Well-Known Member
I was recently gifted 2g of "Unknown/UnNamed" Magic Mushrooms.No more shrooms for my buddy....It was like straight up meth for him. He went on a rampage tearing things apart looking for his vaporizer. I finally yelled at him and made him stop and come sit down, and he did, but it was a long strange trip!! He reminded me of the mouse bouncing of the walls of my oven the previous week!!
Next weekend I'll try some Golden Teacher....and about ready try start micro-dosing.
The recommended dose was 1g
Here is 1g.

That was lunch today. I had a shot of a new batch of tincture to wash it down.

Space Monkey/C99

Upped the proof and amount of grain alcohol and increased the infusion time on this batch.

Edited to adjust the tincture recipe.
It is 1/2 Space Monkey and 1/2 C99.

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