Examples of GOP Leadership

Glad to be a part of THIS echo chamber, although I don't often say much.
We do use some of that eggcrate foam in strategic locations around the place. We do not gang up on righties in general, but the big lie supporters provoke a response.

There is also quite a spectrum of political thought on the left that doesn’t get heavy play around here. I haven’t seen, say, an anarchosyndicalist speak up.
Jawohl! Heil, Hitler!:shock:

What happened to 1a?
We already KNOW what the wrong-wing thinks of “registration”, it’s a prelude to confiscation & elimination.

Def curious to see if ANYONE will register for their own confiscation & elimination…

As for what happened to 1-A? The “super American patriot party” doesn’t give a shit about “free speech” - they care about their propaganda/disinfo/misinfo channels remaining unblocked, The End. Just the way the “super American patriot party” made sure Nazi propaganda was flooding the mailboxes of voters all across the USA, back during WW2.

This is the Socrates dilemma, same as faced by the Athenians after Creon & his gang was booted from power & democracy re-established: Socrates used his free speech to DESTROY free speech & self-government, not only in Athens (where Sew Crates lived quite comfortably with his tyrant student in charge), but Thebes & Corinth as well, where other students of Socrates used his methods & their speech to get themselves installed as DICTATORS & TYRANTS…and they ruled about like we’d expect from Bobo, Empty G, Gaetz, DeSantis, Pompeo, Carlson, and, of course, the Gibbous Orange Nightmare.

They were deposed by popular revolt & bloodshed, and Socrates stopped being seen as a teacher who was “just asking questions”…and was recognized as a threat to Athens, to Greece, to peace & order, and to the dream of self-government itself.

Right now, DeSantis is highlighting one of the major flaws in our system: the between-the-cracks notion that EACH and EVERY state is superior to & outranks the federal republic’s government…and the corollary notion that a state can be *exactly* as UNAMERICAN as it can figure out how - & the federal level/nation-as-a-whole is POWERLESS TO STOP IT.

Make no mistake: what DeSanitized is doing in FLA is every bit as big & as core a crisis any of the others were currently facing: between a captured, partisan SCOTUS, the insurgent House “leadership”, the wall-to-wall overthrow effort to wreck our electoral system, the Texas efforts to get the entire federal level declared “unconstitutional “, the general destruction of “news”, “research”, & “information” at the hands the brainwashing experts (outsourced to Russia) & the chaff-web, we are facing existential threats to the continuation of the nation, public order, and the dreams of the founders and of MILLIONS of us who will be paved over if Florida Man’s fascist loophole experiment goes unchallenged. Or unpunished.
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The convention of America's fifth column, if the democrats win a hat trick in 2024 these guys will be treated like the commies were in the 50's. The intelligence and federal law enforcement communities hate their guts, as does any patriot with a fucking brain, they have many enemies.
We already KNOW what the wrong-wing thinks of “registration”, it’s a prelude to confiscation & elimination.

Def curious to see if ANYONE will register for their own confiscation & elimination…

As for what happened to 1-A? The “super American patriot party” doesn’t give a shit about “free speech” - they care about their propaganda/disinfo/misinfo channels remaining unblocked, The End. Just the way the “super American patriot party” made sure Nazi propaganda was flooding the mailboxes of voters all across the USA, back during WW2.

This the Socrates dilemma, same as faced by Socrates in Athens after Creon & his gang was booted from power & democracy re-established: Socrates used his free speech to DESTROY free speech & self-government, not only in Athens, but Thebes & Corinth as well, where students of Socrates used their speech to get themselves installed as DICTATORS & TYRANTS…and they ruled about like we’d expect from Bobo, Empty G, Gaetz, DeSantis, Pompeo, Carlson, and, of course, the Gibbous Orange Nightmare.

They were deposed by popular revolt & bloodshed, and Socrates stopped being seen as a teacher who was “just asking questions”…and was recognized as a threat to Athens, to Greece, to peace & order, and to the dream of self-government itself.

Right now, DeSantis is highlighting one of the major flaws in our system: the between-the-cracks notion that EACH and EVERY state is superior to & outranks the federal republic’s government…and the corollary notion that a state can be *exactly* as UNAMERICAN as it can figure out how - & the federal level/nation-as-a-whole is POWERLESS TO STOP IT.

Make no mistake: what DeSanitized is doing in FLA is every bit as big & as core a crisis any of the others were currently facing: between a captured, partisan SCOTUS, the insurgent House “leadership”, the wall-to-wall overthrow effort to wreck our electoral system, the Texas efforts to get the entire federal level declared “unconstitutional “, the general destruction of “news”, “research”, & “information” at the hands the brainwashing experts (outsourced to Russia) & the chaff-web, we are facing existential threats to the continuation of the nation, public order, and the dreams of the founders and of MILLIONS of us who will be paved over if Florida Man’s fascist loophole experiment goes unchallenged. Or unpunished.
The authoritarian right has scored one strategic victory.
The center is hesitant to do some important things for fear of politicizing the process.
Which is a bit like closing the stable door after the horses have run.

The right, in the meantime, has zero scruples about politicizing anything and everything. But many of them are as oddly constrained as the center. The common-yoke revelations that the GOP is fearfully unable to shed that man, and Foxious has painted itself into a corner by not being able or willing to change the course of the propaganda-fed monster (their customer base) they have created, and who have Fox management walking a tightrope lest their monster eat their faces off … tell me that the problem is multilateral. The cancer is stage three.

The Biden administration seems to be pushing against this lethal deadlock. But to hear Garland be timid is scary. The situation is one that calls for boldness, and we need leaders in the second tier who are willing to break some bones to reset them straight.

It comes down to a Federal government that is perhaps called to be stronger about bringing wayward states to heel and back under the common canopy. States’ rights, being taken as far as they currently are, are poisoning the republic.

What to do in detail is considerably beyond my pay grade. But I have a sense that things are gonna get worse before they do or don’t get better. Timid behavior by the guards of the rule of law could leave open a path or multiple ones to fascist takeover.

I’m thinking more and more that Scotus is the key. We need to find some way to oust the justices who have lied to Congress in order to ascend the bench. It might be the difference between keeping and losing government by, for, of the people.

Maybe I’m simply indulging fatalism. But I know for sure that I’ll be volunteering in Democrat campaigns.
Sock-puppet boy loves him some secret police…maybe a little Red Guard action in the college towns

Federal law enforcement must come to authoritarian heel, eh?
*ONLY* GOP can be trusted to run things, so let them run EVERYthing…*just the way they want to*…then we can proudly take our place beside the Philippines, Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Turkey, Tesla….
Why are republicans still allowed to be in charge of ANYTHING? how many times do you have to demonstrate a complete lack of ability to govern till people quit letting you fuck things up? How stupid are the assholes who keep electing these assholes?
gymshorts jordan ignores reality and acts like his shitshow committee is not a fucking farce...The fucking leader of the house republicans gives tucker carlson thousand of hours of editable footage of the capital building during the jan 6th riots, and the first thing the lying shitbag does id try to make it look like the riot didn't happen...WHILE being sued for fucking lying about the SAME FUCKING SHIT...WHY ARE WE PUTTING UP WITH THIS FUCKING GARBAGE?
FUCK REPUBLICANS...god fucking damn it...i didn't intend to get this pissed today, but motherfuckers gotta fucking push shit...
The authoritarian right has scored one strategic victory.
The center is hesitant to do some important things for fear of politicizing the process.
Which is a bit like closing the stable door after the horses have run.

The right, in the meantime, has zero scruples about politicizing anything and everything. But many of them are as oddly constrained as the center. The common-yoke revelations that the GOP is fearfully unable to shed that man, and Foxious has painted itself into a corner by not being able or willing to change the course of the propaganda-fed monster (their customer base) they have created, and who have Fox management walking a tightrope lest their monster eat their faces off … tell me that the problem is multilateral. The cancer is stage three.

The Biden administration seems to be pushing against this lethal deadlock. But to hear Garland be timid is scary. The situation is one that calls for boldness, and we need leaders in the second tier who are willing to break some bones to reset them straight.

It comes down to a Federal government that is perhaps called to be stronger about bringing wayward states to heel and back under the common canopy. States’ rights, being taken as far as they currently are, are poisoning the republic.

What to do in detail is considerably beyond my pay grade. But I have a sense that things are gonna get worse before they do or don’t get better. Timid behavior by the guards of the rule of law could leave open a path or multiple ones to fascist takeover.

I’m thinking more and more that Scotus is the key. We need to find some way to oust the justices who have lied to Congress in order to ascend the bench. It might be the difference between keeping and losing government by, for, of the people.

Maybe I’m simply indulging fatalism. But I know for sure that I’ll be volunteering in Democrat campaigns.
i'll be doing everything i can do to get the perjerous fucks impeached. Hopefully when (IF) the indictments start flying, crazy ass jenny thomas will be compelled to testify, and her testimony will force uncle thomas to either resign or be impeached...that would be a good start, he's about the most dangerous one, to my mind.
i'll be doing everything i can do to get the perjerous fucks impeached. Hopefully when (IF) the indictments start flying, crazy ass jenny thomas will be compelled to testify, and her testimony will force uncle thomas to either resign or be impeached...that would be a good start, he's about the most dangerous one, to my mind.
Goresuck is a close second.
i'll be doing everything i can do to get the perjerous fucks impeached. Hopefully when (IF) the indictments start flying, crazy ass jenny thomas will be compelled to testify, and her testimony will force uncle thomas to either resign or be impeached...that would be a good start, he's about the most dangerous one, to my mind.
Winning power is everything, they made it that way by declaring war on the constitution, the rule of law, democracy and minorities. Hence the legal dance and even some delays in dealing with Trump, his minions and allies, while Joe isolated them politicly by calling them maga republicans and dividing them from the faction led by Mitch. Their legal shit storm will come at the worst possible time, in 2023 and 2024, in the midst of an internal civil war. It looks like Trump could be running around longer than many expect with all the legal challenges and motions, but sooner or later the feds will indict him. In Georgia they are trying to take power away from the prosecutors and pull the rug out from under the investigation that both targets and involves them. The longer Donald runs around freaking out with an indictment and trial date the better, win all three branches and you can put an end to most of this bullshit pretty quickly with a few smart moves. Impeachment inquires and hearings for certain justices would be in the cards too along with laws to limit gerrymandering which brings you most of the extremist republicans. You just need to win once to cripple them for good and remove their advantages including foxnews and the recent revelations will make that easy.
Why are republicans still allowed to be in charge of ANYTHING? how many times do you have to demonstrate a complete lack of ability to govern till people quit letting you fuck things up? How stupid are the assholes who keep electing these assholes?
gymshorts jordan ignores reality and acts like his shitshow committee is not a fucking farce...The fucking leader of the house republicans gives tucker carlson thousand of hours of editable footage of the capital building during the jan 6th riots, and the first thing the lying shitbag does id try to make it look like the riot didn't happen...WHILE being sued for fucking lying about the SAME FUCKING SHIT...WHY ARE WE PUTTING UP WITH THIS FUCKING GARBAGE?
FUCK REPUBLICANS...god fucking damn it...i didn't intend to get this pissed today, but motherfuckers gotta fucking push shit...
you let a Monday go by in relative serenity. This is the universe rebalancing itself. It’s reassuring, in a way.
i'm not sure Georgia will be able to now, since that fucking stupid ass bitch on the jury ran her mouth. She might have fucked up the deal....if she did, they should throw her ass under the jail for her own protection....if she lets him off the hook, there WILL be people looking to kill her.
Roger, I don’t think “that fucking stupid-ass bitch” deserves that unprovoked ‘caress’…and despite respected commentator clutching hands & wringing pearls, the Myth of Trump, the Eleventy-Dimension chess master, is burned to ash & the ashes flushed. He may be plotting, he may be raging, but he’s NOT THINKING.

He’s REACTING. And that’s pretty much the *worst* look he has.

He’ll keep on reacting - and screwing up massively in doing so, because he never developed any adult self-control. He’s still a child, a bully…and a vengeful little rage monster at heart, and he can’t help but show it with every word and act, with every shift of voice & change of expression. He can’t hide it at all anymore, probably has no idea how utterly transparent he’s become (kinda like the ruined rich guy @The End of Trading Places).

I’ve been spending time with family lately, in a stage-4 white-flight burbclave…deep in super-MAGA territory (it’s all eagle this & patriot that & victory over here - and Jesus all over, of course!). There’s a…diffidence growing among the well-heeled & positioned. For these folks, this is indicative of a deep inner disturbance, like the ideology v reality heating up. I recognize it because I’ve been there, I’ve lived it myself - that sense that I had gone wrong on something fundamental, but couldn’t see what, or where, or why.

Eventually, it led to the willful abandonment of the Christianity I’d been raised with - and the conservative ways & views I’d taken for granted. It wasn’t quick, but it *IS* how I got here.

Kinda can’t believe I’m saying this (or saying it this way), but this is what waking up can look like…especially if we’re caught in a dream, and we’re struggling to make it resolve before we’re forced out…and have to see the world before us.

Back to the jury member over whose statements, hands have been wrung: she was courteous, made nothing but DUH! responses to the questions asked, and she mostly managed to stay away from snark in her replies. AG Willis’ office professes to have no problem with her remarks, and I see no problem in them either. The lunatic review will of course try to inflate them…but the schtick is OLD, desperately old, like a Moody Blues reunion tour: even the die-hardest fans are beginning to get the message that the show’s over. Time to sober up, go home, and see what you have left. Sheepishness, a tinge of regret, the realization of thing undone at home, the sense that thingS are somehow upside down but you can’t…quite….

I see it here, where school board members have been threatened in public, where the pandemic death rate is STILL UNKNOWN, where everyone was …so sure…just a couple of years ago.

They still have most of two years for the overthrow actors in congress to step right ON the center of that dis-ease, for the Caricature-in-Chief to come *all the way apart*, in public. On TV, even. Plenty of time for another 10-20% of their base to gag, puke, and walk out. Which would/will be the end of our peculiar institution of fake conservatism. Possibly for the rest of this century.

Don’t really believe in saving the world anymore, World needs to *want* saving; but I DO actually believe that what happens HERE - how WE resolve these crises & challenges and secure ourselves on a path to a future WE WANT - will echo around the world, and could help turn the tide of authoritarianism & fascism that’s been seeping back into world situations.

Which I guess means WE are leaders of the free world - and maybe it’s up to US to act like it, not just wave slogans, flags, a& eagles
The longer Donald runs around freaking out with an indictment and trial date the better, win all three branches and you can put an end to most of this bullshit pretty quickly with a few smart moves.
“All three branches” cannot be ‘won’: Senate and House are NOT separate branches, they are together the LEGISLATIVE a branch. The third branch is the Judiciary - which is not elected, but appointed.

A few smart moves, tho, as you say:
Impeachment inquires and hearings for certain justices would be in the cards too along with laws to limit gerrymandering which brings you most of the extremist republicans.
See if there’s enough evidence to charge the Federalist society w/ complicity in the overthrow orgyfest. Use that as a base for impeaching them as ‘fruit of the poisoned tree’…and not just SCOTUS: clean them out of the judiciary entirely. Like w/ fleas & bedbugs, we’ve got to be thorough.

You just need to win once to cripple them for good and remove their advantages including foxnews and the recent revelations will make that easy.
We need to win the right ones - a few of them, in fact; I point once again to the ceaseless grinding of the cognitive dissonance on those who’re clinging the tightest. Reality has a way of breaking through illusion
“All three branches” cannot be ‘won’: Senate and House are NOT separate branches, they are together the LEGISLATIVE a branch. The third branch is the Judiciary - which is not elected, but appointed.

A few smart moves, tho, as you say:

See if there’s enough evidence to charge the Federalist society w/ complicity in the overthrow orgyfest. Use that as a base for impeaching them as ‘fruit of the poisoned tree’…and not just SCOTUS: clean them out of the judiciary entirely. Like w/ fleas & bedbugs, we’ve got to be thorough.

We need to win the right ones - a few of them, in fact; I point once again to the ceaseless grinding of the cognitive dissonance on those who’re clinging the tightest. Reality has a way of breaking through illusion
I misspoke, I usually refer to it as a hat trick, but win the presidency and the congress with a big enough majority in the senate and a lot of this shit can be resolved using legislation and regulation. Create two new states if required and get rid of foxnews and their ilk, the feds have the power, it was not an issue in the past.
“All three branches” cannot be ‘won’: Senate and House are NOT separate branches, they are together the LEGISLATIVE a branch. The third branch is the Judiciary - which is not elected, but appointed.

A few smart moves, tho, as you say:

See if there’s enough evidence to charge the Federalist society w/ complicity in the overthrow orgyfest. Use that as a base for impeaching them as ‘fruit of the poisoned tree’…and not just SCOTUS: clean them out of the judiciary entirely. Like w/ fleas & bedbugs, we’ve got to be thorough.

We need to win the right ones - a few of them, in fact; I point once again to the ceaseless grinding of the cognitive dissonance on those who’re clinging the tightest. Reality has a way of breaking through illusion
You don't need to convince everybody, just enough to win.

Here is an example of TV regulation and the power of the feds to regulate TV and an example of how standards of veracity have been eroded mostly by foxnews. What would happen to a TV network that allowed cursing or nudity in the 50s or 60s, what about their free speech rights? Should lying to the public and offering free advertising worth billions to one party be any different? No wonder the republicans have an unfair advantage, in gerrymandering and a dedicated "news" network pumping out propaganda for them 24/7, then there's dark money. No wonder hate and stupidity has such a loud voice in America.

You must win power to change things and if you do, things can change very fast.

“All three branches” cannot be ‘won’: Senate and House are NOT separate branches, they are together the LEGISLATIVE a branch. The third branch is the Judiciary - which is not elected, but appointed.

A few smart moves, tho, as you say:

See if there’s enough evidence to charge the Federalist society w/ complicity in the overthrow orgyfest. Use that as a base for impeaching them as ‘fruit of the poisoned tree’…and not just SCOTUS: clean them out of the judiciary entirely. Like w/ fleas & bedbugs, we’ve got to be thorough.

We need to win the right ones - a few of them, in fact; I point once again to the ceaseless grinding of the cognitive dissonance on those who’re clinging the tightest. Reality has a way of breaking through illusion
Imo there are interlocking strategies to “winning” that ornery third branch over. (This is assuming that top legislators get indicted, and that the forward motion will have a figurative laxative effect.)

1) find a way to disable the corrupt justices. We have no mechanism in place; it’s time to devise one. An amendment to the Constitution would be nice, but thirty-seven State ratifications are not in the cards.

2) Increase the size of the bench and get some justices on board who are unaligned with the Federalist Society.

3) has been happening: appoint appellate judges who don’t smell of maga. It’s good to see that the Biden administration has outpaced that man in getting judges appointed.

So, unlike the other two branches that are primarily shaped by popular elections, we can’t vote on the judges. But we can and do vote folks into those branches who then can go on to steer (slowly and with long response lag, like lighter-than-air flying) the course to the appellate courts.
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We already KNOW what the wrong-wing thinks of “registration”, it’s a prelude to confiscation & elimination.

Def curious to see if ANYONE will register for their own confiscation & elimination…

As for what happened to 1-A? The “super American patriot party” doesn’t give a shit about “free speech” - they care about their propaganda/disinfo/misinfo channels remaining unblocked, The End. Just the way the “super American patriot party” made sure Nazi propaganda was flooding the mailboxes of voters all across the USA, back during WW2.

This is the Socrates dilemma, same as faced by the Athenians after Creon & his gang was booted from power & democracy re-established: Socrates used his free speech to DESTROY free speech & self-government, not only in Athens (where Sew Crates lived quite comfortably with his tyrant student in charge), but Thebes & Corinth as well, where other students of Socrates used his methods & their speech to get themselves installed as DICTATORS & TYRANTS…and they ruled about like we’d expect from Bobo, Empty G, Gaetz, DeSantis, Pompeo, Carlson, and, of course, the Gibbous Orange Nightmare.

They were deposed by popular revolt & bloodshed, and Socrates stopped being seen as a teacher who was “just asking questions”…and was recognized as a threat to Athens, to Greece, to peace & order, and to the dream of self-government itself.

Right now, DeSantis is highlighting one of the major flaws in our system: the between-the-cracks notion that EACH and EVERY state is superior to & outranks the federal republic’s government…and the corollary notion that a state can be *exactly* as UNAMERICAN as it can figure out how - & the federal level/nation-as-a-whole is POWERLESS TO STOP IT.

Make no mistake: what DeSanitized is doing in FLA is every bit as big & as core a crisis any of the others were currently facing: between a captured, partisan SCOTUS, the insurgent House “leadership”, the wall-to-wall overthrow effort to wreck our electoral system, the Texas efforts to get the entire federal level declared “unconstitutional “, the general destruction of “news”, “research”, & “information” at the hands the brainwashing experts (outsourced to Russia) & the chaff-web, we are facing existential threats to the continuation of the nation, public order, and the dreams of the founders and of MILLIONS of us who will be paved over if Florida Man’s fascist loophole experiment goes unchallenged. Or unpunished.

The DeSantis Gubernatorial Recount Formula of Success

Gillum (+.5) + DeSantis (y) = DeSantis +1.00

Solve for (y).
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Imo there are interlocking strategies to “winning” that ornery third branch over. (This is assuming that top legislators get indicted, and that the forward motion will have a figurative laxative effect.)
1) find a way to disable the corrupt justices. We have no mechanism in place; it’s time to devise one. An amendment to the Constitution would be nice, but thirty-seven State ratifications are not in the cards.

2) Increase the size of the bench and get some justices on board who are unaligned with the Federalist Society.

3) has been happening: appoint appellate judges who don’t smell of maga. It’s good to see that the Biden administration has outpaced that man in getting judges appointed.

So, unlike the other two branches that are primarily shaped by popular elections, we can’t vote on the judges. But we can and do vote folks into those branches who then can go on to steer (slowly and with long response lag, like lighter-than-air flying) the appellate courts.

They're all on vid lying through their teeth during Confirmation Hearings. If there is nothing we can do about, then why do we even do it?
This is all you hear at Corporate..it's all about the Shareholder and how many more pennies per share stock price is trading and is there a split any time in the future for a paper trade?
