Faces of the master race.


MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A formerly well-connected Republican donor, accused of plying petite, vulnerable teenage girls with cash, liquor and gifts, goes on trial Tuesday on federal charges of sex trafficking minors.

Anton “Tony” Lazzaro is charged with seven counts involving “commercial sex acts” with five minors ages 15 and 16 in 2020, when he was 30 years old. His indictment touched off a political firestorm that led to the downfall of Jennifer Carnahan as chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota.

His co-defendant, Gisela Castro Medina, who formerly led the College Republicans chapter at the University of St. Thomas, pleaded guilty to two counts last year. She is cooperating with prosecutors and will testify against him. She faces sentencing in August.

Lazzaro denies the sex-trafficking allegations. He says the government targeted him for political reasons and because of his wealth.

Racism and bigotry are the whole point, and this proves the point.

Isn't that what Disney always did, make kids and people more "woke"? Maybe they should change the name of the place to Wokeland and make that their theme, teaching children to be better human beings while amusing and entertaining them. That's why they've had trouble with everything from the Teletubbies to Sesame Street, and why they are fucking with education so much, they don't want their kids growing up knowing how evil and stupid they are. They don't want the truth to be taught in schools, good luck with that and book banning in the internet and cellphone age, when kids read books on their phones and ebook readers all the time. How hard would it be for a teacher to assign online research for reports about slavery, history or biology, or direct them to a YouTube video on Slavery or J6 and tell them to write a one-page report based on the video?

Will there be a news blackout in Red States if Trump is arrested? Will they make reporting anything bad about him illegal, to protect the children mind you. Or to protect the parents who supported a criminal fool and traitor from the shame of their children's judgement? "You're a sucker dad" is the last thing they wanna hear from their kids, especially when they quote fox's opinion of him and those like him...

I wonder if the made an exception for the Bible and if that is banned, quoting from it should be too...

Why a Disney movie about Ruby Bridges is under review by a Florida school district

1,681 views Mar 29, 2023 #CNN #News
"Ruby Bridges," a film about a Black first grader who integrated an all-White elementary school in the South, is under review in a Florida school district after a parent objected to the movie's use of slurs and argued it could teach students that "White people hate Black people," according to school officials and documents obtained by CNN. CNN's Leyla Santiago has the story. #CNN #News
Racism and bigotry are the whole point, and this proves the point.

Isn't that what Disney always did, make kids and people more "woke"? Maybe they should change the name of the place to Wokeland and make that their theme, teaching children to be better human beings while amusing and entertaining them. That's why they've had trouble with everything from the Teletubbies to Sesame Street, and why they are fucking with education so much, they don't want their kids growing up knowing how evil and stupid they are. They don't want the truth to be taught in schools, good luck with that and book banning in the internet and cellphone age, when kids read books on their phones and ebook readers all the time. How hard would it be for a teacher to assign online research for reports about slavery, history or biology, or direct them to a YouTube video on Slavery or J6 and tell them to write a one-page report based on the video?

Will there be a news blackout in Red States if Trump is arrested? Will they make reporting anything bad about him illegal, to protect the children mind you. Or to protect the parents who supported a criminal fool and traitor from the shame of their children's judgement? "You're a sucker dad" is the last thing they wanna hear from their kids, especially when they quote fox's opinion of him and those like him...

I wonder if the made an exception for the Bible and if that is banned, quoting from it should be too...

Why a Disney movie about Ruby Bridges is under review by a Florida school district

1,681 views Mar 29, 2023 #CNN #News
"Ruby Bridges," a film about a Black first grader who integrated an all-White elementary school in the South, is under review in a Florida school district after a parent objected to the movie's use of slurs and argued it could teach students that "White people hate Black people," according to school officials and documents obtained by CNN. CNN's Leyla Santiago has the story. #CNN #News
i can't understand the logic republican parents can manifest.
It ok to teach children lies, as long as they're lies that don't frighten or offend their parents.
The children learning the truth would help them not be frightened or offended, would help them get along with everyone they come in contact with, would help make them better people...but we can't have that. The only reason i can think of that we can't have that, is that republicans want to use the educational system as indoctrination camps, so that they can keep the "cultural wars" that they start and perpetuate running, so that they can continue to have people stupid and frightened enough to believe their lies....? is that right? why don't we just get rid of the lying fucking republicans? within a year this would be a better country, and a better world.
i can't understand the logic republican parents can manifest.
It ok to teach children lies, as long as they're lies that don't frighten or offend their parents.
The children learning the truth would help them not be frightened or offended, would help them get along with everyone they come in contact with, would help make them better people...but we can't have that. The only reason i can think of that we can't have that, is that republicans want to use the educational system as indoctrination camps, so that they can keep the "cultural wars" that they start and perpetuate running, so that they can continue to have people stupid and frightened enough to believe their lies....? is that right? why don't we just get rid of the lying fucking republicans? within a year this would be a better country, and a better world.
DeSantis seems to be effectively tapping into toxic evangelical grievance points, even more so than Captain Chaos.
i can't understand the logic republican parents can manifest.
It ok to teach children lies, as long as they're lies that don't frighten or offend their parents.
The children learning the truth would help them not be frightened or offended, would help them get along with everyone they come in contact with, would help make them better people...but we can't have that. The only reason i can think of that we can't have that, is that republicans want to use the educational system as indoctrination camps, so that they can keep the "cultural wars" that they start and perpetuate running, so that they can continue to have people stupid and frightened enough to believe their lies....? is that right? why don't we just get rid of the lying fucking republicans? within a year this would be a better country, and a better world.
They are pissing against the wind of history, every generation has less influence over their kids than the last and the same thing goes for local culture, including religion. When public schools arrived, people started to have less influence over their kids and the ideas they were exposed to, then there were newspapers, magazines and books, then radio, then TV, then the internet and now cellphones. It all takes time, and the more time the kids spend with tech and the broader culture, the less they are influenced by their parents and their beliefs. People used to vote because their daddy voted that way, not so much these days.

That is why the religious loonies and bigots need so much control over their kids with religious schools and bible camps, changing the curriculum in public schools, getting rid of evolution, civics and history. Like book burning it is all a futile attempt by stupid and desperate assholes who know they are losing the culture wars and power in America. If they weren't losers, they wouldn't need to cheat, lie, steal, change the rules of the game, Gerrymander, suppress the vote, or ask for Russian help to win elections. The biggest problem is they know they are losers and need to do this shit to try and stay in the game nationally.