just dogs


  • Sit

    Votes: 41 16.3%
  • Fetch

    Votes: 46 18.3%
  • Belly Scratchers

    Votes: 80 31.7%
  • Dog Farts

    Votes: 68 27.0%
  • Leg Humps

    Votes: 28 11.1%
  • Cookie? Good boy..

    Votes: 58 23.0%
  • @Ceasar Milan, Fuck you!

    Votes: 102 40.5%

  • Total voters

Unga Bunga

Well-Known Member
Someone has to stand up and say what everyone is thinking.Im that guy,I feel kinda sad that it went down like this but it had to be said.I believe the owner will do the right thing.
I likely would have done the same thing if he and his dog had caused trouble before . If it's a sanctioned dog park and he doesn't do anything I'd get animal control involved . I try not to be "that guy" but when my dogs safety is threatened all bets are off .

My story started with the neighbors dogs showing extreme aggression towards mine from a distance while under the control of their owners . It happened every time they saw him so I knew to be cautious .

The first time both of them pushed open a door with a faulty latch as we walked by at a distance of about 30' . I saw them coming but my dog didn't so I was able to scoop him up just in time . I held him as high as I could (I'm 5'11") but they took turns leaping at him as I fended them off with knees to their chest . They were totally unfazed .

The female owner heard the commotion and was able to get one back inside as the other continued it's attack . Then she got the other . I was basically in shock and just told her not to let it happen again . I was expecting a visit from her husband but it never happened . After 3 weeks I saw him outside and confronted him in a very neighborly way . We talked at length and he vowed to fix the door and keep his dogs controlled .

One month later it happened again . Just one broke out but it was the bigger and most determined of the two . This time my dog saw him coming and moved behind me , my only option with only a few seconds to react was to wrap his leash around my wrist and yank him up by the neck just as the bulldog was on him . I literally pulled him from his jaws with not a second to spare .

This time nobody came to control the dog . I was left fending him off with knees and kicks for several minutes until another neighbor heard me yelling "I'll fucking kill you !!" and came to help . I stood there dazed as a little girl ran up crying and asking if her little friend Jake was ok . I checked him over and reassured her he was fine , then realized I felt like I was having a heart attack .

I went and laid on the couch for a while , the little dude licking my face and whining , he's a licker but not a whiner , he knew something was wrong with me . After a bit we went back out and he got his morning 45 minute walk .

Again I expected a visit that never came . This time I armed myself with a can of bear spray and the butt half of an acrylic pool cue , I carried it every time we went outside . I looked like the dog Nazi and didn't care . A few weeks went by and I saw the male owner driving down our street . I stepped out into the middle of the road and he actually tried to go around me . Wasn't gonna happen .

He rolled down the window and as he opened his mouth I told him to shut his fucking Billy goat bearded tattooed Harley riding lifted diesel truck driving mouth and listen to what I had to say . I'm not a confrontational guy but I'm told that when I lose it I'm a bit scary .

I told him that the next time he could expect a dead or severely injured dog . The the HOA , police and an attorney would be involved . He tried to speak and I shut him down again . His Adams apple was having fits . A few months later they moved . I no longer carry weapons but I probably should .

Sorry for the long winded post but I still get emotional thinking about it 3 years after the fact .
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Well-Known Member
Dog had a muzzle on today,I waved and said thanks.He was hoping the dog would get better but admitted its going to take more time.Some are just grumpy.
Didn't see the little dog,hope its OK.

Unga Bunga

Well-Known Member
Dog had a muzzle on today,I waved and said thanks.He was hoping the dog would get better but admitted its going to take more time.Some are just grumpy.
Didn't see the little dog,hope its OK.
Well at least he got the hint . I'm not sure I'd bring my little dude back if he'd been attacked at a dog park . He and I both would probably be stressed .

That's the only thing I don't like about having a very small dog , the fact that almost anything can kick their ass . Mine is sturdy and pound for pound he's pretty tough , but he's still 15lbs at best .


Well-Known Member
I lost the battle over the spiked collar. So the girl is sporting a pink harness. I was never actually going to put a spiked collar on her though.

She's really good on her walks though. She doesn't pull at all. She also got a clean bill of health from the vet who said she's more likely around 5 and not the 8 years old the shelter guessed her at. I really wonder what her history is. She was a stray so nobody really knows. She's really well behaved, house trained, and her teeth are in excellent shape. She wasn't a neglected dog. Only she knows her story and she's not talking.

We're going to order a nicer harness online this is just a temporary one the lady picked up at Ross. I'm not impressed with the quality. My baby deserves the best.



Well-Known Member
I lost the battle over the spiked collar. So the girl is sporting a pink harness. I was never actually going to put a spiked collar on her though.

She's really good on her walks though. She doesn't pull at all. She also got a clean bill of health from the vet who said she's more likely around 5 and not the 8 years old the shelter guessed her at. I really wonder what her history is. She was a stray so nobody really knows. She's really well behaved, house trained, and her teeth are in excellent shape. She wasn't a neglected dog. Only she knows her story and she's not talking.

We're going to order a nicer harness online this is just a temporary one the lady picked up at Ross. I'm not impressed with the quality. My baby deserves the best.

View attachment 5276168
I use what they call a gentle lead for Odin


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I lost the battle over the spiked collar. So the girl is sporting a pink harness. I was never actually going to put a spiked collar on her though.

She's really good on her walks though. She doesn't pull at all. She also got a clean bill of health from the vet who said she's more likely around 5 and not the 8 years old the shelter guessed her at. I really wonder what her history is. She was a stray so nobody really knows. She's really well behaved, house trained, and her teeth are in excellent shape. She wasn't a neglected dog. Only she knows her story and she's not talking.

We're going to order a nicer harness online this is just a temporary one the lady picked up at Ross. I'm not impressed with the quality. My baby deserves the best.

View attachment 5276168
I love the Julius K9 harnesses

No affiliation, just a satisfied customer


Global Moderator
Staff member
I lost the battle over the spiked collar. So the girl is sporting a pink harness. I was never actually going to put a spiked collar on her though.

She's really good on her walks though. She doesn't pull at all. She also got a clean bill of health from the vet who said she's more likely around 5 and not the 8 years old the shelter guessed her at. I really wonder what her history is. She was a stray so nobody really knows. She's really well behaved, house trained, and her teeth are in excellent shape. She wasn't a neglected dog. Only she knows her story and she's not talking.

We're going to order a nicer harness online this is just a temporary one the lady picked up at Ross. I'm not impressed with the quality. My baby deserves the best.
She's got an awful lot of grey around her eyes and muzzle to be 5 IMHO. Our Boerboel is 7 and fawn color and has less.
A sweetie none the less.

Unga Bunga

Well-Known Member
I lost the battle over the spiked collar. So the girl is sporting a pink harness. I was never actually going to put a spiked collar on her though.

She's really good on her walks though. She doesn't pull at all. She also got a clean bill of health from the vet who said she's more likely around 5 and not the 8 years old the shelter guessed her at. I really wonder what her history is. She was a stray so nobody really knows. She's really well behaved, house trained, and her teeth are in excellent shape. She wasn't a neglected dog. Only she knows her story and she's not talking.

We're going to order a nicer harness online this is just a temporary one the lady picked up at Ross. I'm not impressed with the quality. My baby deserves the best.

View attachment 5276168
Thank you for the update , and thank you for taking in a dog that nobody else wanted . My kinda human !


Well-Known Member
She's got an awful lot of grey around her eyes and muzzle to be 5 IMHO. Our Boerboel is 7 and fawn color and has less.
A sweetie none the less.
Yeah I don't know how old she really is. The vet checkup was just the free wellness check we got. We're going to get her into our regular vet but he's booked out for awhile. She's had all her shot's except the Leptospirosis which we wanted to get right away as some of the neighbors have backyard chickens and we see a rat from time to time. That's stuff is nothing to play with. It can kill a dog in a matter of days.

I see those ASCPA commercials & want to adopt so bad but Poop patrol is already at 2, 4gal buckets a week.
Total we have over 200 lbs of canines in our casa ATM & momma says NO.
We're going to get another smaller rescue dog so she has company.

The poop patrol around here has been the bottom of my shoe. :mrgreen:

Unga Bunga

Well-Known Member
I see those ASCPA commercials & want to adopt so bad but Poop patrol is already at 2, 4gal buckets a week.
Total we have over 200 lbs of canines in our casa ATM & momma says NO.
I have to change channels . They make me tear up . There was just a puppy mill situation up in Massachusetts I saw on the news yesterday where they took 60+ small dogs to various shelters . I want to take them so bad but time/money/HOA issues won't let me .

I just tell myself I have to do it one at a time and that there will be one waiting for me when the time comes .

I would honestly be ok being surrounded by rescue dogs for the rest of my life . I like humans but if I had to choose...