Hulk Nugs
Well-Known Member
Hey Farmers, i been starting my first grow, i am about three weeks into it and have been posting alot of threads out there and asking questions and learning a shit load of new info which i have to say thanks to every one that has helped me any anyone else with there first grow. I have had some problems and i think im on top of my grow now. I will start with how my grow rooms are set up, lets start with the veg room its about 1.5deepx2widex5tall, i have a tub sitting on a little table i made with the water tank under it i have two drain tubes coming out of the tub and one water intake going to a drip system i setup, the lights in use are two 2ft florecents cool white and naturalsun light, then i am using a 75wat daylight corkscrew light, and the big mother is a 600wat mh blub, i have two fans in the area with two humidifiers cool mist and warm steam, i know why two well i couldnt get the humidiy perfect with out both, i am using some nutriants i was recreminded by my local shop called Aqua Flake, and using mylar on the walls. right now lights on my temp is between 75, 80 humidity 52% lights off temp gets down to 65 humidity rises to 60%. I will have all the info on the grow room in a little while i need to take a break if you got any questions or comments dont hold back im all ears, a day i cant learn or teach somthing is a day wasted...... i will be updating this thread often and asking all my questions for any problems i have .... thanks to every one joining me on my first grow now lets get it started with a bowl
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