what's burning my seedlings


Well-Known Member
I germinated 4 super skunk seeds one week ago. I now have the 4 seedlings in a wardrobe with nine 26 watt cfls over them. They appear to be singed, I took a picture but in the photo, they look green. I'll try to adjust the camera to get a more accurate pic up here.

In the meantime, my question is what is making the leaves get darker in the creases of the leaves? My lights were about 4-5 inches from the seedlings and I am using MG potting mix. I'm thinking it might be the nutes in the soil but I really have no idea.


New Member
Get your lights closer (1 or 2 inches) and the mg potting soil has nutes in it... that's probably what is causing the singing.


Well-Known Member
Ok, moved the lights back down. What can I do about the soil? Do I just let them grow out of it? Should I scrap the lot and start over?


New Member
You can try to keep growing them but if you want to save yourself the hassle just start over and get some better soil.


Well-Known Member
yea that soil will burn them... you can flush really well and maybe transplant to normal potting soil...

I fought off a very very bad nute burn on one of my babies (turns out perlite had nutes in it) and one of them thrived, one was sorta hurt, and one was very badly burned... She was fugly man, I just knew she would die, but 3 weeks later and she's strong!

it's a weed! most likely it will get better!


Well-Known Member
these 4 are still in styrofoam cups. I flushed them all really well (I think). I hate to waste money (I'm broke). Could I just flush this mg soil I already have a few times before transplanting to the big pots?

I also have a ton of vermiculite and perlite I'm using in a shroom grow (simple pf tek). Should I throw some perlite and verm into the mix? if so, how much?


Well-Known Member
roughly 1/3 of perlite to soil or 1/3 of vermiculite but not too much.... P.S I use MG and mine are fine are you adding any nutes?


Well-Known Member
roughly 1/3 of perlite to soil or 1/3 of vermiculite but not too much.... P.S I use MG and mine are fine are you adding any nutes?
thanks, so I'm clear that mix would be 2/3 soil and 1/3 perlite OR verm?

No nutes. From what I've read I thought I wouldn't need them for a while. I haven't even bought any yet.

Stupid question, would a hydro shop have bud specific nutes for soil or just hydro setups?? and if they have'em for soil, how do I know which ones are best? I was gonna just pick up some regular 2-1-1 (or close to it) but it seems there are a lot of better options.


New Member
OK, here you go:

2 parts Schultz's "Potting Soil Plus."
1 part Perlite. (Keeps oxygen going through the mix)
1 part Vermiculite. (Helps to retain moisture)
1 part Worm Castings. (The plants LOVE this stuff)
1 SMALL handful of Granulated Dolomite Lime per TWO gallons of soil mix. (Helps to stablize PH)

Veg Nutrient: Peter's "Jack's Classic" 20-20-20.
Flowering: Peter's "Jack's Classic Blossom Booster" 10-30-20

All of the ingredients for the soil mix can be bought at your local nursery.

Here's where to get the nutrients via mail order:


With the soil mix I gave you, you won't need any nutrients for 45 days. After that, use the Peter's at ONLY 1/4 strength of what is called for on the package.

Use the above. Get your digi-cam ready.

Then right before harvest, send some pics to High Times Magazine. :lol:



Well-Known Member
Thanks VI et al. I've never seen worm castings before, I hope this nearby shop has them. The nutes are apparently sold within 1000 feet of my doorstep. I didn't look at nutes when I was there but the website says they sell'em. They were out of the shultz last I checked (that was what the guy reccomended for soil but they were out, I got the mg cuz it was all they had in small bags).

I'll use what I have for two pots ( mg with 1/3 perlite/verm) and get the other stuff for the other two pots and subsequent grows. If there is any justice in this world, I'll get a girl or two out these 4.

BTW, from reading another thread I now guess that my seedlings were stressed from heat cuz they were too low into highly reflective and heat insulating white foam cups.

So...I cut down the sides of the cups and placed a fan on low over them. The lights are about 1.5 inches from the tops of each plant. They should be fine now...I hope.

last question for whomever (for now)--if/when I post some pics, is it OK to post pics from my first time shroom grow as well?


Well-Known Member
worm castings are at wall mart, listen to what he said. I made the mistake of gettin to into it, just cover the bases with air, 1/2 nutes and slowly go up, more is BAD until flower. keep it simple weed like airy soil so get good soil like fafard3b or sunshine mix and give them light, i made a 400watt MH for 60 dollars and I can get u one for cheeper. stay with MH or HPS


Well-Known Member
i was about to say heat stress, wat are ur temps in there?

Gotta get a real thermometer, but the temp according to my clock radio is about 76F after I put the fan in...so it was probably considerably hotter before. I was checking out your grow--looks great. I also learned that the "burning" was looking at is actually a purple color that is natural early on for some strains. They still are small as shit though for 8 days on.

After I run some errands, ima post some pics of my pitiful bastards, hopefully some kind soul can help me turn things around. I'd do a grow journal but at this point, I'm not sure if i'm growing anything. I'll just use this same thread for all my stupid questions.