I love my 16" Makita 36v saw. I'm not tackling jungles but it's definitely exceeded my expectations of performance.
I stabbed myself with a screwdriver. And neglected it. Almost lost my left index finger. You'd be surprised what microscopic invaders are at the tip of a #2 Philips head. Let alone a whole chainsaw blade. Hope it heals fast. If it ain't feeling better by now, might be good to swallow the pride and at least get some antibiotics. Hope it's all good.
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keep that finger clean ,lost the tip on my left index putin fire wood in a stove in the 70's!Yes I have a 36v Makita too, awesome saw and this is coming from someone who loved gas and swore they would never use an electric toy. Though the lack of sound can make you forget how dangerous it is, it's every bit as capable as my Stihl MS170.
I hope you heal up soon @StonedGardener it sucks you got bit but it could of been a lot worse.