Days on Dagobah II

Starting flower tamaro and setting up tent for keepers. GG4 on the way. Id say the room is about 80% filled but my electric bill has been 500$ the past 2 months. Going to convert to a outdoor system with a small indoor just to hold keepers: 3-6 max under 150 watt led. Had a lot of stuff planned; hunts, breeding, Etc. I would love to do. With my newborn my life is kind of pushing this direction. Maybe when I get outdoors down to the level I have hydroponics down then I can systemize projects outdoors but I do not have a firm enough grasp to add more variables like breeding and hunting into the mix when I still need to produce quality medicine for myself and lady. It will be at least a year before I can setup another room (Likely longer sadly). Won’t be growing at the other location any longer not worth it for the time.
Everything is falling into place. I have an extra closet I’m going to use for my mother room. 30”x22”x52”. Going to bonsai my keepers like growing in a stealth box. I have a lot of cuts now. Too many varieties and “Elite” Cuts.
I’m going to build my mom/clone closet Sunday as well another greenhouse and chicken coop.
I’ll cover them maybe but I’ll have pics of of the flower room soon.
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“3-6 Keepers max”... I meant it at the time. About start giving stuff away I’m not super excited about like the Monroe Cut Nana Glue.

Day 7 after flip.

This journal is open now by the way. Found an easy way to store other data. Wondering if that front left Jam on it is going to keep the 3 leaf mutation. It’s the only one with less than 5.
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Save this here for reference thank you to another member for most of this info;

OGKB Original Clone Only from OGKushbreath
OGKB 2.0 Bagseed found aka Chunky Pig Cut
OGKB v2.1 (OGKB x Dosidos) NorCal Cut
OGKB v2.1 IX (Slurricane 2.1 x OGKB v2.1
PKB In-house (OGKB v2.1 x Platinum)
PBB Thug Pug(Mendo Breath x Dosidos)
Mendo Breath (OGKB x Mendo Montage)
Dosidos (OGKB x Faceoff OG)
Jelly Breath In-house(Mendo Breath x Dosidos)
Tropicana Cherry #8
Ghost OG
Mendo Breath F3
Purple Urkle
GG4 Josey
Modified Banana
Cereal Milk
OGKB 2.0
Stardawg Corey
Peanut Butter Breath
Dosidos 55
Platinum Kush Breath
Strawberry Gary
Gary Payton
OG Kush
Donny Burger

Jam On It
Banana Burger Mousse
Midtown Madness

It’s too many. I didn’t list a couple I still haven’t finalized. Not all have arrived, may be waiting on restock. Two are waiting on me. Removed a few already as well and gave them to friends; Nana Glue, Cheetah Piss, & a couple more.
Purple Urkle Project Update:
Currently in tissue culture from an uncle but I am still hand cleaning these 3. All new growth is healthy with no damage. Upon inspection with microscope no eggs or bugs still present. Removed all damaged and flowering material but here’s a photos showing her purple qualities before I removed it. I’ll upload the after pics tomorrow.3C89B8F3-441E-44AA-868B-0F43E39FAC1A.jpeg1B1187AD-32F8-4BD8-8876-947033A75E42.jpeg
Still outdoors.
very cool, does purple urkle show its purple color at the beginning of flower?
No Idea bud, I was trying to get the Heirloom OG Kush that I lost last year back from my uncle in Azusa, CA. He sent me these on accident. I sent you the background.
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I think a few of the Stardawg IX will make it, fingers crossed at least. You can see the stem breaking away from the seed shell. Everything is still very fragile. Making F2sView attachment 5251619
4435-5235 Watt Room
Finally have the plants on the right track. Had a few problems; root rot, Mag deficiencies, & high PH. Everything fixed and looks good now. Will drop bottom SCROG lower and flower as soon as it fills out. This is the final test for current pheno hunt. Here are picture of the setup. Will be switching to (2) 4x4 tents soon so no need to log specs yet.
View attachment 5251620View attachment 5251623View attachment 5251624

Current Seed Vault
View attachment 5251622
The plastic bag is Rainbow Chip F2s from Exotic and the Zig Zag Container is a bunch of Banana Kush crosses I made and F2s.
That the same exact light controller I have, the spartan series...things solid and has never let me down.
“3-6 Keepers max”... I meant it at the time. About start giving stuff away I’m not super excited about like the Monroe Cut Nana Glue.

Day 7 after flip.
View attachment 5267858

This journal is open now by the way. Found an easy way to store other data. Wondering if that front left Jam on it is going to keep the 3 leaf mutation. It’s the only one with less than 5.
Those air cooled hood are bringing back some memories. Are you running a sealed room?
Those air cooled hood are bringing back some memories. Are you running a sealed room?
It has 2 sealed doorways to enter the flowering room. There is a filtered intake over a water cooled evaporative cooler for humidity. Negative pressure from x2 8” hurricane Inline fans. Im converting to LEDs one at a time.
These are the ones I plan on getting with every 5x5 build:
Too many Cultivars. Very done, I want to be down to 10 cultivars max. Final lineup for a while. HLVD test kits are otw, they were all tested prior but better safe. Had to make some choices, like choosing to take out the Josey, PBB, Chem Variants, Etc.. Very very happy with my lineup though. The OG variants are all going heads up for a winner. Waiting for my buddy to tell me which Gary he prefers then I’ll snag #2 as well. (Not listing #1 in till after I acquire it, don’t want to jinx myself.)

After that, testers can compete for spots relative to their category in side by sides; Jam on it -> OGKB 2.0, Banana Burger -> Modified, Etc. The seeds come into play if the cuts are not up to my standard for keepers and there is no cultivar in testing to take its place.

I put all my Double Banana Kush seeds into a water bottle that got dumped out. I dug it out the trash and saved 2 seeds that were stuck to the wall.... life happens. Just gotta move on. On the bright side now I don’t have an excuse not to look into starting a Panama Red preservation project. Will have to grab some new White Label Banana Kush stock for the vault.
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Jam On It #3 Jelly Breath Pheno with OGKB leaf Mutations being displayed. The elongated 3 leaf sets. The overlap is not as pronounced as you see in the older OGKB grows, but still very interesting to see.B63B725A-C564-41AA-BD45-D17F0D5B9B57.jpeg
The Midtown Madness A has some Leaf variegation as well.
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Mendo Breath F3 Derrick’s Green Dragons Cut
Hunted out of 300 seeds, this one I’m very excited about. (OGKB x Mendo Montage) would be the original F1 cross.
Glitter Bomb Compound from CLTVTD, 4 snips in an old 35 site bubble cloner. They’ve bounced back very well. They are 5 days in so they will have roots soon. Cleaning cloner every 3 days and adding half strength RapidStart to tap water.
Took this picture right before lights off. 5DCC5CF0-AAE0-4601-84FC-87ABC477FCA6.jpeg
My front runners are Jam On It #3 & #4. Both have the most mutated leaf set but already far beyond in bud development compared to the other Phenos. They both are already starting to build frost as well. Banana Burger Mousse #1, might finally be the keeper I’ve been hunting since 21’. Can’t say enough good stuff about it.

Began a test run of the Snip n Fridge method. All these were taken on 2/27/23. Going to do 3 stages; 30 days, 45 days, and then try 60. I’ll run 5 snips at every checkpoint. (5 is an easy number to stack ratios from and find a conservative success rate.)
(Not my tek, check the Advanced Cultivation section for more information.)
Stardawg Corey and Ghost OG will be here this week. I have 2 cuts of Ghost OG. One was given to me under the name Josh D OG from Allstar Clones. I cannot personally verify so I feel more comfortable just calling it Ghost, if you know the lore and OverG information then you know, just a respect thing. All the OGs I have are going heads up. The SFV is from a grower that has 3 verified Chem Variants and he put his SFV over all of them. I trust his opinion, especially since it was the only one I had to wait for.
I just want to say that this person made my day. 5 star review, 5 star human being. Things have been tight lately with the newborn, I’m in school for my EPA, Etc Etc. Long story short I wanted both and could only get one. There are some awesome people over there for sure. Very very thankful, I really cannot wait to try these. Been on here a long time, growing these cuts is kind of a grow dream of mine.
Banana Burger Mousse (Phenos 3/2/1)
This shows the Veg rates perfectly. It isn’t a health thing either since the 1 has the most leaves in her set.
Was removing this closet in the remodel but ran out of space. Needed a temporary mother zone. Had my buddy come over (pest control tech) and give me the works.
Removing the flowering material definitely speeds up recovery IMO. Purple Urkle are on their way to a full recovery. The Urkle isn’t really my thing but my brother is interested so that’s enough for me. I learned a long time ago about anthocyanins and they do have anti-inflammatory properties. I think that’s why purps have always been the most beneficial strains for him.

Dropped OGKB 2.0 from the lineup. Going to run my 30 seeds of the OGKB BX1 F2s. Maybe work the line a bit till I find something special. Next year. The only seeds I want to pop are Jesus OG & Trapstar toward the end of summer I think.
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We have purple. Probably a bit hard to see.

Lights on high temp is 77F
Lights off low is 69F. I’ll drop as I move through flowrer. I Veg around 80-82F. Humidity is around 70%. Sledgehammer flush, followed by another flush to push the last of the through the medium. Topping off soil layer trned off my drip system and switched to hand watering . My dryback times are too different. Everything is working well.

Never doing this large of pots again. My next grow will be a automated 5x5 tent with temp control. Thinking 9 plants in 3 gallon Coco/Peat. Athena Pro Line. My buddy is picking up this entire room off me and I’m putting it all into one tent.
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