Fuck it/Enough is Enough

I just realized my printed calendar is one row out of register. i should have twigged when St. Pat’s was on the 10th.

That's nothing..i was looking for my sunglasses this morning to take the dog out before realizing I was wearing them. Spent about five minutes but I have a brain issue so it's okay.
I like the idea of being a week early for everything. Late doesn't count, that just looks like you missed the event and are covering your tracks.

You don't ever want to start off with an apology for being late..thank you cards, new customers. Timeliness is indicative of respect of the other individual and that their time is valued- you can never get back time.
ive been looking at the Miyazakigyu website. How do the prices compare?

I'll go over to the store later and look next dog walk..it's right around the corner. I'll take pics so you'll have for this afternoon.

I better hurry..went to make a pot of coffee and there was a brand new one waiting.
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