Good point, but these are different times. A lot more tax revenue on cannabis than alcohol. The money is just pouring in, and they love it. Plus the lobbyists will pretty much throw whatever at it. Money is no object to them anymore. I'd be more worried about them taking away home grow, than making it illegal altogether. All this just bring my opinion. I could just be really high and talking out my ass like usual. LolBut how about "The Great Experiment" when alcohol was banned, even though they lost money from the sales and taxes they still went forward with it.
ThSo a bunch of close minded old fuddy duddies who still believe all the Hurst era reefer madness bullshit think all the countries should only play nice if the U.S goes back into prohibition...
I'd fight in this war.
It’s interesting they have nothing to say about alcohol and prescription drugs……..Not that I do or have ever needed permission to use a plant God made for us to use lolSo a bunch of close minded old fuddy duddies who still believe all the Hurst era reefer madness bullshit think all the countries should only play nice if the U.S goes back into prohibition...
I'd fight in this war.
I'd be more worried about them taking away home grow, than making it illegal altogether.
I save this language for rare situations that I think are appropriate, so a hardy FUCK THEM is in orderSilly me forgot to post the article link..
May be still fine if your medical..
( But still, fuckmthem for sticking their greasy noses in our personal business anyway)
INCB did say that more simple decriminalization of possession without allowing sales “can be considered consistent with the conventions as far as it respects the obligation to limit the use of drugs to medical and scientific purposes and under the condition that it remains within certain limits set by the conventions.”
where does Canada sit with this? they aren't getting flack?
I don't see how this should be viewed as a negative action by the UN. The United States is clearly in violation of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs. The US is a member of the UN and is supposed to follow the same rules as every other member. Some of the assistance that is given to other member states in need is dependent on those countries following the rules that exist for the entire body of the UN including adherence to the 1961 Convention. Yet at the same time the US is breaking the same rules that they're expected to follow. It's nothing more than a valid admonishment. Nothing is going to happen.
You can read the full 1961 convention here:
despite the laws regarding it legality, the concept of marijuana is ellusive these days. The entire US doesn't even know what/when/where marijauna is anymore. the 2018 farm bill messed that up. even a weed plant... if they found one they would have to dry it completely and then put it through an assay on the entire plant material to make a determination...given thcd9 often comes naturally in hemp levels on most processed buds, plants won't even qualify as marijuana. most bud in CO is just hemp. i can buy hemp with super high thc online with a credit card accross states...because it qualifieds as hemp. no one told congress that thca doesn't become tchd9 until it's up in smoke for the most part. we don't even really have marijuana except for a few rare occasions here and there.
I just skimmed over the 61 Convention, I'll go back and read it in it's entirety later but from what I gathered there are exceptions for Hemp and language that specifies consumption as a drug. Recreational cannabis in the United States is consumption of a drug.
Anyway the point I was trying to make was that there really shouldn't be any outrage at the UN when all they did was point out that the US is not following the rules they agreed to follow. The United States does it all the time when other UN members are in violation of the rules.
As for what marijuana actually is well that's another topic all in itself. I think I'll experiment with some samples to try and find out.![]()
Cannabis may not be a drug if it is recreational only. There are a lot of definitions of what a drug is. National cancer institute...first one on Google, says drugs treat a symptom or disease. Rec wouldnt qualify in that case.
Weed pills will never work - look at the nicotine patch - a colossal failure because smoking has little or nothing to do with nicotine nor THC.Aha! Maybe soon if this were ever to happen we may see if Americans truly love and are willing to defend their freedoms! Remember, big-pharma is terrified of MARIJUANA. Even the dumbest of the dumb at this point undestand (whether they will admit to it or not) the health benefits of the plant and it's many therapeutic effects on many ailments. Remember that the elites recently conducted a global experiment in obedience, and many MANY fell for it.
In addition, a good number of other factors in play here.
1. They don't need to tax a plant - they just print more cash nowadays when they need more. You pay for it in the end anyway in the form of higher prices. lol
2. They could turn around tomorrow and release a pill (if they haven't already) that does the same thing as MARIJUANA. AND they'd tax it AND a HUGE percentage of current weed heads would have no problem going with that option, if there were no other.
3. The USA's global hegemony is coming to and end. The US DOLLAR is coming to and end. Eventually, Americans will be so divided that they'll prefer to cower in their basements, consuming their government-sanctioned "weed-pills" and escaping reality in their seclusion bunkers of Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, sports, celebrity intrigue, weird porn, vidya, VR ... etc. etc.
I wish people would speak out. I wish people would turn their backs on the global elites and the groupthink slave mentality. Reject TikTok. Reject McDonalds. I know there are many of you who know what I mean. Find your own ways, but come together as people to do it. We don't have to be their slaves anymore if we just wake up.
HEY! Bonus round! You vill eat ze bugs! You vill live in ze pod, and you vil bow down to ze central bank CBDC!
When Arizona legalized by citizen referendum they enacted rules on where the revenue would go. A big chunk goes to community colleges and law enforcement. Not surprisingly, the police say they've seen no problems with dispensaries or home grows. The state seems quite happy with the tax revenue. Everybody is under the same tent. Our local Ace Hardware sells lots of cannabis grow soils and nutrients. They have pallets of Ocean Forest and Happy Frog.So a bunch of close minded old fuddy duddies who still believe all the Hurst era reefer madness bullshit think all the countries should only play nice if the U.S goes back into prohibition...
I'd fight in this war.