16 oz drink cup chalange


Well-Known Member
here are the rules
1- must have a camera so every one can see the grow
2- must keep plant in 16 oz drink cup from veg to flower
any takers?
3-germ & ferts are open to what you like to use.
4-must start from seed. even bag seed will work!
i would like to see who could do the best grow in a 16 oz cup from start to finish
if you want to take up the chalange please post that you are up for the chalange. to all that enter good luck.
lets see who can get the best yeald from a 16 oz cup grow. are you up for the chalange?


Well-Known Member
Rule #4 - Must plant from seed.

I am down as soon as my seeds arrive, they should be here this week.
I'll be using 1 NL and 1 Bubblelicious both from Nirvana.


Well-Known Member
not too much confadance in abilty out ther. if i had a camera i would do this.
i just want to see how good some of you are. i guess there is more bs talk then abilty out there. you bser's know who you are.
must be too much of a chalange for some. come on people show your skills


Well-Known Member
Why not start from clones if you can? Isn't the idea to see who can get the best yield from a 16oz cup? Seems to be you should be able to employ whatever techniques you can. If lights aren't restricted I don't see where there is going to much fair competition. If all I had was a 16oz cup I would make a rockwool form to fit a 16 oz cup, start with a clone and use hand feed hydro.

The idea is to see who can maximize root space and efficiency right?


Well-Known Member
Thats a great idea.. Also if clones are restricted would growing from seed.. then takign a clone from the seedling to continue grow be permitted? After all it WAS started from seed in 16oz cup.


Well-Known Member
no. why not just grow from seed to finish rather than being gay and takin a clone. plus its still classifies as a "CLONE".


Well-Known Member
Well yeah.

Rule #5 Have to use some sort of soil, no hydro.
If you hydra you can just have the roots hanging out the bottom of the cup and have a fucking monster plant. How fair is that to someone growing in soil?

Anyway, I wanted to grow in a 16oz cup ever since I saw https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/16260-16oz-cup-flower-veg-amazing-2.html

I recieved my Bubblelicious and Northern Light from Nirvana, I am germing 2 seeds of each strain, I'll be putting one of each in 16oz cups.

The only thing I can say is that if I get females in the 16oz cups and no females from the other few seeds I will start then they will be pulled from the cups and be made my resident mother of that strain.


Well-Known Member
to many rules.

why not the only rule be: you have to grow within the cup. that's it. seed, clone, leaf as long as it stays within the cup. hydro, soil, plugs, pellets as long as it stays WITHIN the cup. flashlights, grow lights, sunlight whatever you got as long as it stays within the cup. make it simple and wide open. you will have a better competition.


Well-Known Member
I agree too, many rules. We typically love to complicate things.
I like what FDD has to say, and the kiss attitude...one rule rocks!!

It dosent matter all the differences amongst the grow styles chosen. Just publicly keep everyone informed as to how you'll proceed. This way everyone will come out a winner, I may choose to mimmick your grow because of the aspects that appealed to me, while someone else may choose to mimmick someone elses grow for reasons that appealed to him. It'll be educational for sure!

to many rules.

why not the only rule be: you have to grow within the cup. that's it. seed, clone, leaf as long as it stays within the cup. hydro, soil, plugs, pellets as long as it stays WITHIN the cup. flashlights, grow lights, sunlight whatever you got as long as it stays within the cup. make it simple and wide open. you will have a better competition.


you guys should do something totally different...16 oz. cups is played out...why not see what kind of yield you can get out of a 4 oz. cup? now that is a challenge...also like FDD said cup size should be the only rule...


Well-Known Member
I am glad you guys are on the same page with me. I have a buddy with the same size grow room as I have and we have competitions to see who can get the best yield or the the best "nug". Nug's are judged by our peers on weight, density, size, and quality. The nug submitted for review is judged and the winner gets an oz from the other persons grow. No ridiculous rules, just grow what you can.

I like the idea of the 16 oz cup, but as long as it stays in the cup, why does it matter what medium? Restricting everything limits people creativity and limits the amount that we can learn as a community from this experiment.


Well-Known Member
I think the reason they wanted to use seeds only is so that everyone was starting from the same point.If they allowed clones, then some ppl may be having a slight head start due to their clone being further ahead rootwiseor something. The thing is they said you can only do one cup- no starting 10 looking for a female- so I think alot of those guys burned a fem seed....