Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
No salt, no shoveling....It started raining and melted most of it off. I did plow the crap from the street snowplow at the end of my driveway was all.

Been reading up on distillation. Time to continue that venture. I am determined to produce a quality cartridge!!

And my pressure cooker showed up. I stopped at the feed store yesterday and checked out their grain selection. 50 pounds of race horse whole oats for $25 sounds like the winner. I may blow this place up yet!


Well-Known Member
There's nothing else even close to the feeling of being in the middle of nowhere and enjoying the beautifully silent snowfall. Well next to the feeling when you spark up out there :eyesmoke::lol:
That's what I was doing!
I got up from my nap and my wife came out back from shovelling the driveway, saw me smoking.

Told her she looked cute out there with her shovel, she just let off some steam.
Pretty sure she's coming back with a snowball for me.