurt without needing to drop down to that level. Nato planes will take ownership of the air west of the Urals, preventing any militarily-motivated use of any more nukes.

Any nuclear use is the end of Russia. Moscow will become the capital of a state no larger than Poland.
Unfortunately, a response might be too late for millions of Americans if the president has solid intelligence of a planned Russian nuclear strike, he will bust and warn them first, but if they start warming up ICBMs all bets are off. It would be a dereliction of duty to not act on the intelligence in such an instance. I'm just for more and better options to deal with a nuclear armed lunatic hell bent on destruction, if nukes are to be used their use should be minimized. America would target Russian nuclear assets, not cities, except in retaliation, that's what the subs are for, targeting their cities will do little to save your own in the initial phases. I'm afraid the unthinkable has been though about quite a bit...
Unfortunately, a response might be too late for millions of Americans if the president has solid intelligence of a planned Russian nuclear strike, he will bust and warn them first, but if they start warming up ICBMs all bets are off. It would be a dereliction of duty to not act on the intelligence in such an instance. I'm just for more and better options to deal with a nuclear armed lunatic hell bent on destruction, if nukes are to be used their use should be minimized. America would target Russian nuclear assets, not cities, except in retaliation, that's what the subs are for, targeting their cities will do little to save your own in the initial phases. I'm afraid the unthinkable has been though about quite a bit...
I have difficulty imagining that “solid intelligence” scenario. Got a realistic one?