Blaze & Daze

Did someone say cocaine.....
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Coke sucks, especially the crap nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, i’ve done a shit ton of it lol but even the really good shit we used to get used to just put a frown on my face. But at least i could eat relatively soon and sleep and I honestly feel like I never really had a problem. But that was because there was crank. I actually did that shit first. In the eighth grade and believe me when i say i aint bragging. That shit is a horrible drug. I’ve been clean of that stuff for a good 15-20yrs now and am 100% confident i could easily turn down the offer if it came around. I don’t think anyone is making crank anymore its all meth now. I have a really good buddy who evidently didn’t learn his lesson with speed and now thinks he’s one of 144,000 chosen people. Straight lost his damn mind it’s so sad.

Used to shroom and dose my brain out too. My sister lived in the heart of the Castro district in SF. I used to get sheets or microdots for hella cheap from her. For a few years i was sending the acid to my buddy who was going to college on the Big Island. He would send me back shroom honey made from the shrooms they would pick there almost anytime they wanted to.

Never had a problem with heroin or other opioids or other types of pills. Never tried pcp. Can’t believe i’ve never tried ecstasy. Out of all the drugs listed i’d say it was hard booze that had fucked me up the most though, which was often used on top of the drugs i listed lol.
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Or maybe a little
Still got the coke hammer for busting up pure coke into 5 gal buckets.

I was hooked on the adrenaline and subterfuge, not the coke. Mostly, I got tired of using people up, sucking their cash and dreams away.
We did kind of target car salesmen and financial services people, the yuppies with suits.
Just because someone was untrustworthy or a deadbeat didn't mean they couldn't be used as an unwitting tool, or use their greed against them.

Still got the coke hammer for busting up pure coke into 5 gal buckets.

I was hooked on the adrenaline and subterfuge, not the coke. Mostly, I got tired of using people up, sucking their cash and dreams away.
We did kind of target car salesmen and financial services people, the yuppies with suits.
Just because someone was untrustworthy or a deadbeat didn't mean they couldn't be used as an unwitting tool, or use their greed against them.

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That would usually get our $4000 shortfall quick.
Not like they didn't have it in their 401k they bragged about.
Coke sucks, especially the crap nowadays. Don’t get me wrong, i’ve done a shit ton of it lol but even the really good shit we used to get used to just put a frown on my face. But at least i could eat relatively soon and sleep and I honestly feel like I never really had a problem. But that was because there was crank. I actually did that shit first. In the eighth grade and believe me when i say i aint bragging. That shit is a horrible drug. I’ve been clean of that stuff for a good 15-20yrs now and am 100% confident i could easily turn down the offer if it came around. I don’t think anyone is making crank anymore its all meth now. I have a really good buddy who evidently didn’t learn his lesson with speed and now thinks he’s one of 144,000 chosen people. Straight lost his damn mind it’s so sad.

Used to shroom and dose my brain out too. My sister lived in the heart of the Castro district in SF. I used to get sheets or microdots for hella cheap from her. For a few years i was sending the acid to my buddy who was going to college on the Big Island. He would send me back shroom honey made from the shrooms they would pick there almost anytime they wanted to.

Never had a problem with heroin or other opioids or other types of pills. Never tried pcp. Can’t believe i’ve never tried ecstasy. Out of all the drugs listed i’d say it was hard booze that had fucked me up the most though, which was often used on top of the drugs i listed lol.
all the good coke is now based up as crack
whats "popcorn" somebody mean, lol ive not herd that one b4

Popcorn is a stupid game school children play in some parts of the US while reading a book together in school. One child will read a paragraph then say "popcorn" and then pick someone else in the classroom to read. And then the vicious cycle of paranoia and anxiety continues.

For some reason I think we used it in NA meetings also.

Popcorn is a stupid game school children play in some parts of the US while reading a book together in school. One child will read a paragraph then say "popcorn" and then pick someone else in the classroom to read. And then the vicious cycle of paranoia and anxiety continues.

For some reason I think we used it in NA meetings also.

thanx morning, whats an NA meeting please? and so the circle continues lol
Popcorn is a stupid game school children play in some parts of the US while reading a book together in school. One child will read a paragraph then say "popcorn" and then pick someone else in the classroom to read. And then the vicious cycle of paranoia and anxiety continues.

For some reason I think we used it in NA meetings also.


I've never heard that before. We did have this game on a trampoline where one person would ball up and wrap their arms around their shins. While everyone else around them would bounce them till they popped........or landed on their head off the trampoline......or bit their knees for a bloody mouth. My friend actually did loose his two front teeth cannonballing off a deck onto the trampoline in the early 90's lol