LOL!.. we're all fucked.
Just more Russian bullshit, the magats and them have become indistinguishable from each other. Yeah, there is a vast conspiracy among the media of 50 countries, or should I say over a hundred.... A pile of horseshit that only a sucker would fall for twitter is full of the crap, most are Russian bots and they all sing the same song.
I wasn't siding on anything... just thought it was interesting that OAN would air that with such extreme allegations. Hard to believe anything anymore. You would have to be there to see it. Hell, I don't believe anything I hear, and about half of what I see these days.Just more Russian bullshit, the magats and them have become indistinguishable from each other. Yeah, there is a vast conspiracy among the media of 50 countries, or should I say over a hundred.... A pile of horseshit that only a sucker would fall for twitter is full of the crap, most are Russian bots and they all sing the same song.
I'll keep this simple this war is about the countries who live by the rule of law enforcing international law and sometimes enforcing the law means war and this one will end when Russia is defeated in Ukraine and driven out, maybe, Vlad has many enemies.
China does have some historical gripes,but it's the UK they should be mad at,they are responsible for the opium dens that hobbled China w/a generation of dependency and also for their hatred of Western colonialism not the US.
Not really, but that's exactly what they want. Russian (and China's) propaganda isn't about you believing a specific lie, it's to mindfuck you to a point you no longer know what to believe. It's why the lies are plenty and vary from small to exactly the opposite of reality. It's not like many incorrectly subscribe to Goebbels to accuse the other side of what they're guilty of, it's to cause people to think the truth is not what they hear and read but somewhere in the middle. Just like China is complaining about American balloons.Hard to believe anything anymore.
I hear ya,It just gives me a hollow feeling knowing that my country has offshored all our industrial might,the Ukraine war has magnified this issue,it used to be a comforting feeling in that once the US fired up the boilers of industry that we were indominitable and if a confrontation where attrition of hardware and even pop. occurs China now holds that advantage,it is notable in your point that China has not been globally agressive but they are now just gaining the ability to project power globally,so it's 50/50 I guess.he came damn close with the U-boats. The key diff imo is I don’t think the Chinese have such ambitions. They want Taiwan and a million square miles of the South China Sea … and on a bad day eastern Siberia (Northern Resource Area).
But all in all they want security for the Middle Kingdom first and foremost. Disclaimer: I’m not a student of China.
That is comforting,sometimes I don't think the US gets credit for the good it has done and tried to do inspite of our warts,it's just unnerving and hard to ignore that a country who 20yrs. ago had a joke of a navy and now they have all these modern ,shiny, capable new destroyers and frigates equipped w/superior weaponry in some cases while my nation has Aegis cruisers bordering on ancient and hasn't launched a frigate in 30 yrs. waisting time and treasure w/a failed LCS program. It's one thing to cut back it's another to squander resources on failed programs,meanwhile putting our skilled navy at disadvantages w/outdated equipment. These mistakes are now being addressed but it will take 5-10 yrs. to rectify creating a window where pretty serious vulnerabilities exist.You seem to think America would be at war alone with China, they would not, even Vietnam would end up as an ally. America's alliances with other nations who share values and even with some others who don't are as important to its security as its military. It will be as it is now, countries who live by the rule of law enforcing international law, liberal democracy versus despotic imperialism.
It's a FKN disgrace that the indominatable truth("the truth sets you free") has been taken over and can be countered by using the shotgun method to confuse and tire.Who new that in 2015-16 that Trump's "FAKE NEWS" claims or K.A. Conway's "ALTERNATIVE FACTS" would spawn the ridiculous situation we have now. Instead of objectively formulating a position gathering facts from vetted news and opinion it has turned into tuning in to a medium that tells one what they WANT to hear.Not really, but that's exactly what they want. Russian (and China's) propaganda isn't about you believing a specific lie, it's to mindfuck you to a point you no longer know what to believe. It's why the lies are plenty and vary from small to exactly the opposite of reality. It's not like many incorrectly subscribe to Goebbels to accuse the other side of what they're guilty of, it's to cause people to think the truth is not what they hear and read but somewhere in the middle. Just like China is complaining about American balloons.
It's not smooth sailing for the Chinese and the number of hulls they have in the water counts little if the technology is not inside those hulls. It's like the Russians with mobiks, they have plenty of warm bodies, but they are untrained, unequipped, unsupported and unled. As I said, America would not be alone, Japan, South Korea and India would most likely be too, all are powerful countries and on the front line. Going after Taiwan would mean instant war with all of them, EU and North America too. Think more like Ukraine with plenty of enthusiastic allies as opposed to the second gulf war with few, it all depends on the cause, America had more support in the first Gulf war when Saddam invaded, than for Dubya's personal revenge as the cause of the second. NATO went to Afghanistan because of 9/11, they would not go to Iraq for the second gulf war.That is comforting,sometimes I don't think the US gets credit for the good it has done and tried to do inspite of our warts,it's just unnerving and hard to ignore that a country who 20yrs. ago had a joke of a navy and now they have all these modern ,shiny, capable new destroyers and frigates equipped w/superior weaponry in some cases while my nation has Aegis cruisers bordering on ancient and hasn't launched a frigate in 30 yrs. waisting time and treasure w/a failed LCS program. It's one thing to cut back it's another to squander resources on failed programs,meanwhile putting our skilled navy at disadvantages w/outdated equipment. These mistakes are now being addressed but it will take 5-10 yrs. to rectify creating a window where pretty serious vulnerabilities exist.
Check out type 55 Destroyer,hypersonic anti-ship missiles,huge ass VLS capability, a pretty serious 10,000+ ton ship that NATO classifies as a cruiser,their type 52 is also brand new and formidable. I've also seen a video of a retired high ranking US Navy vet who visited a Chinese frigate at a port-o-call in Germany and he spoke highly of the ship's condition,readyness,and crew morale,do they have the fabled history and hard won lessons and experience of the US Navy,hell no,but these are cincerning trends. I't alway's good to have Allies and comforting not have to go it alone,it also imparts a sense of righteousness being backed up. It's heartening to see Japan shed it's gloves awakening to China's rise and aggression in the neighborhood,and they also have a naval tradition that dwarfs China's,as well as a suprisingly large,capable navy.Not sure w/India,while they are adversarial w/China,they are doing a 180 w/their trade w/Russia,classic fence sitters,fair weather friends.It's not smooth sailing for the Chinese and the number of hulls they have in the water counts little if the technology is not inside those hulls. It's like the Russians with mobiks, they have plenty of warm bodies, but they are untrained, unequipped, unsupported and unled. As I said, America would not be alone, Japan, South Korea and India would most likely be too, all are powerful countries and on the front line. Going after Taiwan would mean instant war with all of them, EU and North America too. Think more like Ukraine with plenty of enthusiastic allies as opposed to the second gulf war with few, it all depends on the cause, America had more support in the first Gulf war when Saddam invaded, than for Dubya's personal revenge as the cause of the second. NATO went to Afghanistan because of 9/11, they would not go to Iraq for the second gulf war.
If you'll notice, there is a lot of international dependency in arms manufacture these days and even America gets lots of military tech from allies, systems and parts. You don't want to get on the wrong side of international law these days and it will get worse in the future and even make America think twice, if ya wanna do something stupid.Check out type 55 Destroyer,hypersonic anti-ship missiles,huge ass VLS capability, a pretty serious 10,000+ ton ship that NATO classifies as a cruiser,their type 52 is also brand new and formidable. I've also seen a video of a retired high ranking US Navy vet who visited a Chinese frigate at a port-o-call in Germany and he spoke highly of the ship's condition,readyness,and crew morale,do they have the fabled history and hard won lessons and experience of the US Navy,hell no,but these are cincerning trends. I't alway's good to have Allies and comforting not have to go it alone,it also imparts a sense of righteousness being backed up. It's heartening to see Japan shed it's gloves awakening to China's rise and aggression in the neighborhood,and they also have a naval tradition that dwarfs China's,as well as a suprisingly large,capable navy.Not sure w/India,while they are adversarial w/China,they are doing a 180 w/their trade w/Russia,classic fence sitters,fair weather friends.
Well if the purpose of that was to boost trade,dependency,and prevent war let's hope the latter prevails,it's now pretty clear that off shoring so much mfg. to China trading self sufficiency for cheaper goods and the presumption that China would liberalize w/new found uplifting wealth has not had the desired result.Instead we have aided greatly in creating an arrogant,repressive CCP that bullies it's neighbors and only cites International law and standards when it suits their cause. I'm even growing more convinced of malfeasance in the Covid pandemic,why would they destroy all the Wuhan wet market evidence that would exonerate them from Western lab leak theory,not to mention the heavy handed control over the supposed WHO dog and pony investigation. After a failed super repressive,cruel lockdown they now have let Covid run free and are not sharing any data concerning new variants developing there.If you'll notice, there is a lot of international dependency in arms manufacture these days and even America gets lots of military tech from allies, systems and parts. You don't want to get on the wrong side of international law these days and it will get worse in the future and even make America think twice, if ya wanna do something stupid.
If they fucked up with a lab leak, they suffered the most from it and are currently dying like flies from it! No government would admit to shit like that, the international, diplomatic, legal and financial consequences would be staggering! We may never know the truth, but if they did fuck up, they should have learned their lesson, once burned on the red-hot stove they will be reluctant to lean the remaining stump on it again!Well if the purpose of that was to boost trade,dependency,and prevent war let's hope the latter prevails,it's now pretty clear that off shoring so much mfg. to China trading self sufficiency for cheaper goods and the presumption that China would liberalize w/new found uplifting wealth has not had the desired result.Instead we have aided greatly in creating an arrogant,repressive CCP that bullies it's neighbors and only cites International law and standards when it suits their cause. I'm even growing more convinced of malfeasance in the Covid pandemic,why would they destroy all the Wuhan wet market evidence that would exonerate them from Western lab leak theory,not to mention the heavy handed control over the supposed WHO dog and pony investigation. After a failed super repressive,cruel lockdown they now have let Covid run free and are not sharing any data concerning new variants developing there.
The international system encourages free trade to prevent global resource wars for the most part and the interdependency grew out of that and also tends to promote peace. China needs us too for more than just markets and raw materials and that makes them reluctant to go to war, it would completely wreck their economy, which is already fragile and whose size has been overestimated by almost a third. The globe is just too dependent on Taiwanese advanced microprocessors to let China invade without instant war from many allies. They would get a green light to move into central Asia and the collapsing Russian empire in the east using soft economic power. Labor is no longer cheap in China and these places have resources and cheap labor, why take over the country when you can control its economy? The path of least resistance for imperial ambitions lies in Asia, trying to control the seas to the east and take Taiwan would be a disaster for everybody, but especially for them. The more aggressive they get in the south China sea, the more hostile all those Asian tiger countries will be towards them, including Vietnam and India.Well if the purpose of that was to boost trade,dependency,and prevent war let's hope the latter prevails,it's now pretty clear that off shoring so much mfg. to China trading self sufficiency for cheaper goods and the presumption that China would liberalize w/new found uplifting wealth has not had the desired result.Instead we have aided greatly in creating an arrogant,repressive CCP that bullies it's neighbors and only cites International law and standards when it suits their cause. I'm even growing more convinced of malfeasance in the Covid pandemic,why would they destroy all the Wuhan wet market evidence that would exonerate them from Western lab leak theory,not to mention the heavy handed control over the supposed WHO dog and pony investigation. After a failed super repressive,cruel lockdown they now have let Covid run free and are not sharing any data concerning new variants developing there.