Well-Known Member
I got lost in a really bad DC neighborhood just blocks from the capitol in my early 20's....Got chased out of there and I was scared shitless...We were trying to do some sight seeing. I remember we saw a sign for I-95 and we said lets get the fuck outta here! Never been back!
The buddy I visited in VT was doing an internship in St Thomas after graduation. So another buddy and I went and visited him and his future wife down there. He was working and she picked us up from the airport. She immediately drove us to the Caribbean ghetto to get weed straight from the airport. We were driving in the shanty town and then all of a sudden were stopped because a bicycle was in the middle of the road. And I was like fuck this is a setup this is how we get robbed and possibly murdered. Fuck we just got here. And then some dude ran out and moved the bike and everything was fine but it was sketchy as fuck lol.