Hey Fogdog,I think it all is a combo of the Wlid West mentality and a deep seated distrust of Govt. and "being ready" for govt.repression of freedom,that's my take and I'm certainly not a social/historical guru by any means.Banning AR-15's and the like for civilian use would not stop mass shootings and even if it were done the existing #'s of these guns is off the charts,but it'd be a start,and from there generous buybacks could get more off the street. The tumbling and fragmentation of the bullet is atrocious for surgeons compared to wounds from a bullet that exits straight thru the body.They are simply sinister in the damage they do and are strictly made for war to cause horrific wounds and turn a 3hr.surgery into a 15hr. surgery plus all the infection potential trying to remove shards of the fragged bullet.A shot gun is better suited for hitting a home intruder,a rifle is better for hunting and a pistol for carry and personal protection,assault rifles on the other hand are simply unnecessary and if their "fun" to fire at the range too bad,that argument doesn't fly.