Yoo please tell me do you buffer or treat your r/o water? My R/O comes out with a PH of 10 and seems to be unmeasurable ( it swings up and down )
..........Theres 2 small airstones oxygenating the RO water 24hrs a day in a 4L water bottle ,use sometimes more or less part of it daily , then RO refill daily bubbling.....the PH here shows it 7.2,,,,I keep premixed the 25%PHdown and RO75% bottled for use....1 drip doesnt intensely change the PH lower as it is added to the bubbling water ,,very more measurable and dispersed for a minute then checked and it stays put.....also Keep ur PH meter ROwet daily by make sure its wet when capped ,mine is in its 4th year because it hasnt dried out yet ,and it helps clean off other things it gets stuck into...Just a drip of potassium silicate once in a while is my favourite buffer ...a drip of anything mixes in the bubbling RO better than ever..in a smaller jug top dressing is bubbled well with RO that when added doesnt just stay on the top that day,,lol ....a drip of micronutes and ur grow nute bubbled well for young plants.